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Posts posted by Sorwen

  1. I just want to know FOR CERTAIN if you can recruit your romances from before, AND if you can continue your romance with them. That's mainly what I'm wondering about when it comes to companions.


    If I find Andronikus in a pirate armada with a new girlfriend and he can't leave because he's too busy doing whatever, my FemQuizzie is not going to be happy. And neither will I.

    I have some characters this is really important on(my Jedi Guardian this is a must), some that wouldn't care(Agent), and some that are looking for new conquests(my Jedi Sentinel). I'm hoping they account for all of these things, but I worry that they don't care.

  2. Really it isn't that hard to understand even if you run everything. It depends greatly on what level/quests you have once you pick up the 12x XP. While there might be other points 25-35 depending on quests you've already completed you could seriously be under XP even with the 12x. You could have used up all the quest that should have pushed you through those levels. I had a couple characters I had to everything on to be able to finally catch up to where my character should be for the 12x to give the correct amount to stay with or ahead of the curve.


    Makeb storyline does give 12x. And it also has the GSI bolster which lets your epic hero take out the trash quests like he should on the way.

    It does to 55 then the 12x cuts off even for Makeb. While you could end up over it is still possible to end up short depending on your character. Start a new character or a character that can start Makeb at 50 should get you there or even a little over.

  3. What more were you hoping for with Legacy?


    Edit: I don't remember Legacy was mentioned by the devs before launch.

    It was mentioned well before launch. Specifics were kind of short before launch though. It was another of those big plans with vague hits of all the cool things we would get. When the game released short they kept hinting at all these future plans they had for it.


    As to your question there are some old threads in my sig with additional ideas. Though some of those ideas have been added or made pointless. Thing I would still like to see? More/better options for linking on the UI(among other things still want to link NPCs on there), ways to present my legacy to others and others to present their legacy to me, some acknowledgement from the game it is aware of legacy(this could be anything really), more Legacy perks rather than just per character perks, etc.

  4. So there have been a lot of various things that we were sold this game on in the beginning that really didn't go anywhere. The thing for me that was a real let down was Legacy. There were supposed to be all kinds of grand plans for the future of legacy that kind of dropped to the wayside and there were so many things we hopped they meant by that.


    Is there something you feel they've pretty much dropped that you want to see them go back to adding/doing?

  5. Many of the people that even use the NGE comparison(or hate on it) don't even know what it means. They've decided what they want it to mean and that makes it fact. I actually haven't seen any actual comparisons to it(or ones that made a lick of sense). SoR is the only thing EAware has done that has come close. At this point they would have to strip all combat out and all you do is what the story for it to compare to NGE. They already dumbed it down so it is almost impossible they could make it worse at this point.


    That said I can see a concern that the game will get boring for some with no side quests even in the 1-60 content....depending on what that means. Many of the planets have side quest stories that have nothing to do with the class story. If you get board of class story you have something to do that isn't that or flashpoints. However we still have no clue what they mean about getting rid of side quests.

  6. There are always certain villains who's presence alone strikes fear into the hearts of others. Darth Vader and Darth Maul are good examples. They are scary, threatening, and menacing. Emperor Vitiate is the same way, just a total monster. At the end SOR it seemed the were continuing a story arch with Vitiate as the main antagonist, but now with KOTFE they seem to be going in whole other direction with this new immortal emperor who just came out of the blue. No doubt there has to be a connection between Valkorian and Vitiate... How many immortal emperors can there be out there after all? However If Vitiate is indeed included in the new story he will take more of a backseat role while Valkorian and his son or sons will be center stage. The new trailer was cool and certainly made the expanding story arch look interesting and mysterious, but Valkorian and his sons just don't come off especially threatening or give off that special menacing aura. The sons come off a couple spoiled rich kids with daddy issues and Valkorian just looks like some regular dude you would see shopping at Home Depot if he lost the fancy extravagant outfit. They just don't invoke the fear in me that Vitiate does. The one son is kinda scary to a degree after he receives cybernetics, but pales in comparison to someone like Darth Malgus. Hopefully as the new story progresses these guys will become far scarier than they appear at first.

