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Posts posted by MetallicaRulez

  1. Unfortunately that's all the game has going for it.


    1-49: "Wow this is awesome."

    50: Dailies, Dailies, Dailies, Boring Operation, Dailies, Dailies, Dailies, Imbalanced PvP, Dailies, Dailies, Dailies...

  2. The biggest strike against SWTOR for me is that the world feels empty and partitioned off. It doesn't feel like I'm in a huge galaxy full of cool places, it feels like I'm in a loading screen simulator. Everything is sealed behind loading screens, breaking the feel of "travel" and making everything feel instanced.


    The Hero Engine is just a giant pile of crap, basically. It's poorly optimized, causes HUGE loading times, and struggles on even beastly PC rigs. It's pretty sad, honestly, if you think about how mediocre the graphics and effects are even with all the problems. Give me WoW's terrible graphics but smooth gameplay any day of the week.

  3. The trooper story was terrible. Huge let down.


    I keep seeing this and I just don't get it. I loved the Trooper story. Maybe the plot was predictable and cliche, but it was told well and I loved the whole "you are the leader of an elite squad" feel of the story. It made more sense and was more straightforward than some of the others I've played so far (JK, Agent, Consular *barf*).


    My favorite stories so far are:

    Trooper (50)

    Agent (26)

    Jedi Knight (26)

    Smuggler (28)


    I've played them all except Sith Warrior and BH, and all were pretty good except Consular. Act 1 of Consular is perhaps the most droll, boring, awful snoozefest story I've ever played in a video game. It's just horrible.

  4. Best: Imp. Agent, Trooper, Jedi Knight, Smuggler


    -Agent is very interesting, like a James Bond film almost. Lots of twists and intrigue.

    -Trooper makes you feel like the head of an elite military squad. Dialogue is a little hit or miss, but overall pretty good.This is my personal favorite.

    -Jedi Knight starts slowly, but ramps up into the typical "Jedi Superhero" story. Epic ending.

    -Smuggler has by far the best dialogue, though the story was a little less awesome I think. Dialogue easily makes up for it.


    Worst by a huge margin: Jedi Consular


    Terrible. Boring, emotionless dialogue, boring plot, poor (Male) to mediocre (Female) voice acting. Just a boring and bland story throughout. I couldn't force myself to play past about level 28.


    Have not yet played Sith Warrior or Bounty Hunter. I've heard good things about both of them though.

  5. Funny how things change so quickly in PvP. Before I quit in February, Commando/Merc was by far the strongest PvP DPS class and Marauder/Sent was one of the weaker classes. Now it's the exact opposite.


    I've only been back playing a few days now, but from what I've seen Commando/Merc healers are actually still pretty decent. The DPS specs for Commando/Merc are useless though. Every class having an interrupt makes stationary casters absolutely useless.

  6. Arena is one of the biggest blunders in WoW history. Despite it being fun for 2-3 of the 10(?) seasons, the rest were balance nightmares that caused massive buffs and nerfs which affected the entire game negatively, not just arena.


    Ranked Warzones will be plenty to keep competitive PvP players busy so long as Bioware can keep a solid amount of new WZs coming every several months.

  7. Ok, obviously its not the player's fault, as much as i hate them. If spamming 1 attack is the optimal rotation, then the class needs an overhaul imho.


    It isn't the optimal rotation. No one with any amount of skill uses Grav Round more than 3 times consecutively. It's certainly a majority of our damage, but it's not like we can just mash it all day and win against anyone with half a brain.


    Here's a hint: every class in the game EXCEPT Commando/Merc has an interrupt. Use it. Watch the Commando/Merc squirm as you interrupt the only ability they can open combat with. Grav stacks a debuff, stacks TWO buffs, and procs Full Auto. There's a reason you see people spamming it a lot. That doesn't mean it's the only ability we use, though.

  8. I swore I would not post about this again, but I see so much misinformation. I will be short. If your guild needs or would use dps meters, not parses but meters, to progress, then you should disband immediately. The game doesn't need your kind and you know exactly what I mean.


