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Everything posted by RickRedOne

  1. And when is that going to be again? Oh right, they don't have a release date yet!
  2. And the point of this is what? oh I know, every one of those pre-orders are SWToR players...
  3. Well this might be the reasons you don't see any interaction, since you don't follow much. I suggest you follow SR on twitter, and take a look at the Dev Tracker here on the site. Now as an improvement I would like to see an Icon on threads that have a "Yellow" post in them. Much like Blizzard and other games do.
  4. But you are not gone, you are still here posting! I can't wait till May 1st, and May 15th. When a bunch of the "quitters" leave these boards to go wreak havoc on the TERA, and Diablo 3 boards.
  5. I'm sorry did I miss the Release Date announcement for GW2? For all you know it will not even be released this year. And I will bet that transfers will be here long before GW2 gets here.
  6. Not going to see Wookies as a playable race. They don't speak basic. Gungan haha, just what we need, a bunch of Jar Jar's running around. People hate Ewoks, they also don't speak basic. Droids, interesting but the romance options would be, well very interesting.
  7. Just use the fastest memory you can afford. Your performance will always be limited by the slowest item in your system.
  8. Definition of anecdotal: based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation: anecdotal evidence.
  9. Wouldn't this be something to ask on the ASUS site? But to answer your question, (from the ASUS site)
  10. Well the OP started this thread on the 19th, well before more info about the transfers was out. The problem is people who resurrect old threads.
  11. The character that is being transferred will have to change names. Existing characters on a server always have priority on names.
  12. Having watched the 1.2 promo live, and several times since. The only thing that is mentioned in the promotion trailer, that is not in the game yet, is Warzone Rankings. And that was pulled at the last minuet. Or would you have rather it went live broken. Oh right I'm sure you would, that would give you something else to complain about. p.s. From the Community News update about PVP in 1.2 dated 3.30.2012
  13. Please enlighten us to the "promises" they failed to deliver on. And I expect to see the words "We promise to" in the statements you quote. Because "we expect to", "we plan to", or "we hope to" are not promises.
  14. No Aspiring Knight's Vest, is not only for Smuggler, it is Medium Armor. There is both a Green and Orange version.
  15. Well then you might as well cancel now. Server Merges are not happening, transfers are, and not within the next month. btw, can I have your stuff?
  16. No you just have to login with them after installing 1.2. Once you login with all your characters (on the same server) they will so up in the Legacy of all characters.
  17. This morning (April 29, 2012 at 2AM EDT) I did a quick poll of the Population on Candeous Ordo. There were over 500 players on. The who list stops at 100, and there were over 100 50's on at the time. 1-10 ----------> 52 11-15 ----------> 64 16-20 ----------> 72 21-25 ----------> 67 26-30 ----------> 59 31-35 ----------> 57 36-40 ----------> 40 41-45 ----------> 51 46-47 ----------> 19 48-49 ----------> 19 50 ----------> 100+
  18. Would like to see a link supporting this... Yes and only 70K preorders, for a game that does not even have a Launch date yet. BTW do you remember the "subs" for Beta for SWToR?
  19. This could be but since you didn't list what mat you are trying to get, it is hard to say. But with a title like this don't expect much support. Maybe if you pointed out the issue, and asked for data from other servers you might get a better response.
  20. You do realize that this is not a simple issue? It requires making a new art version of every chest piece with a hood. And heaven forbid if they miss one.
  21. bye... To use this as an excuse to quit is silly. This is not a game breaking issue. Just how does having a hood up affect your performance? Does it affect your vision?
  22. Or you could try buying the mats off the GTN, or hire someone to farm them for you.
  23. I can't wait till the bi**hing starts about the queues to log in start.
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