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Posts posted by Boldfury

  1. I think the problem is that WoW has ruined MMOs for everyone. I call it the Micheal Jordan effect. It took over a decade for people to start embracing NBA superstars after Jordan retired, because he was simply just that good of a player. No one seems like a superstar because the memory of Jordan was still fresh in our minds. Its the same thing with WoW; it is the Micheal Jordan of MMO's. As long as games are immediately compared to WoW and measured by WoW standards then games will always fall well short of expectations. If they evaluated every NBA player on Micheal Jordan standards, there would be no one in the NBA right now. I have played several MMO's and I will say that SWTOR is one of the better MMO's, but like any MMO it is crap when compared to the memories of early WoW.


    That's a great analogy.

  2. I was wondering is it possible to make an effective rifle dps build? I really want to use a rifle like clone troopers or storm troopers do and don't really want to use the assault cannons, so was wondering whether it was possible to make a vanguard who does damage from range?


    It's possible to do decent ranged dps using the Assault build since most of your damage comes from ranged (10m+) abilties. But you will only do your highest possible dps if you use the melee ability, stockstrike.

  3. I'm seriously loling @ the people saying "it's not acquaintance invite, it's friend invite". Most people that play various online video games have people in their "Friends Lists" who don't know their real names. Stop pretending that you don't understand what the OP means. On the other hand, it does say: "...invite up to three of your closest friends for a 7-day free trial."
  4. Anyone else with any suggestions? I doubt the real money makers will get posted for fear of nerfs, but just curious.


    Play the GTN mini-game. Basically buy low, sell high. You could be rich within a few days. But, you'll have to watch out for the undercutters, so, it can really be time-consuming.

  5. Got a new robe the other day and really liked the look of it. So I waned to pull the mods in my current robe and switch them... 19k to pull each one out. ***? Isn't that a little overkill for a casual player? I don't have enogh credits to purchase all of my ability upgrades at the trainer, buy my new speeder or send my companions on missions so i can work on my crafting skill. Now i have to pay 60-80k just to move my mods to a new piece of armor?


    Granted, it's jut cosmetic... but is it really nessecary to charge so much for something that really doesn't matter?


    I'm stuck with my current robe, is basically the conclusion i've come to. So I know, tough **** for me. But does anyone else find this rediculous?


    I agree. Many times on my server, its cheaper to just buy it from the GTN instead.

  6. Why must I enter a secutiry key to post on the forums?


    Yes for game logins

    Yes for account maintenance


    NO for forum logins.


    Sometimes I like to browse the forums while on my porcelain throne with my iPhone. It's a big hinderence when logging to post.




    It should be saving your login to the forums.

  7. I don't get this AC argument. In FFXI the class/profession mechanic was about Main & Secondary Profession. You cannot make a second character unless you pay extra money for one. Your one character is all the various classes/professions HOWEVER you HAVE to level them separately.


    In World of Warcraft only 2 classes in the game have the ability to spec both Tank and Heals and they've had so many changes to those classes they are no longer the same as in original WoW. Even so they're making it more and more do one or the other.


    SW:TOR went with a different route from both. Why is that so hard to understand? One of the things they are pushing with the game is to level multiple characters. I don't see why they'd want to implement a system to discourage making multiple characters.


    The current system already discourages making multiple characters for some people. Some people don't want to play through the same class quests and story to play a different advanced class.

  8. See, that's where you're wrong.


    Scrapper Scoundrel: stealth melee class, just like the Shadow. The playstyle is very similar even if the abilities are not. Sage and Shadow share some abilities but it's a very narrow-minded view to suggest that they are in any way similar because of that. They require a totally different playstyle.


    Saying that no abilities in common = no similarity is plain dumb. Just as it's plain dumb to say that some shared abilities ensure similarity.