    I have no idea what you mean. Are you saying that using meters to determine spell usage, dispels, standing in fire, etc is not beneficial? Parses do the same thing, but the information is not as readily accessible and often isn't posted until the raid is finished.


    Well, either way, plenty of VERY good guilds (my WoW guild included) use meters properly and have benefited heavily from their usage.

  9. For those who do not thing the Jedi knight has issues, go play a trooper/bounty hunter, smuggler/imperial agent, and/or a jedi conselor/sith inquisitor and then come back and make a post on how great the jedi knight is and how there are no problems.


    I have a 50 Commando, 26 Shadow, 28 Scoundrel, and 23 Sentinel.


    The Sentinel has been the 2nd easiest to level so far, behind the Commando. Scoundrels have the same survivability issues as Sentinels, except they don't do nearly as much damage and don't have ANY defensive cooldowns that are worth a damn. The only saving grace is that I can just spam heals on my tank companion and win.


    JKs have survivability issues, but they're far from the hardest class to level. The only REAL issue is that JKs don't get a healing companion until late in the game... which is utterly ridiculous considering it's the only role the class can't handle itself. Doc should have been the first or second companion you receive, not the third.

  10. This is a very VALID point. Why are Healers topping the charts in DAMAGE and HEALING?


    If someone tops both damage and healing in a single warzone, then every single other player in the warzone is terrible. End of story. I should know, I've done it quite a few times on my Commando (400k+ damage 100k+ healing).

  11. Why do you want DPS meters ? Is it for Epeen ?


    As long as the enemies die whats the problem ?


    Shockingly, some people play games for different reasons. Some people enjoy just playing for fun or roleplaying or whatever. Others enjoy min/maxing. Min/maxing is not possible without damage meters or a combat log.

  12. yes yes!


    It makes me chuckle when you see them just stand there completely unresponsive during the lockout.


    Mostly because our rotation requires Grav/Tracer in order to make our other abilities useful. Oh, and because getting interrupted isn't super obvious with the terrible UI in this game.


    If you get owned by Tracer spam, then learn to LOS. If you get caught in the open by a Merc/Commando, and can't interrupt him, then you deserve to die.

  13. As a Commando, probably Sentinel/Marauder. Their damage is excellent, they have an interrupt, and they can't be kited with just 1 knockback and no snares. It's an uphill battle for sure.


    I feel comfortable against every other class 1v1. They either can't match my DPS (Sorc, Sniper, Powertech, Juggernaut) or can easily be kited (Assassin, Powertech, Jugg).

  14. Keep it up.


    Sorc/Sage nerf is only hours away.


    If you believe this, then you have no idea what the term "overpowered" means.


    Sorc/Sage is fine. Multi-Dotting and spamming AoEs on doors means nothing. I could do the same if I spammed AoE on my Commando... but I don't, because it's *********** pointless and dumb.

  15. You need to put in a lot more effort to get half of the damage of others? CLEARLY COMPLETELY FINE.


    Don't even get me started on PvP. Sniper has control, massive DPS, good defensive bonuses AND ranged to boot. And then marauder has... Errr... That ability that you can use once every five minutes to break CC? :confused:


    If you're only doing half as much damage as other classes on a Sentinel, then you're just bad. Sentinel damage is totally fine. It's the other aspects that need a bit of tweaking (ability to stay on target in PvP, survivability in PvE).


    Also... lolz, did you just say Snipers are GOOD in PvP? They're without a doubt the worst PvP AC, by a huge huge huge margin. If you knock them out of cover, they are literally helpless. They have NO mobility, which is one of the most important qualities you need in PvP. Sentinel/Marauder have decent mobility unless you count Huttball, where knockbacks wreck all melee classes, not just Sent/Marauder.

  16. Do you like finesse or brute force?

    DoTs or sustained burst damage via casting?


