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Posts posted by VandredTOR

  1. I now have 4 implants and 3 "off hands"...still looking for my legs, bracers and saber. I supposed if dual spec is put in one day, they might be useful as I now have DPS/Tank gear.


    Has to be a better way of doing it than completely random.

  2. Actually most of the Op/Scoundrels that you are seeing get 250-300k damage and topping the charts are ones that are in the DOT spec, NOT the burst dps spec.


    Very rarely (unless an Op is so Godly spec'd) do we do top dps charts in a WZ.


    The DOT specs do those.


    Wrong, they are all concealment spec, at least the Ops...this I know for fact and they are all 300-350k damage. Of course, they are also the most selfish players and so enamored with thier damage they only run around trying to kill people who are solo.


    Can't say I totally blame them, looks like lots of fun.

  3. 1. Pocket heals.


    2. I don't think anyone here thinks that our DPS is "suck" it's just that all the ranged classes do as much damage or more than we do, at range and with barely less survivability than us.



    Ding ding ding! We have a winner. This is it, but more to it.


    If you are DPS spec, you can do DPS. But, you have LESS survivability than most of the ranged classes. They have all kinds of absorbs, stuns, knockbacks, etc.

  4. I thought about rage but I see that it is quickly becoming a gimmick build. Basically you're just meh until Force Crush/Slam Crit combo is ready to go, blow your load and back to meh for a bit.


    I play Vengeance and while Unstoppable is indeed ****, it doens't mean we're better at sticking on ranged. Smart players will simply wait out the 4 second buff and then knockback. Then we're stuck waiting for the 9-10 seconds left on Charge CD while we flail around helplessly. At least Rage has 2 charges to use and both can get free spam snare so really I think it's a wash.


    The only thing Unstoppable is REALLY great for is Huttball and Charging into the endzone and walking in like a pimp as CC bounces harmlessly off you.


    Force Crush and Force Choke. You can keep the "gimmick" going pretty constant. With the big bonus to crit damage, my screams, oblits, ravages, etc all hit hard when I crit and I have over 30% usually with buffs so it happens alot.


    I've never hit 300k damage. Maybe I am just bad...but I don't spend a lot of time trying to get off smashes in big groups. A lot of my fighting around 1 person as I try to hunt the so called "soft" targets.

  5. I've played both a good amount at 50. The more experience I get with them, the more I like vengeance.


    On paper it may look like rage has more mobility, but it doesn't. Vengeance with unstoppable is amazing.


    Both specs need you to go into immortal to with either 6 or 7 points to get your free scream and more importantly your free aoe slow.


    I also feel much more survivable in vengeance. Between unstoppable and intercede, I'm running 20% damage reduction quite a bit.


    The main complaint I have about vengeance is the opener if enrage is down. After you leap you don't have the rage to get off an impale to get your force scream crit. You have to do a sunder first. Outside of that, everything just flows together incredibly well. More mobility, survivability, and constant rage are awesome.


    You might want to try using saber throw then force leap.

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