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  1. Truth of the matter is you play to your strengths....if your ranged spec'd your probably better to defend in Huttball. If your the stealth spec, hide in the endzone for passes. If your team and your stealther is smart you can win a match in minutes. Pass to the stealther as it pops out of stealth, stealther runs the ball in and restealths, rinse repeat. All classes have advantages, just have to learn to play to the strengths.
  2. From what I have "heard" it seems there has been a 2:1 (empire to republic) split on just about every PvP server. If I can find more recent hard evidence of this I'll post a link.
  3. Amen brother! Although for all the hardcore talk I have heard on these boards few have mentioned the most hardcore PvP MMO of all. Ultima Online.....to kill someone, steal all their ****, AND kill their horse. Well that was just down right dispicable.
  4. Wraistlin

    Huttball sux

    I'd have to imagine with only 3 warzones and the fact the most MMO generations from the last 5 years seem to have A.D.D. when it comes to this kind of thing, that you would be correct. However Huttball in and of itself is *********** awesome!
  5. Wraistlin


    SW:TOR "rated" Huttball League. Problem solved. *Lets get this moving, with team logo and name creations* *I want it televised too*
  6. Bump as I'm also curious about this...... Anyone know if the PvE servers are more like Warhammer with their pvp zones in them? And with that....is world PvP going to be worth the same as Instanced PvP, or is it a joke like (game that won't be mentioned here) where their is really no reward to it?
  7. I know another benefit to cover is melee classes with "charge" abilities can not charge a sniper/gunslinger in cover.
  8. Not to change the subject of the thread, but what is the limitation on the pvp servers? Are you able to attack players in the middle of story cut scenes? I didn't get a chance to test a pvp server, so I'd like to know its not going to be a complete gank fest if I check one out.
  9. Haha. This is a funny statement. I have not met a Gladiator in WoW that hasn't had some kind of macro. It's one thing to not know what your talking about, but to just LIE about something is silly. Your silly.
  10. If third party mods are allowed eventually I will agree with this statement. However Arena + Gladius doesn't exist here yet, and considering WoW is basically blow all your greatest cooldowns first and whoever the overpowered class of the expansion is will win, I don't see WoW players being any more dominant then any average pvper. I'm expecting those coming from Warhammer will dominate more then those coming from WoW considering at the moment the fights last much longer then anything I have ever experienced in WoW. Post Vanilla WoW at least.
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