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10 Good
  1. I've seen him beaten in beta without 2 knockbacks like you say, but how is it the sentinal which a mirror of a sith warrior doesn't have a knockback like force push? I've not played a sentinal before but the Sith Warrior equivallent most definately has a knockback.
  2. Alright so I've just dinged 25, and the toughest boss I've fought to this point was that blasted sand demon on tattooine. I attempted to engage him first, at lvl 24 with a strength stim a med pack and Quinn as my companion (playing SW), I didn't take Quinn's plan to weaken it first I wanted the DS points of just attacking. I failed hard even with a feild med kit. Second attempt, still lvl 24 I grab a fortitude medkit and try it with vette another wasted feild medkit (this guy is getting expensive to beat). Third try, I farm up to lvl 25 (don't vist trainer just wanted the stats boost) take ANOTHER fortitude stim and feild med kit with Quinn as my companion finally bring the beasty down! Do any of you have epic fights to tell?
  3. Avoid the non essential mobs. Just do your core quests on balmorra and try to get your self back into the right lvl if you want to enjoy yourself.
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