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Everything posted by JayneKobb

  1. Nice guide, thanks! Didnt know all of that myself.
  2. I find that its hard to do pure heals in a Warzone. Either someone wises up that its the commando thats healing and comes after me or I cant save my team-mate and end up cleaning up the person they were fighting. Either way its not too hard to get 2-3 kills with little effort. I find that when I focus on Healing, my damage dealt and KBs dont drop off too much, but when I dont focus on healing I dont do much at all. Either way, 5-6 medals per round is easy if you do both heals and damage.
  3. There are 3 vendors per class. Each class has a low level vendor (lvl 20 and lvl 40 gear) and two high level vendors, titled Champion and Centurion. The Champion and Centurion gear are the lvl 50, end-game gear. All are on your fleet near the class skill trainers.
  4. 42 pages is far to much to read, however +1 here for the OP. More Open World PvP!
  5. Im enjoying it so far. Warzones are not as bad as the forums led me to believe. Having a ball as a Combat Medic Commando. Its rare for me to finish with less than 5 medals, win or loose. Huttball is a PITA, but I am starting to get the hang of it. I really like the fact that the game auto-levels players so everyone is on a more or less even playing field. Ive heard lots of complaints about how lvl 50 players really unbalance things and I can see how that is an issue, but TBH I have not experienced it yet. Havent had much opportunity to open-world PvP as I am only lvl 21, but cant wait to try it out!
  6. Thanks for the idea of using Team Viewer. Gonna set it up tonight! I think an official app would be cool. Would certainly create alot of buzz. I cant see how its game breaking either. The biggest issue would be bags filling up with no way to empty them I just cant see how more connectivity is bad (well, for anything other than my work productivity...and we can all see how that is going anyway...)
  7. I dont get it... I came here from LOTRO, which similar to DDO has built in voice chat. Met lots of players both male and female. Only once met a real creep who started hitting on a girl in a random pug group. We /kicked him and moved on. People start getting weird when they think they are anonymous. I personally could care less if the person Im playing with is one gender or the other. Doesnt mean I was always that way (cmon guys...be honest. We all went through this phase. They call it puberty). But, Im married with a kid on the way...got over the "zomgagurl!!!1!!" thing years ago. To the OP (and others with the issue): A "Shut the hell up" followed by a /ignore, /kick, and/or /gkick works wonders. The rough rejection may make them think twice next time. As much as it sucks, you can help shape the community by reacting to these impolite advances the same way you would IRL (with the above verbage followed with a virtual kick in the nuts).
  8. <slow-clap> Well played sir. You got me solidly. Still, Im going to have to dock a point for the obvious troll giveaway on "professional PvPer" 9/10
  9. Wait...you can pass the ball? I thought you were supposed to just run around like a chicken with your head cut off wondering why the opposing team was focus firing on you. Who knew? I agree whole heartedly about rewarding for completing objectives on objective based maps. Makes the gameplay more interesting and will keep it exciting longer.
  10. Yeah...more like 10 v 10, and you didnt jump in until they started falling. Weak-sauce is weak
  11. I got a G13 for Christmas and have been re-learning how to do anything in an MMO. Ill post my bindings when I get home. Basically Ive tried to simplify my bindings so Im using as few modifiers as possible (shift, alt, ctrl) and also working on reducing the skill bloat to focus on what is actually useful. I also have two binding setups I toggle between: one for combat and another for running around/crafting/gearing. This thing has like eleventy-something keys, so Ill post screenies of my bindings when I get home.
