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Everything posted by Doxxs

  1. This post seems like a ruse to me If it is true that vanguards are hard for you to take down (which most posts here contradict) you would have a problem with a tank being resilient to melee attack? That's what they are supposed to do. This post is an attempt at subterfuge to keep OP abilities Just restealth if you run into trouble if you are invisible (not targetable) you are invincible and that's how you would like it to stay.
  2. I think he is "crying" solely about OP/smuggler..not "every class" and your reactionary angry response basically tells me that he pegged you accurately in his post.
  3. The Op/Smug doesn't have to deal with those issues solo...just "everybody else" good suggestion.
  4. So get some friends and group up so Op/Smug can continue to dominate in solo play. Great suggestion but if you are going to apply a play restriction to most classes you really have to apply it to all. So according to your suggestion BW needs to force people to group up in PvP areas..except OP/Smugs..who can easily kill anyone 1v1?
  5. LOL yes and furthermore I demand: The "must be in a team" ethic which I falsely claim BW mandated, only be applied to classes that are not OP or scoundrel...after all neither of those need a team to succeed in PvP. Your position is very easy when you benefit from it. In your mind you are entitled to 1v1 victory while other players must team up? You too good or cool or whatever to have a game that makes you apply the ruleset that you push on other players govern you as well? You motivation is plain to see..you want to gank with impunity.
  6. I have seen far more posts explaining how having guaranteed 1v1 kills on stealth rogues classes is "as intended" because "you need to be in a team to succeed" that is unless you are a stealth rogue type in which case you just need to log in.
  7. So... Scissors=OP and Scoundrel? Paper= Everyone else? Do you just not like the thought of losing your guaranteed kill? Play a class that actually challenges you? Or go easymode? LOL tough choice I know. The idea that is being quoted (no source named on it by the way...simply people claiming it as fact) "PvP revolves around a team unit" is simply being used as a weak excuse for some players to maintain a situation where they enjoy a guaranteed 1v1 kill. I have not seen this statement on the structure of PvP from BW, just from maladroit easymoders in this forum. So if you demand that other players need a team to succeed...you don't feel that ought to be applied to you as well...you feel that 1v1 guaranteed kills uphold this claim that you keep beating your chest about? So question is this is a PvP team based game...why don't you need a team to succeed? Oh yeah..it doesn't apply to you...just everyone else.
  8. Okay I'll clarify my question name those that are MMORPGs (WoW doesn't count as it has both elements) You have just proven my point in that most of your list are genres other than MMORPGs So you are being disingenuous here. PVP is indeed better in genres other than MMORPGs and MMORPgs like TOR are rarely if ever geared exclusively to PvP and the few that have failed badly
  9. Agree But if you do have a solid product in both areas you will reap more. I simply think that the genre is not able to evolve PvP wise but if they can capture it great. I do think there is some intangible amongst "hardcore PvPers." I merely don't think there is a way to satisfy them in any way shape or form.
  10. I don't know where the "elitist" thing came from and don't really understand how it applies so I'll leave it alone. Perhaps the genre of MMO simply cannot support innovation or a good experience in PvP. That may not be the answer but there must be a common thread as a happy and content MMO PvPer can not be found anywhere in the whole of the world wide web. Hire PvPers to design? I don't think any sane employer should do that I mean after all all one has to do is go to any MMO Forum and click on PvP and discover the vitriol, psycho rage and maladroit nonsense the permeates it through and through. Who would want someone like that on any team in any workforce is beyond me.
  11. From what I have seen in many MMOs it is literally impossible to satisfy the PvP crowd. I don't think I can name a content PvP community in any MMO. Makes me wonder what is flawed. This malcontent PvP crowd thing seems to be consistent theme across the whole of the MMO world. I don't think there will ever be a way to satisfy the PvP crowd in any game.
  12. They are a few that armstech users can craft...they are green yes but with an "exceptional" roll you can get one with an augment slot and boost the cunning quite considerably. If that helps.
  13. ughh geez... If you think there is an issue send a ticket to BW they will choose to review their data and act on it. If there truly is an issue they will adjust...simple. Throwing a forum post to incite the mouth breather crowd and getting into a 50 page bickering match doesn't help anyone. These threads all go the same way...someone who doesn't like MMO type PvP combat (which is by definition not balanced), but thinks they do, gets beaten handily and posts on the forum. The PvP crowd gets angry (to frightening levels) and post page after page of insults (usually some type of acronym "L2P" "QQ"). Leave it off the forum send a ticket to BW they will investigate..or not. But please spare us this drivel. It is tiresome from both ends...
  14. So you want to be able to gank lowbies while they do quests? No issue with that as long as regular ruleset servers stay intact...let them make servers that allow that. After a few months when the first wave of players level up, you won't see any new players as they will be ganked 24/7 and unable to progress. But like I have said if there is a segment of the playerbase that want that type of server, do it. But of course leave the current rulesets in place.
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