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10 Good
  1. I'll agree that things like this take time to plan and that they may have been planning it for a while. However, why on earth would you announce it literally hours before the North American subs are up for renewal? Wouldn't it make more sense to announce this weeks ago or even at launch. My suspicion is that they did plan this but weren't planning on announcing it until later. Something like "To show our appreciation to everyone that payed for the first month, here is a founder title". With what happened today, I think they saw it as a damage control opportunity. Why else announce it with hours ticking down to re-sub?
  2. 2600k 470 8gb ram and I never drop below 50's in fleet either. Of course, they could be on a server with 400+ in fleet. But who knows.
  3. Same with mine it seems. I was on Hoth last night from 4:30-8:00 and never saw more than 4 people in the social windows. Of course with the amount of sith I ran into, I'd say there were quite a few of them there, so maybe its just everyone is sith.
  4. Well Said. You'd also need a strong IP behind it. I don't think SWG would have made it as far had it not been for the Star Wars name. I bet a lot of people wouldn't even have tried it if it wasn't Star Wars. I would like to see another well done sandbox mmo but I doubt we ever will.
  5. I recorded it, Uploading it now. I'll post it when its done. Strange thing was I was standing on a frozen corpse and kept getting a message that I needed to be a sith something or other to enter. You'll see when I post it.
  6. That's not always true. I tried jumping over a barrel in a hallway on the space station and got stuck midway over it. Had to use the /stuck and ended up outside the station in space. Had to use the station pass to get back.
  7. You can pug raids in WoW now. That game must have gotten even easier.
  8. Thanks, I'll just keep at it then.
  9. Can enhancements be reverse engineered into purple quality? Reason I ask is because I have reverse engineered a blue enhancement close to 20 times now and haven't gotten the purple schematic. My crystals and hilts of the same level took maybe 5. Thanks
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