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Posts posted by Boldfury

  1. It's also rather disconcerting that words like "fart" and "gay" are filtered by Bioware's system to save us from the evils of flatulence and expressing elation or sexual orientation but the game lacks a filter to avoid witnessing the option of sexualized torture.


    Classy stuff.


    So, you chose the dark side options over the light side options. But, somehow you think Bioware isn't classy for giving you the options? Post like these are why people think you are trolling.

  2. So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


    Anyone else do this?


    Mostly. Some quest dialogues are entertaining enough to go through again without skipping.

  3. You don't need a damage meter or combat log.


    Are bosses dying? Then the tanks are doing their job.

    Are party members not taking damage? Then the tank is doing their job.

    Is the tank staying alive? Then the healers are doing their job.


    This is all you need to know. This game isn't competitive. There are no tournaments. There are no achievements. Refer to above, and repair issues as they arise.


    What if the bosses aren't dying?

    What if the party members are taking damage?

    What if the tank isn't staying alive?

  4. Welcome to a game where 70% or more of the population went Sith Empire and out of the other 30% or so that ended up going Republic, probably more than half of them are dark side.


    Being evil = sexy, cool, forbidden, very tempting choice.


    Being good = same ol same ol, been there done that, bleh, maybe on an alt.



    Most Jedi just aren't strong enough to resist the dark side. It's kind of sad actually.

  5. Carnage is an amazing tree with alot of utility. You always have rage in comparison to the other trees assuming you don't have a screwed up rotation. The rotations aren't bad at all if you know what abilities to prioritize and what abilities to drop like ravage. Massacre does more dmg than ravage (2x massacre + x1 aturu proc >/= 1x ravage [note that massacre also doesn't bug out and waste dps uptime as well]). If you are actually paying attention when you massacre spam you are getting extra swings just about every every other ability if you are using massacre correctly not to mention force scream being a 100% crit (aturu attacks have 50% proc rate with massacre buff up and with talents has base dmg of 532 so add that free hit dmg to every other swing).

    The key to this tree is to remember that your aturu form hits are what makes up alot of your dmg and so you should priorities abilities accordingly. We have damaging abilities that do not trigger aturu so that should be taken into consideration when stacking priority casts. Remember also that every aturu form attack also has 30% chance to make your next rage spender hit 10% harder so more aturu attacks = better overall dps.

    The only thing you have to manage ahead of time with your rage is Gore which is simple enough. You build up 12 rage, pop berserk, hit gore, massacre, force scream (crit), massacre spam and making sure you have rupture up before casting gore.

    I go with a 9/32/0 build. You don't need the force ability crit bonus from the rage tree since your force sream is critting 100% of the time unless you have no clue what blood frenzy is. Seeping wound lets you get off savage kick every time you put up rupture on anything that isn't a boss immune to movement impairing effects so there's an ability that costs no rage and hits relatively hard. You are getting a 30% dmg increase to aturu form, massacre, and force scream from sever on top of another 30% aturu form dmg buff from aturu mastery for a total of 60% increased dmg for a free ability that has no GCD and costs no rage or cast time. Aturu form attacks can give your next rage spending ability (force scream) another 10% dmg increase which could make your force scream hit for a total of 40% harder with sever.

    You get 1 extra rage every 6 seconds plus 3 seconds off the battering assault CD and 2 rage every time you kill anything. The only time I find myself starving for rage is when enraged slash isn't working correctly which can be quite often sometimes. In those situations I throw in a force choke or force charge depending on the situation.

    What I can say is that in full Columni gear the only other class I've seen that out dps'd me enough that it is visually easy to see is a "good" merc in the same quality gear however in a long fight I spank everyone in single target dmg which is easily seen in the fight where every member of the raid has to fight their own (boss) with the Marauder bosses having the most hp. No one can help each other in this fight so it's easy to test dps in this fight vs other players in the raid. I killed one of the marauder bosses before any of the other dps killed their bosses with the marauder boss having the most hp.

    I'm not saying Marauder single target dps is the best out there... What I am saying is it is the most sustained single target dps from what I have seen as the carnage spec in a raid setting. This might be due to stat weights on my current gear. I'm not going to bother doing the math on it until we get combat logs but would like to hear from other marauders on what kind of dps they are pulling in raid in comparison to other classes and what they think are the pro's/con's of going to their spec vs. another spec in the Marauder tree.


    Good points. But, I don't agree the the 9/32/0 spec and not getting Malice in the Rage tree. Ataru Form strikes are force damage and Malice gives them an extra 6% chance to crit.

  6. That


    Empire just look cooler. About the people wanting to play the bad guy thats only if the bad guy looks cooler. WoW had a big over populated alliance side at launch.


    Fans of Warcraft know that Alliance is a much of "the bad guy" as the Horde is. The real bad guys are the factions or organizations that both Alliance and Horde fight against (Burning Legion, Twilight's Hammer, etc). So, it's not really the same.

  7. Meters do none of his. They do not cause harassment. Jerks cause harassment, and they'll be jerks regardless of whether they have meters or not.


    Meters don't cause people to spec a certain way, either. Min-maxing may do that, and meters are great for min-maxers, but they certainly don't "force" anyone to play a certain way, and it's ridiculous to claim they do.


    Honestly, I don't get the kind of insecurity that causes people to post stuff like this. If you don't want to focus on your performance, don't. But how can you sit there and insist everyone play the game the same way you do? For a lot of people, maximizing performance is something they enjoy, and running around with other people who also maximize their performance is fun for them. If you don't want to play with people who do that, then don't. That's why there are things like guilds to help you group up with people who want to play the way you do.


    Let people play the way they want to. If you don't like their playstyle, don't play with them. It's really that simple. It's the height of selfishness to insist that Bioware remove options for other players and force them to play the way you want to.


    That sounds alot like the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" stance against gun laws. The fact is that DPS meters are tools that makes it easier for people to harass others.

  8. Here is why....


    I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


    So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


    EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


    This mostly started happening after the cross-realm grouping was added into the LFG system.

  9. Assuming you are right that force users are weaker than non force users during the leveling phase.


    How is that a problem exactly ? It's basically a single player game so who cares about balance ? You chose to play "hard mode" but you have cool lightsabers, why is that a problem ? If you want an easier single player experience then make a trooper and enjoy.


    Balance is only a problem when it comes to multiplayer - that is at level 50.


    Basically a single player game before 50? Did you forgot about PVP, group quests and normal mode flashpoints?

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