    Many villains are not scary till you know their story. Vitiate certainly isn't. He is faceless and vague for most of the game. In A New Hope Vader isn't at first. He is just this dark figure until in the first few minutes of the movie you see him choking a guy as nonchalantly as someone clearing their throat. Then that dark visage becomes menacing instead. Malagus seems that way because we have Vader to compare him to. Maul is really the only one that does from the word go. And honestly that is for the contrast to Vader. Mechanical and cold on the outside hot anger on the inside vs. Maul who is all scary on the outside with cold anger on the inside. All I'm saying is you might wait till you actually have some context then he might become what your expecting.


    Honestly though a guy that can calmly manipulate his sons in the hope one will kill the other all while enjoying it as if the whole thing was all just another day at the office? Seems pretty scary to me.

  7. Do not mock the Permanent Record. Mrs. Crowley (my Third Grade Teacher) told me that my permanent record would remain forever tarnished when I pushed Troy Sanders off the swing. I appealed her ruling, noting that (a) the push was accidental and (b) it was MY TURN anyway, but she remained resolved to leave that indelible mark against my character.


    Somehow, I made it through High School, College, Law School, and (to date) 20+ years as an attorney. Imagine what I might have accomplished if not for that cursed mark on my permanent record?

    Good thing your an attorney because now days Troy is likely to come back to try to sue you for it and proof is on your permanent record. :p

  8. Not a lot, but 35-40 minutes can do the Black Hole and lower half of Balmorra dailies and make at least 90k(once you know where it can go quick). Black Hole is so empty most of the time now can get in and out quick. It isn't the one million the other person said(I too would like to know what they are doing to get that much that quick), but not bad for the time it takes. Other places make better money, but usually more competition which means more time too(Oricon is good money, but way too long). As others said Yavin is pretty good too, but more time than BH/B. So if I only have limited time it is the 40 min and if not then I do both.
  9. Are the analogies 100% on point? No...but, while you did not quote them please show me where this, or similar, incidents meet the definitions I provided for what is a " scam" meaning something that is actionable.
    Gave you one, eBay. Though you really need to define what you think the words scam, shady, and actionable are as you don't seem to be using them right.


    Shady does not and never has meant that it is actionable.
    Says who? Bait and switch, Lemon laws, etc there are a lot of examples where shady does mean actionable. None of your examples were examples of shady or scams. They actually have nothing to do with what is talked about because those were not instances of someone trying to trick someone into anything. That is why I said it was apple and oranges. I guess that might might not have been clear enough.


    Simply because you or I may find it morally distasteful does not make it actionable. I think Rent-a-centers in poor areas are shady, hell I think they are predatory. They put up these adds that say "only $49.99 a month" for something, a sucker who doesn't know better walks in and signs the paper and has spent enough money to own the dang thing 6 months later bit Rent-a-Center still owns it. That isn't a scam.
    No, it isn't but then it isn't analogous to what is going on. Now if they put up a sign that said "only $49,99" to try and try to throw people off then it would be a scam then. And if a car dealer in the US tried to sell a car in the paper for "39.460.00" they've messed themselves over because that person just got that car for thirty-nine dollars and forty-six cents. Because our society has laws that acknowledge some people will try to steal by any means necessary and there needs to be laws to prevent such theft from being legal by default.


    I get it...we all want our games to be these little islands that are isolated from this kinda rl stuff. We want it to be all kumbia sitting around and holding hands. MMORPGs however are really just digital communities that have all the stuff, both good and bad, of rl. Some of that is actionable some not...this, as distasteful as it is, is NOT actionable. There was no active deception, no actions taken to conceal etc. What made this possible was a player not paying attention. This is not me saying "the player is an idiot.". I have paid more than I should have on more than one occasion myself. White aggro? Too much beer? In a rush? All of the above? It happens. In the end it was MY fault for not paying attention when I was on the GTN
    Obviously you don't get it. A game has to go above because it doesn't have the checks and balances of real life. Again how is it not actionable? You keep saying that, but avoid any actual proof on how it isn't actionable. And whether it is actionable isn't even the point. Even if it isn't actionable that doesn't mean BioWare should just ignore something that would make it impossible when it should have been in the first place.


