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Posts posted by DarkDruidSS

  1. It is uninterruptable as a baseline. However, like someone said earlier you can stun or knockback or any number of things to negate it. I find as a sentinel vs good players, it rarely finished for the last tick which is the biggest.


    Ok, so I wasn't crazy. I thought it was uninterruptable, but thought it was a talent.. long time since I played my marauder much. But yea, like all "uniterruptables" you can interrupt them with a stun, knockback, knockdown or mezz.

  2. I tried a few times yesterday to interrupt it and for some reason it never worked. This is very similar to when I stun someone and then try to knock them back while they're still in the stun and the knockback doesn't do anything.


    Oh well ... I'll keep plugging away. (At least I'm usually top damage and top Medal earner for my teams ... so I'm doing something right, I guess).


    Are you sure it was a marauder and not a juggernaut? Juggernauts can go CC immune and they also have ravage.

  3. I've seen people with controllers wreck keybinders. I know it's kinda the same thing, but keybinders have access to more keys. With a controller you have to mimorize more key combinations and have access to less total keys.
  4. Thanks for your reply!


    Is there a talent that makes Ravage to where I cannot interrupt it?


    Edit- Sorry, they can root you for the duration of ravage. I don't see it as uninterruptable unless I missed it.

  5. Look, getting blown up by a Mara (or Sentinel) is one thing. I get it, they're a pure DPS class. But when Pyrotechs and Assassins do the same exact thing, it is quite disheartening.


    I don't get this statement. Tankassins will out last you and Pyrotechs will just melt you. I know everyone beats Marauders to death on these forums, but Pyrotechs are just as deadly. Just because a class can tank doesn't make it less of a DPS spec if it is specced for DPS.

  6. So why not upgrade to slightly better hardware... this is almost as bad as when the server was dead


    Here.... this is your troll comment. 5 minute queues versus 20 minutes to an hour or more on dead servers... yea, not even remotely close. I have yet to see a queue take longer than a few minutes, but I haven't timed it to see if it hit 5 minutes... i doubt it.

  7. Most people that are pvpers are casual pvpers... just like most people that play SWTOR or any other MMO are casual players. They don't care if they play perfect as long as they are having fun. Now that MMOs are mainstream you get more and more new players. Just the fact that this is Star Wars and made by BioWare ensures you get a huge influx of new casuals... many have never touched a MMO before in their life even though most of them know what WoW is and who it was made by.
  8. Mate, you only have 1 cc break.


    You will not, can not, prevent double cc cap play. Even if you have the cc break for the first one, the second u use it, u get hit by the other one and lose the node.


    The fact that there are so many people with a poor ability to play their class, does not diminishes the class strength.


    Have to agree with Dmasterr. Against a well played operative solo... they will get the node every time.

  9. That totally makes them worth using over the other dps I said :rolleyes:



    When I am guarding a node I would MUCH wrather a burst Op or Sin be coming to try to take it than a Marauder or PT.


    My biggest problem with a deception sin on my sniper is that I can't kill them before they vanish. There is no way to prevent the vanish working if they have force shroud ready. So normally if they do end up killing me it's because they re-engaged after I already blew entrench and cover pulse... leaving me open. Thankfully there are just as many bad sins as maras so it is rare to see one that causes a significant problem. The sins that do know what they are doing are pretty scary as a sniper.


    Operatives in concealment do have enough burst to take me out before I get much of a fighting chance.. but if I can get entrench off between their stuns then I can usually survive, but like the sins they tend to vanish and come back later to kill me. Between Sin and Operative, I think operative is the harder of the 2 because of their higher burst and the fact they open with a knockdown built into a damage ability unlike sin which has to fire the knockdown then a damage ability.

  10. this is a good point but its bioware that should be telling us these thing, instead we have to guess.


    BioWare shouldn't have to tell us that. It's common sense. There will be tons of activity over the weekend and there will likely be queues to even play the game at all. I'm not looking forward to having to wait to play period... on a dead server I could have done some things... even if it wasn't exactly what I wanted to do like PvP.

  11. Prediction for the seven West Coast PVE servers left out in the cold (I'm on Darth Sion). After monitoring the servers over the weekend, Bioware will play it safe. They won't want to risk the possibility that stragglers on existing origin servers will eventually decide to migrate. So we're going to get merged with each other. That's going to be their wonderful solution. And it's going to be evident to lots of affected players that this is a bad outcome. Instead of seven light servers, we'll have one standard pop server that doesn't solve the original ghost town problem. In which case the single-server LFG tool will be useless on our short bus server. In which case I'll still struggle to find any other players for anything beyond Taral V, never mind trying to run an operation at off-peak hours. In which case, I quit.


    If this is the case then it would make a great target for their Free to Play to level 15 server. Because I don't think the current servers will be able to handle all those low levels.

  12. I agree with most everything here. However it has only been 6 months since early access started and almost 6 months after relase, not 7. Wrong information here will cause people to not belive the rest of your post even though it is accurate.


