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Posts posted by V-Serp

  1. Turn off shadows, Bloom and AA. That helps a lot. Game doesn't even look any different when you do that. It's more of a PVP issue though obviously, it just can't handle any number of people on the screen at once, and turrets firing.
  2. The gear imbalance is next to nonexistent at this point. The differences between WH an EWH are extremely small. So the argument that it is a gear issue is a bad one, for the most part. I will say that those that are unwilling to augment their gear bring whatever pain is coming on themselves.


    An organized PuG can, and they do, defeat premades all the time. What it takes are players that are willing to communicate, play to the objectives, and show some situational awareness.


    Not a competent one, no. My premade was something like 99-2. And that was with us rotating players in and out constantly, until everyone got bored and quit this game.

  3. Shift/alt/control modifiers for each, put them on the extra action bars. Myself I prefer control/shift modifiers on mouse scroll up down middle tilt left right, left mouse button and dpi switches (g500 mouse), before having to have modifiers on f r q e f g z x c v.


    Pretty much required for classes like marauder/sniper/op. Other classes? Not so much. I can play a sorc with just my mouse and modifiers, same with a pyro pt. Sins/shadows are prob right behind marauder/sent/sniper/slinger in buttons needed.


    Melee definitely seems to need much more keybindings in this game with the exception of sniper.


    You only need about 2.5 bars for most classes. You should be able to get to 30 just with the keys near your fingers and the shift modifier for those keys. A gaming mouse does help but is not needed for this game.

  4. That last part shows that this was not just a random post to please the masses, but you actually have read some suggestions.


    Thank you


    It only took about 2 years, from ignoring all the beta comments and reports and then ignoring all the subscribers.

  5. What is the complaint exactly? People aren't complaining when they're getting attacked in PVP, you're complaining they don't attack you first? Just go attack them first then and see what happens.


    People standing around and ignoring opposing forces sounds like real war to me. Most of the time it's standing there watching the other side and having tenuous communications. The firefights you see in movies and read about in books are extremely rare. If they weren't then the whole world would have been wiped out by now.


    I'm a former military officer, I think I know war better than some guy playing an MMO lol.

  6. sticky and auto attack/plasma cell with an unproc'd hib are the only potential 30m attacks (in an assault roto). I suppose if you just stood there he could drop the aoe on you for a few thousand dmg as well.


    mostly when I burn sorcs solo, it's because they let me. they sprint while harpoon is off cd. they sprint behind a post and try to heal (thus rooting themselves for me, and interrupts aren't on the gcd). some actually try to heal through it. even a healer can't do that unless I've been careless with ammo (which I certainly am in WZs as I don't always worry about it with a refresh in spawn). really, though, all you have to do is run. los behind something won't help you if you're alone - although it's fine if you're just buying time. :2cents:


    There's also missile blast. I'm pretty sure it hits harder than any of the Sorc/Sage attacks barring FiB and DM. The thing is WZs are not 1v1 affairs so trying to kite one person is a useless endeavor.

  7. So just so I make sure I understand that method, you max out your ranked comms at 4500, and then buy bunch of weapons with your unranked, and then as they near the 2 hours you just kind of rotate your inventory, buying a new one, and refunding whichever is oldest. Then you ding 50, spend all your comms, refund all your weapons and you have 'blank' x 900 extra comms. Did I miss anything?


    I wonder if Bioware will patch this "exploit" out since it actually helps people out. I still think the comm cap is inherently stupid. It should be removed by legacy level or as a hutt cartel unlock.

  8. Best part is all those dev diaries of guys who play snipers (I think all 3 pvp dudes who have been profiled play them). What's the conventional answer to "how do you kill a sniper?" Send a concealment op after them. My (cough) not based on anything (cough) prediction is snipers will get a passive extra 30 levels of stealth detection because, clearly we can't have snipers at a disadvantage vs one rare, difficult to use class like dps operative.


    Haha they'll make it so you can't use backblast/stab on a target in cover. I have a little trick for DPS Scoundrel that seems to increase backshots range but I don't want to write it because Bioware will nerf it if I do lol. I can pretty much guaranteed hit backblast whenever I want to if I'm in melee range of an opponent, absolutely doesn't matter to me one bit if they're facing me.

  9. Lol huh?


    Let me guess, your making excuses and trying to make me look bad so this discussion becomes about me and not the excuses of leaving a warzone.


    Cool beans.


    People don't leave my WZs, they leave yours because of your fail team. L2P.

  10. Ahh point taken. It's always so hard to catch those jokes/sarcastic remarks on the internet. Sorry to V-Serp if I came off as too aggressive or rude in the reply!


    I might be a little more worried about Sorcs after the new class changes go into effect (assuming that those rumored ones are in their final form). The new Force Barrier seems pretty strong as a way to stall for time; hopefully it can't be channeled for that long, and hopefully it can be interrupted. Lightning will also gain access to Force Haste, which lowers the CD on Speed, Slow, and that new Barrier ability. These changes probably won't make a sorc much stronger in its bad matchups, but they will probably make the good matchups even better.