    That's basically what it comes down to. Merc/Comm stand and shoot people in the face. That's all they can do and they're very very good at it. Sorc/Sage is a more mobile, dynamic playstyle, but you're far more fragile and vulnerable. Standing and casting is the best way to die on a Sorc/Sage.

  17. If you don't think Operative/Scoundrel burst is overpowered, then you just haven't played with or against a geared, skilled Op/Scoundrel. The class as a whole is underwhelming, but their burst is absolutely absurd.


    In order for the class to get the attention that it needs, the burst has to be toned down first. Then it will become obvious that buffs need to happen to sustained damage and maybe survivability as well.

  18. If you could demonstrate that is true it would be quite beneficial. I haven't played a Shadow, but could they feel more durable because they take mobs down quicker?


    Well, maybe if there were some kind of metrics in the game... :mad:


    It definitely isn't that Shadows kill quicker. I kill faster on my Sentinel than I did on my Commando, Shadow, or Scoundrel. Could Shadows have better passive avoidance? I'll have to check my Defense Chance on both characters. Speaking of Scoundrels, they have similar survivability issues. It's very strange that a light armored class (Shadow) feels more durable than the medium armor classes.

  19. Sentinels are pretty fine. It does seem that Sentinels take far more damage than they should though. My light armored Shadow feels a lot more durable than my Sentinel, even without tank gear/spec. I have no idea why this is the case, but I know it is.
  20. Absolutely superb video that nails it on the head.


    After seeing some of the scrappy posts in here that seemed to incorrectly focus on single individual problems or were missleading about the issues we're all having, i was considering doing some videos myself to illustrate a point, but you've shown everything i would have liked to show and thrown some excellent comparisons in there too.


    Your assessment of what Blizzard do *right* is bang on the money. The core mechanics of their games, how they play and control are infinitely superior to their competitors in any genre they are involved with. This isn't just a WoW thing - SC2 is unimpressive visually, competitors like DOW2 have all kinds of visual fluff such as knockdown animations, fancy melee combat animations and long elaborate 'finishing move' cutscenes on most units. From the perspective of an onlooker who has no control or deep understanding of the game, other games are aesthetically far more flashy and impressive, and making a DOW2 vs SC2 comparison is very relevant to the topic of WoW and SWTOR.


    Blizzard's character animations are shorter, less flashy, are frequently clipped or interupted and never do anything too spectacular that might require the game to 'take control' of your character. This is done on purpose in order to keep the game as responsive and playable as possible, because what's really important is what you as a player are doing, not what a bundle of polygons is doing of its own accord. It's your movement, your commands and choices that matter, and what happens on the screen only needs to be a visual indication of what you are doing. The mindset of the player is "i used ability X and Y right as my opponent did Z" and not "my avatar swung a light sabre around and then did a little twirl and kicked in the air".


    This approach has allowed blizzard to dominate the markets they compete in, and secures them a massive loyal following because they understand how to make the foundation of their game work. Companies that don't understand this part of their success and only see and copy the aesthetics built ontop of that foundation are doomed to always play second fiddle to Blizzard.


    I experience far more 'immersion' in my games from having direct tight control over my character, from having all of my inputs translate instantly and consistantly into action onscreen with total control... than i do from watching an impressively animated 3D model go through long elaborate and realistic animations that i have minimal or imprecise control over.


    Superb post and 100% accurate.


    Animations should ALWAYS take a back seat to responsiveness. Always. I don't care how awesome my flippy lightsaber slash is, if it takes 3 seconds to happen, then it's absolutely detrimental to the game. Animations do not matter.

  21. They gain a bubble, a spammable snare, an interrupt, and Force Sprint.


    They lose a ton of burst damage and a ton of passive mitigation (armor and Charged Barrier).


    Concussion Charge is also much much better than the Sorc/Sage knockback. Shorter cooldown, faster activation time, larger knockback, and a snare (Sorc/Sage has a short root instead).


    Neither is better than the other. Sages/Sorcs can't just stand in the middle of a battle and spam abilities the way Commandos can. They don't have the burst or the mitigation to make it work.

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