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Posts posted by Bravotwentynine

  1. I remember SOE did this 3 times and I got invited. At first it wasnt a pleasant time as all it was doing was bringing out the whinners to come out in the open and fight with the devs over broken crap.


    It never failed every time this happend. In the end yes alot got worked out and fixed until the xpack GOD came out.


    To everybody complaining about why should they pay. Get real here and stop being a whinning baby. if your invited its your option to go and pay. Over seas people umm get a life and dont expect them to shell out cash to fly you over here.


    I can see this summit is just going to be like the SOE one. A giant pissing match with everybody complaining, complaining, threatning to quit if so and so isnt fixed, demanding compensation for flying out, free months, and everybody saying PVP rules over PVE so screw PVE.

  2. They only release it because people accept it the way it is. If people didn't buy it or kicked up a stink about it and didn't support it, then they'd have to change their ways.


    Even then people will still complain.....They will find a way. As i stated you cant please them all.


    Even if they cramed every thing at start up into the game. Every mod, GUI fix, no bugs, no que people will still b@#ch about thing becuse they feel they need to.


    Your one point is true if you dont like it dont buy it. Another thing about that is dont come raining hell to others because it not to your liking and expect them to follow you.

  3. Just because said games above didn't have the features when they were released all those years ago doesn't mean Bioware couldn't learn from those said games and have it when they released.


    Simply put, it's lazy developing expecting people to accept the state the game is in because "that's just the way it is".


    Have you ever made a game or developed one? It isnt easy even if you do it every day. look at microsoft they still realse bug infest programs that corp america uses.

  4. I dont build cars, but I expect any car I buy to start properly without waiting 49mins to get going, to not randomly just stop, to steer correctly and to have all modern features such as airbags, air conditioning, and such like.


    I dont expect some 1970s piece of crap just because it was good enough then it should be now...


    I expect the same things in my computer games.


    Its called progress. Any new product has to compete with the current market, not some nostalgic view of how things were 7years ago.


    My prime example!

  5. Simple... People who dont code..Never made a video game...dont under stand the process in doing so. So they expect perfection.


    They want it all up front and not later.


    They want the new game better than the old but want thing from the old into the new..go figure.


    They want the game to revolve around them and nobody else.


    I can keep going on and on. I hear this crap in focus groups we did every time.


    You cant please everybody at once.

  6. Fun post. I must say there isn't anything glaringly missing that I feel like I can't do without. I have also experienced only a small percentage of the content so some of this might be in and I'm unaware.


    1.) Kashyyyk. Loved the planet in KOTOR, would like to see a return. PLUS even more Wookies can't be a bad thing, right?


    2.) Sabacc. Some high stakes sabacc games, the ability to put money and even possibly gear on the line with a few accomplishments to boot could be a fun way to keep things interesting when everyone has all their characters to 50.


    FINALLY, a huge hail Mary of a most likely never gonna happen but you gotta dream kinda idea....


    3.) A third "neutral" faction in opposition to the other two. Traders or underworld or independent types, something along those lines.


    SABACC!!! yes

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