    No worries mate, we all know the Mara buffs and the Sorc nerf are coming, I just love posting that every time though. It cracks me up much more than it should. I have one post where I actually made up new abilities for Mara in the name of PVP balancing, it was a fun thread with lots of hilarious suggestions which Bioware will top somehow or other.


    I generally also will occasionally post NURF OPERATIVES! Or some joke about "teams of stun locking operatives causing people to unsub." I didn't feel I could work that into my last post though organically so I didn't.


    I can't take PVP in this game seriously at all. I got geared up once and that's enough for me. Now I just mess around occasionally and that's it.

  11. I deal with it in a 4 man premade, but trolling is serious business isn't it.


    Simple solution, separate PUGs from Premades, so that PUGs aren't forced to deal with your fail premade that nobody wants to play with.

  12. We know people dont care about no one else but themselves.


    A deserter buff with install a thought in someone minds thinking twice about leaving.


    Thats the point, sticking it out instead of leaving over greedy opinions.


    Any excuse unless its a 911 is a reason to get a deserter buff.


    I don't care what happened, you should get something for leaving people to defend with less people.


    Having the power to control a games fate should stop, people play subs to play games without people leaving games.


    I think something needs implemented to show leavers they only can get away with it a few times, after that its going to cost you.


    What, you think people will unsub if a buff gets implemented?


    That excuse would make me laugh if people threaten to leave this game for being punished for leaving games.


    Dead serious.




    I laugh so hard when people use this excuse leaving games, shows what type of player you are.


    MMO PUG PVP is serious business!

  13. Just end the WZ when multiple people quit in a row. Don't backfill. One or two people yes, it makes sense to backfill. 3 people gone at the same time? End the WZ, it's obviously not a competitive one. Bioware can't manage to code a different setting for NWZ and RWZ, that's the only reason we have games go on in NWZ now when people quit. It wasn't like that before RWZ was introduced, in 1.4 or whatever it was.


    Hire some programmers out of India if the devs from the US can't get it done. Or China. Or anywhere that people know math and are competent.

  14. What do you mean by "Good shot"? As in, a crit? Or something else? I just don't understand what you mean here.


    Because as long as the Sorc knows what he is doing, he should always be able to keep the PT at least 11 meters away. Probably more. And if he can do that, then the PT can only Rapid Shots, Unload, Railshot (on the 16% chance that he applies a DOT with CGC and Rapid Shots/Unload), Explosive Dart, and Missile Blast (which is awful). The PT won't be able to use his most important abilities: Flame Burst, Incendiary Missile, Rocket Punch, or Thermal Detonator. That means no reliable burns, no railshot refresh, no damage boost because of active burns, etc. The CGC slow doesn't last long enough to keep the gap tight (30% slow for 2 seconds), so the sorc can always keep a large gap.


    Meanwhile, the Sorc gets free reign with Affliction, Crushing Darkness, Death Field, Lightning, and Shock. The 50% Lightning slow screws up the PT even more, reducing his speed to a laughable 5 or so meters per GCD.


    After the fight starts, the Sorc gets a bubble every 20 seconds, an Overload every 30 seconds, a 6s Slow every 12 seconds, and Speed every 20 seconds. The PT has only one gap closer (Grapple) on a 45s/35s CD. There is just no way for him to close the gap without that ability, and even if he does, the Sorc can instantly speed away.


    The fight won't be over in 10 seconds, but the PT should never be able to finish the fight if all CDs are up. If they are NOT up, that's a whole different conversation with a lot of different variables.


    NURF SORC! Bioware I hope you're reading this, clearly all the Sorc/Sage are destroying all the Mara and PTs. That is ridiculous game balance Bioware.


    NURF SORC! BUFF PT AND MARA! We need to balance this game so PT and Mara can compete with Sorc!

  15. Important thing to remember is taunts are only 30% of damage, guard is only 50%. In lowbies, where virtually no one can focus fire anything ever, that's not really going to be a lot of protection.


    At 50, it will be much higher. You can, however, get a large amount of prot points just from taunts. So really, you can choose choice D) 300k dmg AND 30-50k prot.


    Yep, and it's really the best defense to the derpsmashers. You get your prot numbers up really quickly that way. You get credit for each person they smash lol.

  16. This should lead you then to ponder why the frack gear levels are even needed in warzones. You want everyone to be competitive? Then make Bioware stop the stupid gear race in a pvp mini-game. There should only be 1 tier of gear and non-combat awards given for teamwork and skill alone.


    There is only ONE thing to whine about if gear is the same ... people's lack of skill which can never be judged unless gear is taken out of the equation.


    The leader of the Tour de France is awarded a yellow jersey ... not a space age bike from the future and aerodynamic energy shields that help him smoke the competition. It is about personal and team skill ... not the gear you have (everyone is juiced there so that evens out anyway :) . Let's call PED's the real world expertise stat! ).


    The people in this thread are just being elitists to feel good about themselves. They don't want a skill based level playing field. It's the same way premades badmouth PUGs all the time and tell them to make friends, while avoiding RWZ like they were some kind of plague.


