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Everything posted by Boldfury

  1. So, you chose the dark side options over the light side options. But, somehow you think Bioware isn't classy for giving you the options? Post like these are why people think you are trolling.
  2. Anyone know which PVP server has the most Republic players?
  3. Mostly. Some quest dialogues are entertaining enough to go through again without skipping.
  4. Commendation purchases should be refundable or have confimation pop-up windows. I'm sure that Bioware get a ton tickets for this. It's just too easy to buy the wrong item.
  5. The initial attack is melee , but the additional internal damage over 6 sec is force damage. All yellow damage you deal is force damage.
  6. My point is that 4000 years is a large time frame. Bioware can come up with new lore about Ewoks. Also, lore is video games don't have to be completely consistent with lore of the movies they are based off of.
  7. This game is set almost 4000 before Return of Jedi.
  8. What if the bosses aren't dying? What if the party members are taking damage? What if the tank isn't staying alive?
  9. Most Jedi just aren't strong enough to resist the dark side. It's kind of sad actually.
  10. Good points. But, I don't agree the the 9/32/0 spec and not getting Malice in the Rage tree. Ataru Form strikes are force damage and Malice gives them an extra 6% chance to crit.
  11. Add Yoda's race as a playable race to the Republic.
  12. Many of the playeble races were not main races in the movie
  13. Fans of Warcraft know that Alliance is a much of "the bad guy" as the Horde is. The real bad guys are the factions or organizations that both Alliance and Horde fight against (Burning Legion, Twilight's Hammer, etc). So, it's not really the same.
  14. As time passes on factions will get more balanced. I think The Empire is just more intresting to a lot of us, because its the side of Star Wars that we don't usually get to see.
  15. Alot of people were having this issue. There was a patch that fixed this issue for most. (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.0.0c/12192011?).
  16. That sounds alot like the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" stance against gun laws. The fact is that DPS meters are tools that makes it easier for people to harass others.
  17. This mostly started happening after the cross-realm grouping was added into the LFG system.
  18. I hope that they don't plan on adding flying mounts. I do hope for 200% and up speeders though.
  19. Basically a single player game before 50? Did you forgot about PVP, group quests and normal mode flashpoints?
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