  12. What I noticed is that all of the abilities that Ive lost by using a blaster rifle (so far, only lvl 20) require you to be rooted. If Im fighting I prefer to be moving. It ends up consuming a lot of ammo to use your instant skills (sticky nade, explosive round, high impact bolt, stock strike), but so far I havent run into serous issues. Im sure Vanguard has more options in terms of moving and fighting, but I like healing in PvP, thus the CM build (Sawbones use the AWFUL cover system and Sage healers melt like butter in Hades when melee closes in). ETA: one thing I did notice...I dont get pegged as a CM instantly when using a blaster rifle. Unless I use hammer shot for the laser pointer to the healer effect I get mostly ignored. Guess they think Im a vanguard or something. I was racking up serous medals in most warzones, getting a handful of KBs and being the #1 or 2 healer for my team.
  13. So, I got my Combat Medic up to level 20 and played my first few PvP matches. Holy crap we rock! No seriously. I heal-bot anyone in trouble and if someone comes after me (and its not a 3 man gank team) I can drive them away if not outright kill them, regardless of class. Question though. Love the gameplay but hate the class weapon. Something about the massive autocannon strikes me as weird. Just cant make my toon equip it. Ive been using mods in various Custom guns that Ive gotten. I dont feel like Im giving anything up, but I didnt know if someone had number crunched it yet. Am I gimping myself by not using an autocannon (other than the two skills I cant use, not that I would use them anyway...)
  14. Great article! Never played WoW, but all the references arent lost as they are general enough to apply to just about any MMO outside of SWG or EVE.
  15. Thanks again for the fast response! I feel like I have a solid basis for my build now. Much appreciated!!
  16. This is definitely my game of choice. After 2 days of beta I canceled my LOTRO sub and patiently waited...building up brownie points with the wife so that I would have some to burn when this launched.
  17. Thanks for the replies! I was thinking Focused Insight, believeing TK to be a DoT. Guess I can put those points to better use. Another question: How exactly does Expertise work? Does it buff your base DPS in a stance, or is it tied to stance-specific skills? I skipped over applied force thinking that I would get more bang-for-my-skillpoint from Expertise. Good points also about the outgoing damage reduction from Slow Time and the utility of mental fortitude. Good things to think about as I plan my build. Finally...which tree would you tier up first? Kinetic?
  18. Hello! So I have noticed that Shadows get several self-healing abilities later on that seemed, on the surface, to be pretty impressive. I was playing around on torhead.com when I should be working and came up with the following build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bIdskbskbZZf0fkM.1 I was basically looking for: 1) Damage reduction 2) Self Heals It looked like it was possible to get Harnessed Shadows, Impact Control, and Force in Balance all together for some pretty impressive self-healing while, from what I can tell, not sacrificing too much in terms of tanking ability. It looked like the big loss was Slow Time, as any AoE threat skill is nice for boss fights. I only got my Shadow up to 16 in the beta, so I never got to see any of these skills in action. Any experienced players out there have some input on this build? Would it be viable for main-tanking or am i sacrificing too much in the Kinetic talents? Thanks for any input!
  19. No....Not even close. To give you some point of comparison, that laptop has about 1/12th the graphics power of the OP's laptop that everyone is giving a "maybe" to
  20. No. In theory some of the discrete cards can be changed, but I have not heard of any particularly successful swaps. Plus your going to pay so freaking much for a better laptop card that your probably better off building a mid-range desktop. You cant just go out and buy a laptop video card the same way you can a desktop card.
  21. Big difference between a 560Ti and 540m...really cant compare the two.
  22. I was playing last night with the same card on high setting with no stuttering. I havent turned on the FPS meter to see what Im getting, but its all felt pretty fluid. Just leave things like shadows and bloom effects turned down/off and you will be fine.
  23. No, I would acknowledge the fact that nav systems in cars are responsible for an astounding number of wrecks (as are cell phones) because people are (wait for it...) doing something other than paying attention to the road while driving! Yeah, they may be useful tools but they also create a danger, as evidenced by the law the US Congress is considering to ban cell phone use while driving. ETA: My point, in case it got missed, is that its better to be situationally aware and not focused on something other than the task at hand.
  24. Yeah, guess Im luck that Im solo and didnt get in EA, so I was pretty flexible on where I could play.
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