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Everything posted by TyonYlle

  1. I'd rather Bio enable us to upload/link our own avvies. I want my animu avvie!
  2. Yeah, I've never really liked EA games, besides the WWE games, but they're a rare exception. I've never really enjoyed multiplayer games, they were always my brothers fave. I look like a literal chimp with a controller when I play a multiplayer game. I'm only interested in four games this year, Vampyr (which I've preordered, Detroit, Days Gone, and TLoU2. I don't actually think Anthem is gonna be a popular after it drops, just because there is such a saturation of multiplayer games, and the reason I probably why buy that new SW game Visceral were working on because it sounds like EA is going to change it to yet another multiplayer game. Now, to bring this discussion back on topic! Y'all know you'd live in a SW version of SAO, even with the wartime, and the ever possibility of death.
  3. This thread still going? tbh I think this is nothing but a pipe dream, because we've heard literally nothing about a "new SW MMO" (correct me if I'm wrong), nor do I want another SW MMO UNTIL we have a real ARMMORPG going. Imagine, an actual SAO, but set in the SWs universe?
  4. Soo, I gotta derail this only ever so slightly, but it's still about Theron! I finally got around to my reunion with Corso, and well, old habits are hard to break, and old feelings even harder. God damn, Theron is a gentleman, not gonna lie, broke my heart to break Theron's heart because he acted to damn mature, which I can't say the same about my smuggler if roles reversed. It was only small, but something I didn't expect to have happen, and I'd just love to show my appreciation to Bio, even though they won't see this post. #thesmallthings
  5. You can physically place a legacy cargo hold and a mailbox and GTN besides each other inside a SH. Like others have said, you also have a portable legacy perk that brings all your legacy credits to you. You can also have a legacy cargo hold, mailbox AND GTN inside your personal star ship. I'm really not finding how this is more work than having to mail creds between characters, especially if you have a lot of characters.
  6. tbh I don't really see the point in this perk. I would, of course welcome it for other people. It's just that you (general) visit the fleet regularly, and it doesn't really take too much out of your time to visit a repair droid. Also, I like the fact that you have to pay to repair your armor. It isn't much, but it's another, of the few credit sinks. idk, I just think there would be better QoL improvements for them to add before this.
  7. So, this is just my curiosity, and if anyone plays music in the background while playing what kinds of songs do you listen to, do you have an entire playlist, do you have different song for different characters? Maybe, if you're on spotify you could even link to your playlist for people to check out?
  8. I disagree. I certainly don't feel like I'm being preyed upon. I'm not going to buy the pack, I'll just wait until I can afford it off the GTN, or it becomes a DP. I'm just glad that they're finally in-game.
  9. Me thinks zee OP wanted the "easier" way to make fast creds with his many alts. I too, have found this QoL a vast improvement.
  10. Tux just won zee internetz for today 😛
  11. To be fair, I can hardly blame Bio for introducing via making them a part of a pack. I am sure, like they have recently done with the unstable lightsaber that they'll eventually be available for DP.
  12. Because, imo they look pretty damn close! The GTN is going to go OFF. I wonder what sorts of prices we'll see?
  13. I like the new eyes, too! I thought the eyes looked flat before.
  14. A Kotor-styled/Mass Effect etc based on the new era would be amazing! It probably wouldn't even have to be made by BW, or that *shudder* other company, are Obsidian still around? Oh, and it - should - include some semblance of character customization, if only we got something like the character customization that had with the Kotors.
  15. So, with the game coming out next year that will essentially be Uncharted-SW, or so I've heard. Do you guys have any hopes for more "mature SW games" that aren't named "BF" or "Lego SW"? Are there any games you would like to see for either the consoles. I'm always going to be playing SWTOR, but if this new game is going to be like Uncharted, then that would be absolutely amazing, maybe even a potential new game series? Maybe, even some mature games that is set in slash before slash after the new movies? Or, maybe even a "Han-Solo game"?
  16. It's not like you can't earn CCs in game, though, there are quite a few ways to earn them. A YTer has even made a video about all the easiest tasks, and the total amount.
  17. Well, heavy RPers aren't ways RPing. I consider myself a heavy RPer, but I don't walk everywhere. I usually go about my business, but if someone initiates RP with me that's when I start to walk.
  18. And the - monthly - 500 CCs aren't enough, 600 if you have a security key. CCs shouldn't be earned for free.
  19. I agree both that it was an enjoyable read, especially from a stranger's pov, because, I mean he is a spy and Pova wouldn't have known his name, maybe. And that this sounds like Theron being "typical Theron". This just made me that much more excited for Copero to come to us! I'm excited because it would be better story telling for my girl to kill Theron, she is so broken at the moment. But I do hope that she hasn't lost the opportunity, no matter what email we received. Depending on his excuse I could see her going both ways. Also, can we please have Pova as a companion, eventually!?
  20. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/3b/3b75813af2350e14a3403e46e8539c3cb2f8d44e36b0a0ff450203ef80b42b2c.jpg If the latter? Can I spread the Musco love, too!
  21. Nah, you're definitely good to go. You just need to do 3 PVP matches, OR 3 GFs. That's all, there is no "hidden gotcha", except if you (general you) didn't know that you had to be eligible for the daily rewards. Darth Hexid is account wide. The only real reasons why someone mightn't get her is because they weren't playing, period, or they couldn't bee assed to do three measly GF missions. Darth Hexid is an incredibly simple reward, and she can be obtained in one day which is more than we can say for Ranos, who was still fairly simple. The third reason why someone mightn't get Hexid is because they didn't read the achievement, in the achievements menu that says you have to be eligible for the daily reward.
  22. Hopefully now, they do. I wasn't expecting a whole lot from 2017, mainly because of all the fixes, and reviving needed to be done. But, let's hope 2018 is a "rebirth" year of sorts, what with the brand new - active - servers.
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