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Posts posted by VandredTOR

  1. When they nerf marauders, and I (a marauder) still destroy all the terrible players in this game...that will be the best marauder joke ever.


    They could reduce my damage 25-30% across the board, and I'd still beat 90% of the current PvP population on my server.

  2. I don't want you guys nerfed to where you are lolfaceroll. You should be able to do just as much damage as I can, if spec'd properly for it.


    What I do want, is that you have to do more than stand in one spot @ 30m, hit 3 buttons and do 300k+ damage.


    Please don't try to tell me it takes more than a few buttons either to put out DPS. I attack you guys constantly and see what abilities are being used.


    You should have to actually do some work for it. You know...move around, combine abilities, monitor cool downs, monitor resource usage, etc. Right now, you absolutely do not have to do any of this to put out decent DPS.



    Signed, Marauder.



    P.S. Marauder did not really get "buffed" in 1.2, just more viable specs than Annihilation. 90-95% of marauders who kill you are Annihilation.


    P.P.S Also not talking about 1 on 1...marauders pretty much own that as a class. It's about group/warzones.

  3. Let's see..


    - Casters had to know how to use thier stuns, snares, roots, insta-casts, etc to stand a chance against a melee. If they did know how to do this, they could easily blow melee up.


    - Melee play was much more interactive. It was all about reactional attacks, positionals and chains/combos. This is how you got the most damage and if you couldn't pull them off, you were useless. Some of this has existed in other games, but none as much as DAoC. I'm sure this whole idea is "too hard" for the modern gamer.


    - If you were good, you could do some awesome stuff. On my sorcerer, I could take on 4-5 guys my level and win if I did everything exactly right. Timed my CC, used my stuns at the right time as compared to my mezzes, used my roots, maintained my distance, etc.


    - My sorcerer sounds OP, you say? Sure, against certain classes...but a stealther could drop me in 2 shots.


    - Stealthers destroyed casters and bad players in general...but my mercenary ate them up. (see rock/paper/scissors developing here)?


    - If your 8-man was a well oiled machine, you could take out 20-30 zerglings.


    Were there issues during the life of the game, of course? Were there OPed classes along the way? You bet (oh hai frost axe).


    Most of it got worked out...and the game was just fun.

  4. Anyone who says the 10-49 bracket is more balanced is full of **** and have no idea what they're talking about. Period. These are the facts. Deal with it.


    You have no idea what you're talking about when you make this statement. It is significantly more "even".


    The gap between a fresh 50 vs a champ or BM geared 50, is vastly more disparate than the gap between even a level 10 and a level 49 in the 10-49 bracket.

  5. ^ i didnt put the last 3 weeks in for champion gear (still dont have my weapon) and the time it takes to hit 60 valor currently at 57 just so some jag of new player can run in after 2 weeks of straight playing to have every thing i do.


    I certainly didn't put up with all the ignorant or blatantly stupid folk in pvp matches who have no clue what there doing, Talking to you guy/girl who runs the huttball the wrong way.


    some times your on the short side of the poop stick other times your the one smacking people in the face with the poop stick, we all had to work for it and toning it down just demeans the time the others had to put in for it.


    theres already entry level pvp gear... the centurion gear is entry level but you still only get tokens from champ bags the best they could do is offer daily's or something for centurion tokens i guess....






    ^ that also..


    edit: there planning to add level brackets and ranking brackets so ya.... although i hope the ranking system is not what i think every ones hoping for basically champ gear vs champ gear there would never be any thing but huttball for imps ever..


    You're right...they shouldn't have what you have. You should have fancy titles, cooler looking gear, and slightly higher stats because of your gear. Not a massive advantage such as the one that exists now.

  6. What exactly does this mean?


    That you destroy people with your 500 expertise? My alt just now got 500 expertise in exactly one week without grinding extra bags, and they'll even be making it easier to get.


    That you get owned because you only have 500 expertise? My main is a BM guardian with 700 expertise. The difference between 500 and 700 is ~2.4%. Hardly game breaking.


    Anyone who says the 10-49 bracket is more balanced is full of **** and have no idea what they're talking about. Period. These are the facts. Deal with it.


    Sorry I didn't clarify...it's too big because I faceroll people without gear and that's lame. It's pretty close to the same as fighting green level mobs...yawn.


    It's not just about expertise either. There's a pretty massive gap in all the "normal" stats between crafted/purples and the champ gear.


    My jugg has plenty of gear to compete in the 50s bracket. If I lose a 1 on 1 fight, it's because I was outplayed, the short comings of my class, or a combination thereof.


