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Everything posted by Dalnar

  1. Luke, join the dark side...level up alt and enjoy low pvp bracket
  2. Another troll mirroring a nerf thread. Nothing to see here.
  3. Fix game crashing first, then you can punish me for leaving WZ.
  4. Ye well the knockback after leap from sorc on platforms in huttball is common sight. But eventually you will learn to exploit the environment so you are knocked to some pillar or other stuff and not down. Sorc KB is pretty predictable, hence as sentinel you have to learn how to use it to their weakness. Guardians can talent unremmiting and completly nulify the knockback. P.S. nice to see you too Husanek, on which server are you playing here ?
  5. They definitely aren't on Republic, or at least they weren't when I was playing my 50 guardian. That was couple patches back tho..
  6. I know healers can run out of force, but never seen a sorc do. Guess need to level up one only to see how it is...or wait, I rather do not want to see how easy it is.
  7. Zealous leap / Obliterate IS on different cooldown.
  8. When I leveled up my sentinel, I was destroying mercs and sorcs just when I gained force kick (18) and unlseashed slash spam...always had a good laugh when I kicked some 40+ tracer spammer.
  9. Yes well, its not just black and white. Just saying, a shadow has at least some tools when rooted and doesn't feel completly "stunned". On my sentinel however, the only option is to force camouflage to gain 4s invulnerability. For sentinels, it would be interesting if debilitation in combat tree(which is lacking imho) would be replaced by talent that makes you invulnerable to roots/snares while Transcendence is active...or if it at least would free you from roots/snares. But hey, thats theory crafting.
  10. Bingo, I have never seen (or rather live enough) to see a Sorc actually run out of Force with their spells continuously used ? how so ? There are classes which starts with 0 of their resources...which forces using variety of skills...
  11. Which is ???? You mean they can actually fulfil their role and hit something?
  12. Can't you extend the range to like 30m with force potency ? Blade Storm has 10m range, but requires focus, if you are rooted with noone to hit, you cannot build focus. You know the slight difference between the classes ? one starts with full pool, the other does start with empty one....
  13. Well, considering they sold like what 1 mil copies ? 700 is rather small statistical sample...but well good job regardless.
  14. Oh really ? never met like 4-5 of them in huttball, when they crossfire you from above ? Seriously, sorc do not need ANY BUFF and I think they DO NOT need a NERF as well. What they need to change however, is that they NEED TO MANAGE their resource pools. A sorc needs to run out of force as quickly as other classes run out of their resources. That should prevent mindless spam.
  15. Well, when people speak about melee, they usually mean knights/warriors. While shadows/assasins are mainly melee, they still have ranged options when rooted and retain their utility spells. A rather interesting change would be a talent for warriors to break roots and snares on force leap, probably in shared focus/rage tree. That should improve the mobility a little.
  16. SO, 3 possible leaps on different cooldown at lvl 50 is not enough for you ? You also reset your basic leap with force push Please, you were much more interesting when you complained about how your assassin main is UP...
  17. Skill > lvl and gear without skill As my T7 buddy would say. 10-49 bracket = fun pvp
  18. Dalnar

    Cross-Server PVP

    What makes you think queue times would be improved with cross server implemented ? It would just mean more huttball for emps and change nothing for reps.
  19. I think it has rather to do, with one class being too simplistic yet effective (one button spam vids) while other have to work rather harder to achieve the same...
  20. Dalnar

    For those uninformed:

    I need sounds to hear what's going on around me. However tracer is so noise, nothing else can be heard. If you found selective volume option to tone down certain sounds, please lecture me...else, you know what...
  21. Dalnar

    For those uninformed:

    Doesn't change anything about the noise. Seriously, NERF the SOUND. Meeting 3-4 tracer spamming clue-hunters in WZ tears plaster from my walls.
  22. Oh yeah, ranged class player has spoken. The ones who enjoy their basic attacks under all circumstances, no matter root or snares... I see no reason, why some top dmg ranged abilities should not have min. range. I have always only heard the "wow hunter argument" which is rather silly. All ranged classes have plethora of CCs. In ideal world, you would use them to get into distance when melee is on you, so you can use your ranged attacks. In SWTOR however, you spam CCs on every occasion and then moan that you are destroyed in melee range and dread min. range.
  23. I would like to point out to the poster that the grass is not that green over the fence. Sure sents have quick interupts and charges, but simply root will completely nulify the class. The problem of most "ranged" is that they spam their CCs rather randomly, than strategically, hence feel melees destroy them easily. I think some (not all) ranged abilities need min. range. Successful turret builds shouldn't happen in modern MMOs.
  24. Seriously. There must be some simplistic classes for the masses. However NERF the SOUND of tracer. Too noisy.
  25. I find it always highly entertaining, when some 1-2 buttom spamming merc or sorcetard says that roots and snares on melees without resolve is fine For a melee a root is basically stun, because he cannot fulfil his role except only if the enemy is stupid enough to stay in range. I would just add a simple fix that roots (not snares) count towards resolve /and are affected by full resolve for all primary melee classes.
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