    And yes, AC switching at will does destroy RPG elements. Switching from one class to a totally different one with the blink of an eye destroys the point of progression, of building your character. If I have built myself up as a Guardian, learning its abilities gradually etc, how does it make any sense to suddenly switch to a Sentinel at 50? All those new abilities trained in the blink of an eye? How does that make sense in an RPG?


    Guardians and Sentinels are not totally different classes, both are Jedi Knights. Totally different classes wouldn't share a whole talent tree. You'll still have the same class quests, story, companions, and starship. You are still a Jedi Knight, the class you choose at the character creation screen.

  9. Yeah:( I tried making my character use mods from my PvP gear in oranges but no expertise so it's a moot idea. Sad face. Having said that they don't have armoring mods either.... O.o. What was the purpose of making EVERYONE use the same looking gear when you have moddable gear meant to customize your look?


    "Now, if purple gear was fully moddable, players would simply farm the first boss, acquire 5 pair of boots, extract the armoring, mod and enhancements from the boots and slots them in their favorite Custom items. That actually sounds cool, but it really isn’t. Letting players extract the armoring mod from the purple items would trivialize end game gear progression and stop rewarding successful and dedicated players for their efforts."



  10. So, wait... I'm confused.


    Jedi get MORE content (it took you longer to play through it, even though you spacebarred conversations), and this means Bioware favors Sith?


    Doesn't this mean that there's more gameplay per level for Jedi than Sith? Wouldn't that be favoring the Jedi? ("Hey, I just noticed we've got a lot more Republic content than Empire content for the starting worlds." "No problem, just kick up the XP gain per quest so they don't notice it's missing. What are they going to do? TIME how long it takes to show there's more stuff to do as a Jedi? Who'd do THAT?")


    What am I missing here? How is lesscontent a goodthing?


    Did I misread the times you posted? I've double-checked, but I'm capable of admitting I could still have missed something. Clarify, please?


    You didn't miss anything. Less content = favored to the OP.


    If I could change one thing, is to make the "heroic" quest repeatable as OFTEN as I want per day.. Honestly at level 20.. I'm not there long enough to do that daily day after day anyways.. However for those of us that enjoy social grouping, it gives us a reward and challenge to do so.. I would seriously think about skipping some of the NON class questlines for the exchange of doing heroics 3, 4 or 5 times that night..


    Just food for thought..


    Then, they'd have to change the rewards, some of them are too good to be able to do 5 times a day.

  12. No, what I am saying is that a LFD tool would destroy 1-49 at the very least. Why do missions at all when you can just sidetrack them and run FP's for exp and gear?


    Try not to reduce a person's statement to just a couple words and instead look at thier entrie statement. That way we avoid un-needed rehashing of crap that has already been said.


    No it won't destroy 1-49. Here's why it won't:


    1. Class quests

    2. Less expensive companion affection leveling

    3. Social point leveling

    4. Gathering materials

    5. Datacrons

  13. Space travel is way too fast. It can take 3-8mins to walk from a planet, to your ship, board your ship, fly to a new planet and repeat that process. So being able to instantly fly from planet to planet just reduces game immersion.


    I would say that same sector flight travel should take 5mins to arrive at your planet. Sector to Sector should take 15mins to arrive at your planet.


    This allows players to really have more game immersion and gives a much more quality gaming experience.


    Mount speed should also be slowed by at least 50%. You just travel too fast to your locations and players are missing out on the amazing world and time it took to create the worlds they game in. Worlds are big places ya know.


    I agree. Hyperdrives are overpowered in this video game.

  14. Absolutely. WoW was heavily compared to Everquest. EQ was the king when WoW was released.


    Now, WoW is the king. It is natural for everyone to compare TOR to the king. TOR does many things better than WoW. Unfortunately, they are missing some features that are becoming requirements in the industry (i.e. dual specs, functional group finding tool, macros, customizable UI). Until those imbalances are fixed, TOR will not overtake WoW as king.


    WoW is still losing subs. Also, other MMOs like Rift have impemented some of those features, and has not seen anywhere near the success that WoW has had either. So, I wonder if those features are really required.

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