    I actually have barely played her for the last few weeks. Sitting at rank 58 for a while now...I basically abandon her to play the marauder I mentioned.

  7. People who want to have a huge advantage because of gear are not PvPers.


    People who want completely even gear/stats, think they are PvPers, but really aren't.


    Gear should play a role, but a smaller one than what it does now. I want the guy who rank whatever and has some gear to have a little advantage...because when I beat him, he knows I outplayed him.


    My favorite thing right now is when I solo kill people who are 45+ in 10-49 bracket. I'm 35now, but have been doing that since probably 25. That 45+ has a clear advantage in skills and skillpoints, but he knows he just got beat by someone better than him.


    In the 50 bracket, this gap is too big...I know this because I have a 50 jugg that is 500+ expertise. It needs to be more like it is in the 10-49 bracket.

  8. so you want to give us absolutely no offense when we are in melee range when melees already have the advantage? would you like an "i win" button as well?


    Umm..note where I said "some of the most powerful abilities" and not "all abilities".


    Maybe that is 2 out of 10 abilities.


    Clearly though, by your response you saw me list "tracer missle" and freaked out because you are a tracer missle spammer. The whole class shouldn't be based around 1 ability.

  9. ok, then give us a melee attack that stacks our buffs/debuffs and is specced to drop heat on crits. also give us melee attacks that benefit from heat sigs and target lock


    No...use your stun and knockback to gain distance so you can use your abilities, instead of just being able to stand in melee range and be just as effective as you are at ranged.

  10. Yea because it's not like marauders, juggs and PTs are destroying everything already...


    oh wait.


    There's a reason why the 10-49 brackets are filled completely with ranged classes on most servers.


    There's basically zero disadvantage to playing a range class right now.

  11. Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


    Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


    This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



    This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.

  12. I'm only level 33 now and anni spec, but let's see...


    - Because at level 25ish, I started leading warzones in damage, kills, killing blows and solo kills.


    - Because at level 25ish, I started breaking 200k+ damage...didn't happen until 45+ with rage spec on my juggernaut.


    - Because I finish warzones with 30-50% more damage than other marauders/sentinels, regardless of what level they are. (in my bracket)


    - Because I've beaten every marauder/sentinel I've faced 1 on 1, regardless of level. (beaten many 40+, even in my late 20s). I hardly notice any of them using their cooldowns in the process...saber ward is about the most consistent.


    - Because I can count the number of times on 1 hand I've lost a straight up 1 on 1 fight with any class at any level. (in my bracket)


    - Because the bad players who rolled Sorcs/Sages/Troopers/BHs, who literally don't know what to do when I interrupt their force lightning/telekenetic throw/grav round/tracer missile, used to play marauders I am sure.


    I hate to be a "L2P" person, but I think that is a huge part of the issues. I will 100% agree that this is not an easy class to play...the ranged classes really are easy mode comparatively speaking, but that does not make the marauder totally incapable...you just have to work harder.


    My "cooldowns" are always on cooldown, because I constantly use them. Obviously I don't use them in downtime...but if I am fighting, they are getting used most likely. (unless it's an obvious face roll against someone).


    I have shelved my rank 58 juggernaut basically to play my marauder. It just feels better...and I kill so much better. While I am more squishy, with just force camo right now I feel like I can survive better than my DPS jugg.


    There are some tweaks and fixes that could take place. The ability misfire HAS TO GET FIXED BIOWARE. It's ridiculous and unacceptable. A few things I think could be done...


    - 6 seconds on force camo


    - make obsfucate work against sorcs/sages better


    - saber ward to 2 minutes on the cooldown


    - force push with leap reset like jugg would be freakin awesome


    - introduce minimum range on some of the ranged class's abilities.

  13. Here is a build that I've been running. This is my favorite build as it gives you a lot of great talents from vengeance and rage.




    The talents in Immortal aren't really needed as you will have plenty of rage from shien form/unyielding/deadly reprisal. Other things you get include


    force scream crit almost 100%

    smash 100% crit

    short ranged gap closer

    increased damage on smash if you use force choke

    cc immunity


    I've played rage a lot, you get big crits but I find it kind of boring, rage starved more often than not. I also don't personally care for a full Veng build because I'm not a fan of Shatter. Anywho, just thought I would share this if anyone is interested in different builds.


    Great minds think alike, I guess? I "made up" this exact build on the fly about 3-4 days ago. Seems to be pretty effective, but not sure if I prefer it to a heavier vengeance build. I am going to swap back in a couple of days and see how I feel then.

