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Everything posted by Taleek

  1. I want to play as a mouse droid now so I can run around being all punny by saying I have full "Columni" and nobody getting the joke.
  2. Self explanatory title is self explanatory . This bothers me for some reason lol.
  3. I've never had this happen to me before. I've run it on hardmode like 5 times now. I don't see how the spawning would be different in normal.
  4. I like how they're just constantly trying to kill him and failing, while completely ignoring the DPS that is chewing them up x)
  5. People think that every class except the one they play is overpowered. It has always been this way and always will be. I hate it but there's nothing we can really do about it lol.
  6. I would like to know this stuff as well. TORHead's info is still mostly from beta.
  7. Performance is bad for everyone. Its just relative. Someone who normally gets 120 fps might get half that or even lower. Some, like me, can get as little as 3-5 at times. Bioware seems to like ignoring this problem, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they don't respond.
  8. Indeed that he did, as his Lord's (willing) slaves constructed The Pit to his exacting specifications!
  9. You were not 10 meters away from that crystal on your screen . You guys are really good though.
  10. At the way it is right now, at comm vendors, and at endgame PvE/PvP gear, as well as crafting (cybertech, anyway), tanks are basically limited to one stat choice. For instance, on one planet, a mod comm vendor will have exactly one choice of enhancements for tanks, 0 mods for tanks, and 2 or 3 different choices for healers/ dps classes. Now, the mod on X planet may have defense rating and shield, and a tank that relies on shield and absorb will either be forced to take this mod, use an old one with stats that are more appropriate, or buy a different one on the GTN. Additionally, Cybertechs ABSOLUTELY CANNOT craft any mods (that is, the items actually named mods) with defensive stats on them. They may be able to do so by REing existing mods, but they are not actually given the schematics, why? The most glaring lack of variety has to be in end game PvE/PvP items though. Tanks have exactly one set of armor to choose from, and if they don't like the stats, that's too bad, they have to live with it. Again, why? Anyway, my suggestion is this. Every type of enhancement, mod, and armoring that can be obtained in the course of the game should have its own 51, 56, and 58 ilevel variant, and hopefully be craftable as well. Basically all I'm asking for is to be able to experiment, mix and match, to see what works and what doesn't, instead of being shoe-horned into using one combination.
  11. I think one shotted is a bit of an exaggeration, and I've never had any problems with this quest.
  12. Why are we given defense rating, when none of our talents increase it, as opposed to having just shield and absorb? I know this is probably a stupid question, but I want to see if anyone has a good answer.
  13. I really hope they change this. With the armorings too. I don't see what the problem with it is, we'd be able to have more variety....
  14. No, that would allow us to use what weapons we want and still be as good as we can be, which obviously cannot be allowed. Oh wait that doesn't make sense.
  15. My machine isn't great, but I am FAR above the minimum specs (2.5 GHz processor, 6GB RAM, and, unfortunately, an integrated GPU) and the game peforms pretty well.... outdoors. As soon as I even so much as LOOK at an indoor area, my frame rate gets cut down from like 20-30FPS to like 10-15. In some indoor areas I can get as low as 5. And this is with me running at pretty much bare minimum settings, with drivers that are only a few weeks old, and a hard drive that isn't even half full. I wouldn't mind this so much, if my computer couldn't run Skyrim on medium-low settings, and get considerably better performance in indoor areas. I just don't see why this engine was used at all, it just behaves so weirdly. My friend has a slightly inferior computer, and he performs fine indoors, but on areas with lots of grass or something, his game experiences severe hiccups, it's just so strange.
  16. Not really, he added up a lot of little gripes he had with the game to explain why he quit.
  17. Most of his points are pretty hard to argue with at all. I thought it was pretty good.
  18. So I just did the quest for trooper where you board Tavus's ship (after Nar Shadaa) and on holo, Tavus mentions the deaths of Needles and Gearbox, and my trooper acts as if he was responsible for both deaths. Only problem is, I don't remember klling Gearbox, or even encountering him since Ord Mantell, and neither does my friend who I have been duoing with. Are we just really stupid and blind, is this a plothole, or is it explained farther down the road? Can anyone help?
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