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Posts posted by Darth_Rathus

  1. they are closing every damn threat in this game wich contains any complains from players wich should be helped and not trolled from characters wich i am sure are bioware mods or bioware fans ppl complain about No pvp content and the threads get closed ppl complain about unbalanced classed and the threads get closed ppl complain about loads of bugs and again thread get closed....but i enjoy to see my decision staying the same i refuse to pay for a game wich isnt fun anymore and where ppl are about to kill you only because you asked something where the bio failed...i didnt complained for months for not selling my stuff because i was waiting for the char transfer on another server but then they bring in augmented kit wich took my only hope to recover some money back from this crap wich i crafted and then again 7 ppl come here and act like douches and tell me my english suck and i am greedy and i want things from bio wich are not suposed to be asked..i didnt asked anything wich was out of my rights..you introduce something in game wich for 80% population is worthless because the servers are dead (because they lied the pvp base players about rated wzs) anyway i dont really care anymore if my thread get closed and i am getting baned because i am not a lickbutt like some others...


    I tried to read that out loud, and almost suffered from an aneurism.

  2. it is taking a week to get a pvp daily done, working as intended?


    It should take you a very long time, considering the fact that you unsubbed.

  3. *** CONFIRMED ***


    The "ninja fix" we discussed is apparently up.


    I just crafted Rakata Relic of Boundless Ages (augmented).


    The relic was crafted by Vette, who has 10k affection, on the Imperial Fleet.


    To the devs - I'd still like to see everyone's materials / credits refunded because we were lied to for the past month. Can I prove that your CSR's lied? No, but I think the examples in this thread show that we all know better.

  4. Hey guys, I've been following this thread for a while as I have a Campaign Relic schematic and have been trying to crit it. I got up to 12 attempts before i decided what was on this forum must be true; that it's bugged.


    I sent multiple tickets, and eventually I talked to a CSR due to completely unrelated issues. I brought up the relic topic and they went and investigated it, and replied with an email later. They told me it was working as intended etc etc, but I asked them if they could tell me if I had to do anything else or if I was doing the right thing etc. They replied to this by saying "We recommend you continue to craft them, as you will eventually crit one" or something along those lines.


    After I saw this I decided I would craft a few more. And as of 15 minutes ago, I crit one on my 15th attempt.


    Don't give up, and good luck ;)


    Companion used? Affection level? Location relic was crafted? Server?

  5. second day in a row i have asked for help with a class mission and i get a 100k response from general chat on the fatman server. is this the type of people i should expect here? why cant anyone just help people anymore? what is wrong with these so called ADULTS today?


    You're playing on a pvpeen server...

  6. I use all 8 character slots, have several 50's and did every operation and flashpoint once (not interested in boring pve grinding versus dumb ai mobs without reward). I'm a pvp player.


    That's where I stopped reading. Go play WAR. Catering to the vocal minority of spacebar-mashing pvpeens did wonders for WAR sub numbers.

  7. * UPDATE *


    I was contacted ingame by a CSR, who discussed my daily bug reports since April 16th and this thread. He admitted this appears to be a legitimate bug, and forwarded it to the development team. Hopefully, we'll see an official response on the forums so people don't waste millions of credits and hundreds of materials like we have.

  8. I posted a bug report about the inability to critically craft Campaign Relics and I got response that said "Consulted with our specialist team and what you reported is not a bug and is in fact, working as designed."


    Response felt really automated but assuming that it was a correct response, the inability to critically craft Campaign Relics is intentional and not a bug lol, gah it has sucked to be artifice since release.


    I mentioned this a couple of times in the original thread. That is a standard reply to anyone that submits a bug reporting regarding any and all critical crafting.

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