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Everything posted by Kathorien

  1. This crap is ridiculous.. I cannot believe we haven't even heard BW say anything at this point.
  2. I don't know how I am being naive? I simply stated that utilizing dailies (which at 16 isn't a small number of dailies) is a good way to make credits, since the OP told someone they were flat out wrong for stating this and his reasons were that there aren't that many dailies to do and it isn't "worth" it. Both of these are false and I am trying to clear up the misinfo. I never once said that playing the market or crew skills couldn't make you money so again how am I the one being naive? Both are more than acceptable ways to make credits in this game if you know what you're doing. So please read my whole post before you try to prove me wrong on something I never stated. I think the information the OP shared is good stuff and am simply making sure people understand doing dailies is a great way to make credits and gear your character with epic level 50 mods. If you feel that I am naive or wrong please explain why and don't post some general information which has no basis, telling me you're making 100k-300k a day and looking at how much you can potentially make as I stated (200k from dailies plus random purple/blue/green drops net 10k-80k) I would say that doing dailies is a totally viable way on making credits if you're stating you make 100k-300k wouldn't you say? Is this naive? If so then you sir are naive. Thanks.
  3. No actually you're wrong. There are about 16 dailies and it will net you about 200k credits a day not including random purples and blue you will get and can sell for anywhere between 10k-80k credits on the GTN. Can you make a good amount of credits with crew skills still? Yes, but to say that the above poster is wrong is naive.
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