    It's not accurate. BioWare hasn't released lordship of their UI either. It's still not moddable. You can only do what they have allowed you to do with it. He is grabbing at straws to attempt to prove a point that is largely just more guessing on his end. I was here since beta. I know the servers couldn't handle the caps they can now. Now where close. I remember our fleet at launch having a seizure because there were 150+ people on it. We even had a guild sit on the fleet with 100 members to purposely cause it.

  13. Yes PLEASE DO create another west coast PVE server!

    Squeezing more people into Harbinger and DPB is ridicolous. I had 10-min wait time 2 days ago when I reserved my names on those servers and Hutta and Korriban were already laggy with 70+ people on there.


    When 1.3. is released and players are returning, this will become a 1h wait?


    So I'll go from waiting for warzone pops to waiting out login limits - great choices. :mad:


    ^This. There will be more people raging that they have to wait to play the game period than people that are raging because they can't PvP or do endgame. I'm not looking forward to server queues just to play. That is the reason we are in this position to begin with and with the limited time I do get to play a night. Spending an hour in queue... no thanks.

  14. so what is bioware going to do when they find out over the weekend that there are to many people per server. the server ques are to long? what is bioware going to do then? sure they wont add OUR servers to those long que waitings.. but i bet you they will simply raise the max allowed per server to accomodate the extra players during the weekends.


    how the hell does that affect any of the servers that havent been transfered yet? it doesnt.. its not like bioware cant load us into the server they planned on it, then raise the server caps to accomodate the people...the same thing they will have to do for the other servers this weekend..


    the servers they are monitoring to determine the new server caps..


    thats why it bothers me...it seems like what they are waiting to find out is simply a matter of adding higher server pops....


    I am sure if it was really as easy as you make it seem then we wouldn't have had to go through all of this to begin with. Clearly that is not the case. It's unfortunate that people have to wait 3 days to transfer, but that is how BioWare decided it was best to handle it. I was on a extremely dead server for over a month. I know how bad being on a server like that sucks, but really 3 days and you will get a server that can best handle the load. I think that is reasonable.

  15. Que Metallica's - Shortest Straw

    Shortest Straw

    Challenge liberty

    Downed by law

    Live in infamy

    Rub you raw

    Witch hunt riding through

    Shortest Straw

    This shortest straw has been

    Pulled for you


    I feel for the servers that have to wait for the population to settle and to see how things go over the weekend, but I feel that BioWare is doing the right thing in the long run. It's just as frustrating to not be able to transfer as it is to not be able to play because of server queues. I am sure there are still a lot of people that will transfer this weekend and BioWare wants to see where best to stick the remaining servers.

  16. finally.thanks so much!:)


    Just incase you didn't know. You can go to the fleet or Coruscant and talk to all the profession people once. That will put all the info in your Codex then you can check your Codex and it will tell you exactly what goes with what, what is recommend and what all the crafting professions do.

  17. I honestly don't see how it matters. I have been pvping for well over 1,000 warzone matches and honestly even if you didn't have the green beam I could still tell you were a healer. So many visual clues that even if you fired invisible rounds you would be spotted. All Commandos and Mercenaries that are healer specced have the healer buff active. All heals have similiar icons on your cast bar when you use casted heals. Both Mercs and Commandos have a kolto missle which is a giant "There is a healer some where. Check the enemy buffs to see who it is and mark them" sign.


    Really the merc version with green bolts flying to ally players is just as obvious. The only class that can shoot their own team mates are Mercs and Commandos. So it wouldn't matter what color or if the visual effect was the same as a merc. It would be obvious.

  18. I've done the foundry and I have my own opinion on that, actually.



    I hated that ending, especially after all that crap with the Revanites on Dromund Kaas. I saved the order and kept the title ever since and BAM no other choice when push came to shove. I think in the end I've been feeding a delusion that the jedi in the foundry was an insane Revanite who threatened the secrecy of the Emperor, who actually IS Revan.


    Except I'm going to be really disappointed when I get further into the lvl 50 flashpoint :(



    You don't think that HK-47 would know if the Revan he is talking to is the real Revan or not?


  19. Revan is not dead before the final blow struck, Revan's body disappeared in a flash of light.

    Oh and he also quoted Malak's last words when he was defeated.



    That's something Jedi tend to do... body is absorbed into the force. Doesn't make them any less dead, but he could take over another person's body like some Sith do through out the story.


  20. No one meantioned the Foundry flash point yet? You can't really get anymore in your face with KOTOR content than that.



    In the foundry flash point you kill HK-47 and Revan himself at the end.



    We are also supposed to get a HK-51 droid that is modeled after HK-47 in the future according to the E3 vids.

  21. Threads like this make me hopeful that my server will be added to the list today. Death Wind Corridor is about as dead as they get right now. I get excited if I see a same faction character in the open world... haven't seen a republic player in open world for months and of course having queue times below 15-30 mins at peak or an hour+ outside of peak would be nice.
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