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Posts posted by Sinister-Sith

  1. I have seen one person to complain in general and I'm levels 42/17/11. So yeah, not much whining in there. Now people discuss bugs and sometimes are not fully happy with some features but the kind of rage that exists in forums is not present at all inside the game.


    Personally I'm very happy with the launch and can't wait the game to mature. Will be fun ride, will be playing for a long time.

    Everybody in-game seems to be pretty confident about the game's potential. :)

  2. Exactly - I think if people would stop griping about features they want and start enjoying the features that are currently available they would enjoy their purchase. Even at minimum until they complete the story and reach max level.


    From my observations, the people that complain about features are the following...


    • Trolls
    • WoW Fanboys
    • Level 50 players who leveled WAY too quickly
    • People who set their expectations way too high
    • Impatient people


    How often do you guys see people complain in the actual game?? :)

  3. Valid concern, not game breaking, but valid.


    I was actually wondering the same thing myself, to be honest. I don't quit understand how come my character's stealth breaks when I dance. It'll probably be fixed shortly; I'm not worried. :3

  4. '97, I was seven years of age. The Star Wars Trilogy had just been released on VHS (the special edition, anyway). A friend of mine allowed me to borrow it, and I swear I must've watched each movie about three times before I gave it back to him.


    I've been a fan ever since! I sold a lot of my stuff throughout the years, but now is the time when I am looking to get it all back!

  5. since i reached 50 3 days ago i didnt do anything at all... i want to to pve but its imposible to find any party for hard mode flashpoints... there are an acceptable number of others 50 but they looks like sleepeing or something because they dont do anything too, ive spend hours trying to find group but nothing, i guess i must wait weeks to do some pve :/


    now i wish we had a lfg tool...


    also i am hoping for extended space content


    Think about this logically. The average user is going to put in between 2 - 4 hours a day, and you're expecting them to be at level 50 like yourself?


    I have put in about eight hours daily (prior to up until about two days ago due to family/friends and whatnot), and have about a day and 15 hours so far logged, and I am only level 23.


    It sounds almost as if you people don't eat, ****, or sleep or go outside. What do you do? Getting to 50 so quickly would ruin the game entirely for me. I want to immerse myself in the vast universe of this game, so I am trying to take my time.


    There is so much to do in terms of quests and stuff. Every time I complete a quest, it seems as if I get three or four more to do! It's nuts! And you people are way at the top with 1million credits while I am down here at level 23, content with 30K+.


    Sounds to me that you rushed to the top to feel better than everybody else (ie. an ego boost).

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