    Simple does not equate to easy and vice versa. It is a simple solution to eliminate that column from the display. Is it easy for them to do? Who knows?


    As far as where this issue falls on Bioware's priority list is only something they know, but I am going to take a wild guess and say it is not extremely high. This brings me back to my smacking-a-cement-wall-with-your-head analogy.


    Until such time that the column disappears from the view, a person can either ignore the column or be very careful reading it.

    I'm not sure where you are getting they have to remove a column to get rid of a period. It isn't a ledger that a column has to be removed from the display. You can't pay fractions of a credit so there is no need to show fractions of a credit.
  10. This is not the case here. Here the price is there for all to see. Simply because someone doesn't check is not the buyers fault. Is it a scam if a purchaser on eBay clicks on the first "buy it now" they come across, when on the next page there is a cheaper option? Is it a scam if the first car dealer you go to, and buy from, charged you 3 grand more or gave you less for your trade in than the dealer of the same cars 10 miles away?
    Apples and oranges since the examples you're trying to give are not the same thing as what is happening. And while buying something for more isn't against eBay's rules trying to scam someone into doing so is.


    For instance after the many selling boxes fiasco eBay did make rules on that. For the most part it is against the rules now to sell empty boxes on eBay. While some sales are allowed(you can't for Apple products and game consoles since such sales are removed when reported or found) because there can be valid situations, however even at that if they are not 100% clear on what the sale is then it is at least covered under eBay's "Money Back Guarantee". Shouldn't use eBay for your example since eBay goes out of its way to try and prevent scams. BioWare removing a decimal when there are not even fractions of credits in game is the least they could do.


    Do I think this is shady? Yeah, but most of the dynamics of a market economy are shady. Shady however does not = scam/actionable behavior.
    Actually as you are using shady that is exactly what it means. What is happening is a scam. Trying to use some other descriptor to make it sound less so doesn't change that.
  11. I have to disagree with some. This doesn't show the punishment fits the crime because if a mistake happens again he get banned just like a person that totally exploits that bug. It also means that he is as punished as anyone that exploited more, but not enough to get banned.


    The closest real world example would be like saying that he bought a stolen CD* this time and next time no matter if it is a stolen CD or he commits mass murder he get the death penalty.




    *Smallest punishable crime I could think of you could do inadvertently.

  12. Honestly I'm not hopeful because they've done such a poor job with my choices to this point. Who each of my characters romanced or chose not to romance; story characters they chose to kill or not to kill and why; light/dark; or any number of choices. Just jumping 5 years(if the number I heard is correct) shows you don't really care what decisions would have been made. I love the idea of more story because in most cases it isn't the story where you created the problem.


    You've been too oblivious to this point what is/was important to us in that story. What is important to us isn't necessarily what you wanted us to find important. You've shown that many times you miss what we actually do find important in the game let alone the story. Some times the choice wasn't a choice. Not because the story ended in the same way(to some extent that is unavoidable), but the multiple choices were the same thing not even worded very differently. The total disconnect between what I choose and the dialog that comes out of that shows this a lot for some classes. The dialog is sometime the opposite of what you selected. Its often not about our choice but what your choice would have been. Sorry, but I'm not going to trust that you're suddenly going to work it out now instead of just shoving another decision down my throat.

  13. I wanted her back when SWtOR came out. At this point though it just wouldn't make sense. It would be better if she had a surprise love child that could join you. And SWtOR obviously isn't above that level of cheese.


    Or a younger sister. "I'm Sub-Zero's...Shae Vizsla's younger sister."

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