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Everything posted by Reveyah

  1. Thanks A lot for the info Callaronand, and Xo-Lara, I'll be US based so the Harbinger it is.
  2. Hello Coming back to the game after not being able to play, Just have a few questing, and apologize if they have been asked a lot, but couldn't find any concrete answer. 1, What would be the best server to pick, or the highest pop server 2. Is it true all companions can play all 3 rolls, for example can Kira heal now. 3. I have a lot of cartel coins not due to the security key, whats worth buying in the market. 4. is every skipping the begging content now due to the boost, or will i be able to do the old content, I want to start at the beginning. I appreciate any help TY!
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