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Posts posted by Bravotwentynine

  1. If you buy a Conqueror enhancer and return it after 2.4 is an example. The enhancer is 1750 ranked and 775 unranked comms today. next week it will likely only cost 400 normal comms.


    Will I get a refund for what I paid as long as the bind timer hasn't expired?


    Than why even buy it?

  2. I play with my 7 year old. Yeah he is not allowed to play unless I play. Be it raiding or just questing. Its not due to the games nature its more of the people who play it.


    Gen chat and a few guilds we were in were a lot worse than the game options or graphic content.


    He went through niM EV last week and died once compared to others that have been playing longer and died more often.


    When I informed who the back up tank was they didn't believe it was a 7 year old that could handle it.


    I just have to look out for the freaks and pervs that target MMOs. You be shocked how many do. If you don't believe me come over ill have my wife go over a few cases that she has closed for the Sheriffs dept cyber crimes division.

  3. First of all if all who wanted to state of respect the hierarchy than the officer before kicking should have consulted all officers and the leader(s). Kicking with out doing that is wrong. I can tell you in other MMO's is a major NO-NO.


    I know what its like to run a MMO hard core raid guild and keep them all in line. It isn't easy doing it while planning raids and such. For an officer to just up a boot somebody for saying that they would have been put on notice them self's.


    For the others who stated shut up till you put out numbers in HM's, OPS, or WZ's should also keep quiet. Being in a guild isn't all about numbers and such. Some just do it to be in a guild and not cookie cutter DPS output crap. They are also not their to your foot stool or a lacky.


    This is why I avoid all these guilds here. Since I came back I ran into 4 guilds on massive power trips. One with a 17 year old officer that was pushing around people like he was king (insert bad word here that starts with a S). I was shocked that other players were letting him do it.


    Their is no need to be a A hole and be on some massive power trip for being a guild leader or a officer in a MMO game. You want respect well you have to earn and it goes both ways. That is something most of these people in MMO leadership roles don't have and don't follow. They want to rule with a iron fist and use threats of "we will kick if you don't do what I say". I was told that twice here and both times I said F you and de-guilded myself. The other was a leader that every word was a swear word. I don't think he ever said one sentence without multiple swear words in it.

  4. LOL in EQ before I worked for them I bought items and accounts from 1$K to $5K. I sold accounts up to $6k and my cleric before I semi retired was sold for $9K.


    I know a guildmate sold 3 accounts of his for a $18k that could be stripped of gear and resold for $25k.


    This all before the massive melt down of the game.


    In the early years I know people that made a living alone just farming gear and reselling it tax free.

  5. Umm lets see why I don't use the PTS.


    Going through Beta many upon many bug reports about road blocked progression for BH. Live hits and the BH still has that roadblock!!! What was the point of beta testing.


    Operations reporting as broken. Took months for them to get fixed after many reports through beta.


    PTS first opened again reporting many broken quest and operations still broken. Servers patched and the quests/operations are still broken. Some that took months to fix but by than many people left the game.


    Again on PTS and on live servers the bug of dyeing on any elevator if you do a auto follow still exist. So why play on PTS?


    I don't PVP so I wont bother the test any PVP feature. Secondly many who do the PTS are hard core raiders trying to get an edge on operations. When I played EQ when sony invited our guild to early beta test of new raid zones that was the only reason to do it. Here its no point if I am not ready for that area on the LIVE servers why test it on PTS.

  6. On this tangent, getting creds in game then buying stuff from other players off the GTN is part of "playing the game," just not a part you choose to participate in.


    If buying your way up is so called playing the game than why even play it.

  7. It's better to earn low quality items that you can't use? Seems to me earning the credits to purchase higher quality items on the GTN makes no sense of your reply/


    I been here since day 1 and yes I have not and will not buy an upgrade off the GTN. I never had the need to. There is no need when I can just go out and play the game to earn new gear.

  8. Its,..2013 and I think we all can agree something needs to change. I am talking about the old, worn out and tired system of Tank, DPS, and Heal. It really is obsolete in this day and age,...everyone...EVERYONE no matter what class you are ....wants to beat on the bad guy,..they want to slay,..ok.....they don't want to follow rules in fights...they just want to beat on stuff and watch stuff die


    This notion that you have to have dps, heal and tank in fights is old school...it's past its time


    Ask anyone...ANYONE...and they will tell you...they just want to Tank n Spank and get hell outta there and collect the commendations. In and Out..simple..fast and done


    As it is now,...what do people do in flashpoints? Lol...they skip trash and go directly to Boss and kill for the phat lewt. Spacebar commandos and don't you dare listen to the story...rush to the Boss...get your objective and done


    Dps fights stuff that the tank isn't even fighting ROFL...healer is healing the dps'rs instead of the tank ROFL...tank is has no clue what aggro is ROFL.....i mean it is total chaos in mmo gaming now days. It is rare to find a coordinated group in traditional tank, heal and dps roles working like a swiss watch



    1. Give everyone a natural heal buff over time duration

    2. Give everyone heavy armor

    3. Give everyone an equal amount of dps

    4. Get rid of need and pass and make all loot drop particular to your class and automatically go into your inventory


    If you disagree with this post....see the thread titled....Don't Get Discouraged by Jerks in Pug's, FP's and Op's. I am offering a solution to eliminate jerks in mmo's,..well no way to totally eliminate jerks but you get the idea


    Ok than what do think a game should be than? The regen crap dont work go look at DCuonline.


    It to funny when people say to get rid of tank,heal, dps aspect. All the areas will be simple dps PEW PEW easy peasy boring MMO...Wasnt that anarchy online?

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