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Everything posted by pyrietboletje

  1. I have been thinking about the victory/defeat board. but perhaps make the red-green an option in the settings? as i can understand why its changed (colorblind mode etc) but why not make it a option in the settings? instead of making it a permanent change for everyone.
  2. Feedback: The white-grey ''defeat-victory'' board can be quite confusing/difficult to see as you need to look close at ''Did we win? Did we lose?'' as the color is barely visable if you ask me. (Make it bigger/more purple? When it was green/red it was better and faster seeable. Perhaps make the landing spots random from the jump pads? Also perhaps add/remove something that you can enter the middle area from the upper platform? Tweak a little more with the match making? i ended up with 3 mara's/sentinals in 1 group https://puu.sh/B0EsX.jpg also: the scoreboard is bugged (right on top) It shows you+ your team in the enemyteam See Printscreen: https://puu.sh/B0DPL.jpg Also: I wanna thank the 11? (where was everyone else? ) other players for showing up! It's been great fun playing against and with you guys! & Thanks the devs for setting the ranked pop on this arena only!
  3. After doing around 3-4 huttballs today, i've noticed that scoring 10 times is really way too long. 8 perhaps would be much better, or keeping it at 6.
  4. I did a few games on my sorc healer. And apparently more than 2 heals on each side do get queued up. See link: https://gyazo.com/5a946886587805f128a789b68df33775 (We had 2 heals, they had 3)
  5. Feedback about the Sky Deck: - Make warzone medpacks available when being in a deathmatch and-or huttball. - When dying in a pvp area, get it that your character spawns outside of it. Rather than all the way back in the start. - Also found a few bugs which i'll report in the PTS Bug Forum.
  6. Love the idea of making the seasons (much) shorter! And all the same currency sounds great! Having many different currencies didn't made much sense if you asked me. Also it sounds like a great idea to add previous season rewards to the vendor. but make the mounts/armor sets, etc -very- expensive as they should stay exclusive.
  7. Stealth cc is bugged ;in the newest fp). I’ve not yet checked it outside of the FP. Gif: https://gyazo.com/72a82c4c6c8b895ea436701ef9ac8766
  8. I logged in this morning, only to have the biggest shock of my life: Furious Season 3 rewards (all the armour sets + weapons ) got deleted from the legacy cargo, The legacy cargo from the progenitor didn't survived the merge, My BB dye's never made it. (also legacy cargo). And this is all just the top of the list :eek:
  9. First of all, hello everyone! If you are familiar with Twitch, you might have seen my name around for a bit on the livestreams. So i thought it would be a great idea to write something about my stream on the forums. I'm (Sarysa, Sariah, Eilasor) Aviria (But feel free to call me Rosa), and i've been playing this game since the launch in 2011. Now i'm mostly playing on The Red Eclipse(EU) and Harbingers(USA) I used to livestream a lot back in 2014-2015, but due to some issues i had to take a break from that.. (Ahem.. i needed some PC upgrades to propperly stream again:cool: ) But now... I'm back! With weekly livestreams, a growing friendly community and soon +1.000 twitch followers! (and soon Affiliate:D) I hope that i got you guys attention now I'd say check out my stream! And i'll see you guys when live! ----> Click here to check out my Twitch <---- Livestream Schedule Thursday: ~8.00PM CET // 7.00PM BST Sunday: ~3.30PM CET // 2.30 PM BST Any so now and then a bonus livestream ^^ (Ps: You might have seen me around in Snave1208 and Macgeiler their streams/team when they are doing Regular & Ranked Warzones;) In the end: everyone needs a healer in their team, right?:p. This is because i've been maining Sorcerer Healer for more than 5 years by now. (And i joined their guild <Take a Seat> )
  10. I don't have a big problem with many of the hooks, yes some are just the small size even if they could have been medium or at least the size for a couch. the only problem wich i have are the shiphooks. Why the heck can we only place the ships right on top of the building? instead of the landing/spawn pad? I also think that they should have added the ''walking underwater'' feature which they had i kotor (like with a underwater/hidden room or so.) like you can jump ontop of the Yavin one, but this one doesnt have any special features. that quite dissapointed me a little.
  11. For a while i've been photoshopping variously images for friends and people who requested me. And i think it would be fun to also share one example image which i did of my Jug. It's a shame that i didn't found the time for more ingame edits in the last few weeks... as i've been way too busy with star wars photography. Here is one image of which i took. (( which also has been shared by the official 501st^~^ )) https://twitter.com/501stlegion/status/860538936363450369 Anyhow i'll post the ingame photo-portrait below, and let me know what you think of it. ( it took me 2 1/2h to make.) https://imgur.com/gallery/55Qdq
  12. I wonder what happened.. As there is no official announcement on the Dev-tracker from Musco or anyone else.. I've also noticed that it's only the progenitor as all the other servers are still up. https://puu.sh/rPvJk.jpg
  13. I was thinking and if you can actually decide to kneel before the emperor. ( I have no clue what will happen afterwards. ) would it not be awesome if you could own or trade in your Imperial vessel for an Zakuul flagship? It's just a thought which i had.. What do you guys think? With all the armour and possibly decorations. An zakuul Flagship/SH would be really cool to have then.
  14. Hello everyone! I've made a fantrailer based on Knights of The Fallen Empire (CGI Trailer). It's my first made fantrailer based on SWTOR, so i hope you guys like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYB5BDhIa90 **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN THE MATERIALS USED IN THIS VIDEO.
  15. I've had this issue quite some time since the release of 3.0.. But as the Sorcerer does try to bubble will the Barrier come up-yet you will still catch the damage ( Even when bubble up ) and once you die you stay in to this death animation ( See pictures ) 1. http://puu.sh/dIt1p/56a5be7614.jpg 2. http://puu.sh/dItg0/63f3c8a8b0.jpg This did happend when the barrier was already up when i casted it when being focused a lot.. And yet still died:eek: Is this a common problem or did this only happend to me? since this really does look like a bug what does need a fix.. with kind regards,
  16. Healing sorc's are not OP at all. I always did +350 healing even before the lv60cap.. On the another side: DPS sorc's are quite powerfull yes. But not broken just all Welcome to 3.0
  17. Since i am ''quite'' new to TOFN -> Here is a three month old Selfie of mine. Haha http://puu.sh/dpFSj/57f3a35631.jpg
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