  14. Here's a short and dirty guide on how to PvP as a Vengeance Juggernaut:


    Get yourself a full suit of level 50 Champion Gear(T2 equivelent) then kill people who aren't in Champion gear. How can you tell someone isn't in Champion gear? When they don't shoot or swing purple/cyan colors. Bottom feeding FTW! ;)


    Not true. I have almost all champ gear...just not the stinking saber. But...it's pretty easy to tell I am in champ gear anyways.

  15. 50 Jugg here with some pvp gear. The problem with what is said above is this:

    3 different talents

    2 different skills needed to be used within a few seconds of each other (one of which is channelled, and you need the whole channel)


    Once ALL of those conditions are met, and you can get yourself in between some enemies, yes, you can do an AOE crit for around 3k.


    BIG FREAKING DEAL. Guess what - every other class can crit you for 3k easily. Sorcs and assassins can crit you for 4-5k, while BH's can crit you for 2k a few times in quick succession.


    So, the whole 'smash build' idea is fun for PVE, and kind of fun in PVP when you can line up all your ducks in a row, but thats it - you're pretty much a one trick pony, and that is your trick.


    This class is seriously U.P right now


    Umm...you make it sound difficult? I do this all day long..over and over, it's really not hard and I do hit for more than 3k. Trying stacking some surge.


    I will agree that we are not on the same level as some of the other classes, but rage build is pretty effective. I win many 1 on 1 fights and have won numerous 2 on 1 fights. Haven't won a 3 on 1 yet...closest was a 2 on 1 that I won and as soon as I killed the last guy another guy ran in and attacked and I took him out.


    I really only struggle with taking down geared heavy specced tanks.

  16. I worked towards this hybrid spec pretty much all the way.




    I didn't personally experience great difficulty with leveling like some have said. I used Vette, then Jaesa up to probably level 45ish and then switched to Quinn. It did get challenging towards the end though.


    The points in immortal helped with with being able to go into "tank mode" for harder fights.

  17. 1 shotting people is fun.


    Please post a screenshot of you one-shotting someone. That would be like a minimum of an 11k hit.


    As to the topic of discussion. I personally went with DPS gear, but I run in soresu form for extra surivivability. I do however use the shield over the DPS focus.

  18. Please, don't tease me. I cant wait for the fanbois to drop the class. The good players know how to utilize the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of the class. If you're juggernaut for straight dps, you're probably not part of this group.


    I rolled for just DPS and I was pretty disappointed until I discovered rage spec. I am quite effective in PvP but I am an above average player. I know from experience with playing as other classes though that we are not in the same ballpark as others, especially ranged DPS.


    I can't speak for end game PvE, but I am sure we really struggle there. Rage would be no good for that and I suspect vengeance is ok but nowhere near what the ranged classes can pull.


    Immortal juggs are practically that...immortal. We should not be holed into that though because that is not what was advertised. Even when I ran a hybrid spec I was pretty ridiculously hard to kill. But, "everyone" says jugg tanking is a challenge for end game because of aggro management and the ranged tanks have a big advantage. No experience there, so can't make a statement first hand.


    What seems to be clear to me though, is there is a massive ranged advantage in this game from all aspects. Probably moreso than any other MMO I have played. That gap needs to be closed a bit.

  19. If you're planning on tanking PVE, I wouldn't suggest any PVP Gear as you'll spend your time PVPing as opposed to running flashpoints and hard modes and while PVP Gear has a lot of endurance, it lacks the mitigation stats like defense, accuracy, shield rating/absorb that are required for PVE.


    One thing I agree with is getting some decent orange pieces and socketing them, ideally some pieces you think look good because the mods can all be replaced.


    Next I would hit the AH or find someone who does artifice that has the blue modification recipes for stats that I mentioned above, I have most of them myself but I doubt we're on the same server.


    Alternatively you can of course get mods and stuff from commendation vendors, I believe Correlia has the best mods for 50 starting out, and Voss I think is right under that.


    I've looked the stat requirements and stuff up before but can't remember them off the top of my head, I recall tank Jugs require 120% accurace as we have a base 100% force accurace and 90% melee accuracy.


    In order to reach the sweet spot of 100% melee accuracy we of course need to hit 120% total accurace(100 force + 20=120 and 90 melee + 20=100). Any accurace over 100% reduces a mob's defense chance, so mobs will have difficulty avoiding your force attacks.


    For the rest of your requirements I would suggest Googling it or hitting sithwarrior.com as Elobi has a pretty decent guide for starting out. Also the Correlia gear vendor has some BIS gear pre-ops and hard modes like the tanking chest and I believe gloves.


    Umm...there's an entire tanking PvP set with defensive stats and they all come with lots of accuracy and endurance. It's definitely functional to use as you work on the PvE gear.

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