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Posts posted by MetallicaRulez

  1. If you aren't getting enjoyment out of WZs because you're getting rolled by 50s, there's a very simple solution: stop entering queues for WZs and go level to 50. The XP from WZs is absolutely terrible anyways.
  2. Resolve bar should fill faster, but once it's filled the immunity should only last 5-10 seconds instead of the 15-20 that it lasts now. Basically right now you can be stunlocked for 10 seconds straight, but then you're an unstoppable juggernaut if you actually survive the stunlock. Resolve should PREVENT stunlocks, not be a reward for actually surviving one.
  3. My only problems with H flashpoints are:


    1.) Tionese Crystal acquisition rate is far ahead of Commendation acquisition rate, meaning you have an abundance of crystals with no commendations to actually buy anything. This system needs to just be combined. Ditch one of the currencies. I like the Tionese Crystal acquisition better.


    2.) A FEW bosses are overtuned or just seem buggy. HK-47 in The False Emperor is definitely one of them.


    3.) Tokens drop even if you don't have that particular class in your group. I thought we learned this lesson in WoW? Why would Smuggler tokens be dropping in a group with a Guardian, Commando, and 2 Sages? You can't even use them on your companions (as far as I know), so it's literally just a wasted lockout for the day. Most of the non-token drops are pointless since Champion PvP gear is better and easier to obtain.

  4. Ironfist is arguably the hardest boss in there as he will test your healer to keep the tank up and the DPS to kill him quickly-- he will hit your group HARD.


    Ironfist is an interrupt and DPS check. Healing him is a total joke if you understand how to interrupt Headshot.


    The last boss is the hardest because of the 12k lightning strikes that will hit you even if you're 10 yards out of them, seemingly at random. Even that boss isn't really "hard", it's just annoyingly RNG-based.

  5. Would you care to explain exactly what you believe makes the Empire side 'overpowered'?


    You know, since there is literally no difference besides spell animations between the factions. If you're losing all the time, it's likely because:

    A.) You're bad at the game.

    B.) Players on your team are bad at the game.

    C.) You're playing against a premade.

    D.) The enemy consistently outlevels/outgears you.

    E.) All of the Above

  6. Gunnery Commando



    I have range, I have good passive mitigation, I have the best knockback in the game on the shortest cooldown, and I probably have the best burst outside of dumb Operative/Scoundrel shenanigans. The only weakness of Commandos is mobility. You can basically run away and I have no way to stop you.

  7. The fight is working as intended, I just think it's very overtuned currently. Once he latches onto one of your party members you're supposed to burst him down to break the stun and dot... except half the time the DoT isn't removed before he vanishes even if you wreck him. His vanish also has a tendency to not break even if I use stealth scan immediately. It's very random.


    My group killed him after 5-6 attempts, and it didn't feel like we "learned how to do it"... it felt like we got lucky and he didn't 1-shot any of us that attempt. I think they need to take a long hard look at his mechanics to make sure they're working properly.

  8. If premades always played against premades, it would take literally hours to queue on some servers. My server has ONE Empire premade, so it would take my guild basically until primetime to actually get a match.


    It should prefer to match premades against other premades, but it shouldn't wait more than 10 minutes. This is how it curently matches players by level. It tries to match you by level, but if it can't then it just matches whoever.

  9. Regarding the topic:

    OP should roll gunnery commando and see how far he comes with grav round spam.

    4k damage per hit? LOL you are mixing things up with scoundrels. Just look at the damage charts. Yes, commando damage is usually very high BUT also look at the biggest hit. The average grav round wont hit for 4k, not even for 3k - 2,5k when i am lucky or maybe a bit more with relic boost. My biggest hit in a WZ is usually around 2,7k - 3k but nowhere near the 4k mark.


    I've hit 4.3k on Grav Round. Over 5k with Demo Round. 4k isn't very difficult with Relic/Adrenal on a Sorcerer or Sage. They're made of paper, my abilities are balanced based upon hitting a target with armor... you do the math.

  10. I did notice that the bags you buy from vendor drop things more frequently than those awarded for quests though.


    Funny, I got 3 pieces (Gloves/Chest/Relic) out of 4 bags from Daily/Weekly tonight. I think I've only gotten one piece out of like 18 vendor bags.


    Random loot is random... and awful.

  11. 7/10


    Subtracting points for:

    - Random Loot bags. These are awful and everyone knows it. Needs to be changed ASAP.

    - Resolve System doesn't work at all. Replace with diminishing returns so that I can't be stunlocked from 100% to death.

    - No 50 bracket = "Hi I'm a 50 with PvP gear and a healbot, YOU LOSE!"

    - MINOR ability lag occasionally. It's being blown way out of proportion on the forums.


    Class balance is much better than most people make it seem. Operative/Scoundrel burst is a tiny bit too high. Commando/Merc damage in general is significantly too high and burst is way more consistent than any other class.


    Playing an almost full Champion-geared Gunnery Commando.

  12. However, how many people have left WoW because of the information those addons provide? How many "I'm quitting because my class sucks!" posts have there been in WoW/EQ's history?


    This isn't the fault of addons. This is the fault of terrible developers not reacting to what are obvious balance issues. If Bioware actually USES these numbers to make balance changes instead of saying "Well, we don't want to turn players away due to too many balance changes!", then the game will be fine. I'm not lying at all about that quote, by the way. "The Roller Coaster Effect" is the real excuse Blizzard uses to justify not making needed balance changes. How absurd is that?


    The reason so many people cry on WoW forums about balance is two-fold.

    1.) Most of the people on the WoW forums are idiots and/or children who can't handle not getting their way.

    2.) Blizzard ignores obvious balance issues because they don't want their super casual fanbase to get confused by constant buffs and nerfs. Even if it would benefit the game as a whole, they will simply ignore it. See: Beast Mastery Hunters for the last 4 years. They're unplayable and Blizzard just doesn't care.

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