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Everything posted by Lord-Azoth-Dryke

  1. I doubt it will have any impact after multiple years but I guess you should never lose hope....they are still missing as far as I can tell. Have been ever since the removal of the "Data Crystals". Please make them available for credits as it has been done with the scion armor...or any other means but please make them available somehow. Seems like new players are not supposed to have a chance to get those cool models. Seems wasted to me since they are so nice...
  2. It is also pretty annoying because that means the set takes up 7 inventory spaces if you don't wear it. Maybe they didn't put it in because of the rush to make it work for all subscribers in the first place and it will get added later? *hope
  3. It's weird but the problem still seems to persist. Is it so rare that almost no one complains about it or does nobody use Forex? I just played trooper for the first time and so I actually used him for the first time and immediately noticed the bug. Couldn't fix it with anything I tried. I did send an other bug report but I am not confident it will help any....
  4. Hi, I noticed that the Zakuul Battlecruiser and Gravestone models are not available to buy in the Alliance Base anymore. They seem to have been removed with the removal of the common data crystals. While the rest of the vendor is still available for credits those two models are not. Since they are really iconic and awesome at that, it would be great if you could look into it and make them available again for people that were not far enough along in the story at that time. Best regards, Azoth
  5. Hi there, I recently noticed that my bank is overflowing with Assault Cannons because only the Commando can use them and you took away the ability to use them from Rusk and Aric Jorgan. Basically only the Commando and K'krohl can use Assault Cannons now. Why are there so many Assault Cannons and only so few that can actually use them....does not seem to make a lot of sense. Best regards, Azoth:rak_02:
  6. However much I do love this game, it is a big joke that a big company like EA is not managing to keep an advertised feature for the CE. That one added pet would not even hold up in court. Unfortunately nobody has the cash to actually try a lawsuit over something trivial like this...
  7. I have read that too. I am sith and did some light side decisions at the beginning because it seemed the better RPG choice. as it is right now, it seems, you can't cap out one side if you have even one point into the other side. I am not sure how long that will stay true and I can't say from own experience that it is true but I have read it multiple times and I am getting close to dark side cap, so I will know soon...
  8. For some reason I was under the impression, that you can change your alignment through Flashpoints later on as well. It would be a lot of work but possible. I guess I was miss-informed. I hope they change it to that model though. there should be only one bar that moves to positive or negative depending on choices. not by the sum of dark and light side points.
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