    MMO PVPers generally want to have big advantages so that they can mock other people that haven't put in that same time. This is because in any other endeavor you don't get a game changing advantage through time played. Michael Jordan's baskets still only counted as 2 points from within the arc. He didn't suddenly get 10 pts a shot and you only get credit for 1 pt each time. He didn't get 20 fouls to give with opponents each fouling at with 1. But that's precisely what MMO players want to argue they deserve.


    GW2 tried the level playing field thing and I don't think it did that well. It will be interesting to see what Project Titan from Blizz will try and ESO.

  17. and again... remember that context matters. Correctness of any statement depends on context - 4k+ deathfields are normal for madness, especially 7/3/31 spec.


    Haven't played for awhile, but optimized WH gear with my rakata power adrenal popped and one one of the PVP relics (power usually since with recklessness your DM /FIB is going to be critting anyway, and diminishing returns on Surge made the surge relic a little useless too) I was only getting maybe 4100-4500 or so on average.


    Now without those adrenals I would not be surprised at all to see the average dip and 3900 or less becoming the average.


    Of course with EWH and higher willpower stats as well as better augments I suppose the numbers could have gotten higher. Also keep in mind the Sorc/Sage buff reduces internal damage by I believe 10%, and DM/FIB are internal. So you would want someone without that buff in place. I do not believe armor otherwise can effect that rating, theoretically making it good against tanks, except in this game the tanks have crazy HP and the melee DPS generally has armor pen so it doesn't matter.

  18. You are confused. Players routinely hold the ball for much longer than 20-30 seconds, and because of this there is no incentive to pass.




    Precisely. This would place emphasis on better passing, and have exactly the same effect as your a shot clock.




    It already does, but sure, everyone else blowing up too is a friendly amendment.




    Even the random PUGs I've played with everyone swarms and destroys the ball carrier. If they don't pass it they just die. If they're getting the protection that they can hold the ball that long, it means the opposing team is incompetent and there is no way they were going to score anyway.

  19. I dont get it...if the one holding agrro is moving around, why do you have a problem targetting the mob? If he makes the Mob run in circles, you can stand still and shoot at it - you dont have to run in a circle too...


    And yeah, as previously stated - how do the pvp dps manage to take aggro from your PVE tank? Maybe he could learn some stuff from that PVPer eh? =)


    I play both, it's precisely because the PVP DPS doesn't know what they're doing that the tank loses aggro. PVP is all about huge burst damage, PVE is all about sustained DPS. Especially in an FP or an Operation the last thing DPS is supposed to do is wait while the tank's aggro management is on CD and then burst down like crazy, or especially where the tank is switching targets when there are multiple targets in order to properly manage that aggro, don't go and burst down the enemy the tank just switched off of, there's a reason he just switched off of that one.


    Bad DPS doesn't understand the reason that this will only work when the tank completely outgears the DPS and the DPS isn't even doing optimal burst. If DPS is geared well, or higher level than the tank pre-50, DPS is supposed to at least somewhat manage with aggro dumps but the bad DPS can't even do that since it doesn't exist in PVP.


    I'm not entirely certain that bunny hopping works in PVP. I do it very rarely mostly from platforms, does it really work? I see some people do it but I don't think it actually works, and I usually just pop those people quickly...while not taking much damage at all. I take more damage when someone stands in one spot than I generally seem to when someone bunny hops.

  20. ...to like 20-30 seconds max.


    This would make it a better game.




    I think the only times I've ever seen someone hold the ball that long are when the other team fell asleep or when one team is holding the ball to win at the end, and the ball carrier is getting guarded, healed, and the entire enemy team is getting taunted. And even then I would say the ball holder and team are probably completely outplaying the opponents in that situation.


    You would want the ball carrier to just get killed for you instead? Why?

  21. for the record, any decent sniper will wreck a pyro just like pyros seem to wreck you. and any decent stealth class will do in a sniper (but it's easier with a shadow/sin, imo). more of a rock, paper, scissors thing than class balance.


    as a pyro pt, I know not to face tank a sniper. as a sorc, you need to know not to face tank a pyro pt. the strat has already been mentioned: dot, slow and run. although if you're a lightning spec, you might just jump to stun and run. maybe make use of that screwed up bubble stun.


    lol no. On my PT the only class I have any worry about is Sent/Mara, they have too many DCDs and do too much damage. On my Sent the only class I worry about are other Sent/Maras.


    If you add in bubble stun some other classes can sort of compete too, but then you're likely to be bubbled as well so we go right back to the same thing.


    This game is almost always a DPS race. The funniest part is that it doesn't even really matter how many people are focusing you with the top DPS classes in this game, you are all but guaranteed to take out one of the inferior classes, especially Sorc/Sage. I can't tell you how many times I've jumped into 1v3s, knowing it's poor gameplay, but still killed one person by popping all my cooldowns and using up all my burst at one time. Then if you respawn and the other person goes somewhere else or is stuck behind respawn, you can actually frequently take apart 2 inferior classes that attack you at once.


    This game's class balance is atrocious.

  22. Marauder and Sentinel also work in that range. A lot of the attacks say 4m but they hit from 10m anyway. I play my Sent the same way I play my PT pretty much. Range in this game is an illusion.
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