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Everything posted by deserttfoxx

  1. Then you would need it to stack to 4.. then 5.. then 6... the op has a lot of problems, this is not one of them.
  2. I think if you are going to do it, do it right. You do not need stagger if you have crash, the stun will supersede the immobilize. Sweeping fury will bring more dps to your spec due to the rage gain then ravager ever will. And crushing blow is not worth skipping, if you are that deep in immortal, commit to the tank, it will take you a lot further in both pvp and pve.
  3. I agree, bite the bullet, merge the servers, reopen the rest later if you manage to patch up the slack you are falling behind on fast enough.
  4. As a raid tank in full rakata, i can say the only dps ive had to guard in a raid has been the sin, then again i group with a sin who isnt retarded. Know your class, the sin isnt weak, it just attracts weak players.
  5. lethality is absolute garbage without cull and weakening blast.
  6. are you saying he is wrong, and sage/sorcs arent the best healers because of their absolute lack of a need to manage their resources, or just trying to be cute.
  7. Lethality is such a poorly designed tree, as an operative it is a ranged tree clearly, most of the abilities are 10 meters, however the core ability, cull requires a tactical advantage, but you cant build one at all unless you use shiv or hidden strike. Look at the op forums, why are many of the lethality specs suggesting we get kolto injection just so we can have a ranged method of building a tactical advantage. Here is a suggestion, add this to license to kill - 25/50% chance to re add a tactical advantage per poison effect active on the target. So everytime you use cull we have achance to requiring the tactical advantage back. Also add this to lethal dose - 10/20/30% chance to add a tactical advantage each time one of our periodic effects tic. OR Add this to cut down - Overload shot has a 50/100% chance to add a tactical advantage. This whole spec is tactical advantage starved and this needs to be adjusted. Also for a dot tree, why does it only have 2 dots, and one of the best dots, acid blade is in the concealment tree?
  8. Even if the aim knivs are for companions, how the heck is it possible that 99% of the knives on teh GTN from levels 10 to 50 are aim. Ive never been able to find a knife on the GTN, every knife i have found across 3 characters have been Aim, our server has about 90 pages of knives, none of them cunning, i have never seen an epic knife outside the ones that drop in EV and hard modes. There is no way this is not a bug.
  9. 3 problems with vibroknives, first is, on operatives they should be their primary weapon. Second is, every dropped knife i have ever seen has been aim and endurance, who is this for? Which class uses a vibroknife that uses that stat combination. Fix this. Third is, you cant make crafted knives at all, they dont proc past green, and it makes it damn near impossible for an operative to keep their offhand up to date. We are going on month number 2, how is this not a priority, how are more operatives not pissed off that their offhand weapon is completely fubard.
  10. You mean the story? You know, the ones that are happening simultaneously on all planets alongside your class quest? You know you cna space bar those right, and blow right through them and leveling is still fast as hell even if you watch it all.
  11. I subbed 6 months, but not because i have some grand faith in their plan, that is just the time frame i give all MMOs i want to succeed.
  12. Can i just ask why this exists, Why do we need energized, xenotech and tionese gear, all the same stats, except tionese has an actual set bonus, the other 2 sets are like complete gag prizes. Xenotech and energized should be world drop or dropped in normal level 50 flashpoints as a method of gearing up for hard modes, but they dont need to exist otherwise, if you are doing hardmodes you will completely skip tionese, and if you are doing eternity vault there is no way you would need any of it.
  13. Enrage timers are the only current skill check, my static doesnt hit enrage timers on any content, but ive pugged the same instance and have hit the enrage timer on every boss. DPS meters are needed, not only to prove if certain specs fail but if dps arent carrying their weight
  14. Full epics from the ilum/belsavis dailies is considered geared. it takes 2 days of dailies to get a full set of levle 50 epic mods. dont bother showing up for hardmodes without putting in that effort.
  15. Well the loot in raids were a joke, getting thrown 4 or 5 epics per boss in an 8 man raid was absurd, no loot seems like a bug, but drops being reduced is a good thing.
  16. YOu cant reverse engineer them, soon as you try it eats the item, eats the mats and tells you the item doesnt exist. its great.
  17. Has anyone actually seen a crit crafted rakata piece? Please, show me a screenshot. Until is see one i am chalking that up to be a myth, i made20 of those belts and none of them crit and jaessa has +5 to synthweaving critical. Also, the raktaa belt and bracers are a lazy design, they are the exact same items you get from nightmare mode as drops, nothing that synthweaving/armormech makes is actually unique, whether they make it require 400 or not makes no damn difference, you can get the rakata belt and bracers just by doing EV.
  18. Cant even stack it if you wanted to, only can get it from superior or higher crafted gear.
  19. No capturing flags, no sports game. Just 8 republic, vs 8 empire, 20 minutes, get as many kills as you can, or first to 50 kills wins, or whatever. I just want to fight. I dont want to hold a point, i dont need an incentive to pvp beyond just fighting the enemy. And if it is a race to the most kills, every class has a role, healers and tanks will do their job reducing the amount of kills the other team can achieve, while dps will do their jobs racking up the points. And the beauty of death match is, the maps could be random, just create small phases of worlds, say a 50 by 50 square of nar shada, balmorra, alderaan, belsavis, hoth, etc, all just for death match. Please add a deathmatch warzone.
  20. I dont know what mmos you have played but the healer has never been thankless. Everyone usually blames the success of the group on the healer, and the failure of the group on the tank.
  21. How many weeks of metrics will it take before you guys realize that is pointless, and you simple do 2 things, Make them all linked as they should be from the jump, and then add auction house kisoks on EVERY PLANET. You guys have to see in the current state, nobody really sells or buys anyhting because trekking back to the fleet to shop is almost as silly as going back there just to train new skills.
  22. Until you fix the current flaspoints. You guys are working in some weird order here, you have more then enough flashpoints in game, i dont understand why you are adding new ones instead of just: A: converting every old one into hard mode, Hammer station, mandalorian raiders, cademimu, etc, all great flashpoints, all completely skipped because of the pacing, all go unappreciated because they have no hardmode variation. B: Fix the current broken ones. Our static doesnt even do boarding party because every time we have done it, the final chest hasnt opened. 3 weeks now, final chest never opens, not even on the dev radar. We stopped doing foundry because reven does 87k lightening bolts if you dont interrupt him at near inhuman speeds, or you dont have a sin tank to give you 3 extra seconds of breathing room. Krel thak in battle for ilum, completely breaks and drops aggro if you have the nerve to kill any of his adds behind his back. Jindo krey completely breaks if you hit 2 switches at once at any point in the encounter. Breaks, BREAKS! to the point where you have to reset the instance and reclear trash to fix him. So as much as id love to beta test your new out of the blue flashpoint, i would prefer you fix the current flashpoints.
  23. Well apparently bioware would punish these people for a crime and not actually address the crime. I doubt they didnt remove the credits, it wouldnt make any logical sense.
  24. I think its funny that bioware is nerfing biochem because they dont want everyone to feel like they have to biochem or ****, but really, even after the nerf, why would anyone do anything besides biochem? Seriously bioware, what kind of crappy band aid fix is this? I knew perfectly well about the reuseable stims before launch, i still chose synthweaving, but im an idiot, i actually thought the bind on pick up crafter gear would be worth a damn, i didnt think you guys would be lazy and just make it the exact same tier 3 gear that drops in raids. I didnt think you would be even lazier and make the schematics complete rng, and i really didnt think you guys would be so foolish as to make them drop in the same zone where after doing one run you leave with a full set of gear that is equal too or better than anything you can make.
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