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Everything posted by BrianEvol

  1. I'd like more clear, concise information instead of sitting here playing the F5 lottery. A new wave of transfers! Sorry you didn't win, the princess is in another castle, continue to wait. Just tell us! "West Coast PVE Servers will be finished in tomorrow's 2nd wave!" Awesome, now I don't have to sit here refreshing, I can go do something else. I am a happy customer. Instead I sit here as frustrated customer writing on your forums, filling your threads, sucking your website bandwidth with my F5. If you're done for today please tell us!
  2. There are only what, 8-9 PVE West servers? Of those 8 or 9 just pick one to be a Destination and Origin the rest and bam. West Coast PVE done. Or PLEASE just tell us a day/time West Coast servers will be finished so that I can stop coming back here over and over checking for updates.
  3. As a player who is becoming frustrated while waiting for my server to transfer, as many people are in this thread, I would respectfully request that BioWare release a more concise schedule for transfers. Let me know what day/time my server will come up for transfer, there is no need to disclose to WHERE if that is information the company would rather sit on, but at least save me the trouble of sitting here and refreshing over and over while waiting for information.
  4. Where the hell are the PVE West Coast transfers? Slowing down and moving into next week? I love this game but I am quickly becoming frustrated. Hyperspace Cannon needs transfers.
  5. I'm not one for posting on here and complaining, but after PVPing extensively prior to 1.2, I have unsubbed until it is fixed. I don't mind getting rolled by a premade, premades are using voice chat most of the time, their coordination causes them to win even if 1v1 they are mediocre players. I have a problem when my progress towards improving is impeded to the point of being laughable. I don't want gear handed to me on a platter, I don't mind putting in time to work towards it. However, getting 9 medals, fighting until the very end of the match to turn it around and getting 40 commendations is atrocious when compared to Battlemaster prices, let alone War Hero.
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