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Everything posted by TaintedMustard

  1. You can, in fact, shield DOTs that do kinetic or energy damage. This was a change made a ways back.
  2. They've already made the change. It's called Adaptive Armor. Stop being a *****.
  3. This would be kinda cool. I think all of the current rest abilities need to have an endlessly looping emote associated with them. Where it makes sense, naturally. I would love a looping /seethe emote without the black-red glow.
  4. This is definitely something we should get in an expansion. It could be linked to GSF or it could replace the current on-rails PvE combat. A combination of SWG's Jump to Lightspeed and Rogue Squadron. More craftable ship upgrades and different types of ships to use.
  5. I think the global cooldown for combat rezzing should automatically finish once the group leaves combat.
  6. Can't happen. Won't happen. This isn't SWG.
  7. Yes, please. This. Expansion pack material, I get it, but I'm totally willing to wait.
  8. Yes! Let's add more ways for gunships to be unassailable! Already they can fire a single ion beam and prevent any ship in the game aside from another gunship from counter-attacking, or barrel roll away into open space if someone actually DOES close with them, so why not let them sit behind a barrier of mines, too?
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