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Posts posted by Lazirus-

  1. I'm seriously going to LMFAO when a lot of these people posting about the meters/mod's are the one's getting the "guild kick" for not being up to par by the " I the GOD of SWTOR guy".


    We don't need them , EVER !


    Everything has be completed so far. WITHOUT this garbage !


    If you're not bringing your best to the group, then you need to get out of the group.


    If you want to allocate points into a terrible spec and then play with that terrible spec or even unnecessarily goof around while you play, hey, all more the power to you. Just do it solo and by yourself. Don't sit there and try to justify the fact that your actions are hampering and holding back the group as a whole.




    The fact that you are so willingly defending people who are potentially jeopardizing the minutes, hours and days that their fellow group members put into clearing content (and only because of the reason that a few elitists spring up from it compared to the greater good) because they don't want to spec the way that is most beneficial to the group as a whole or do what is required of them during encounters is just disgusting. Time to learn what the "mass multiplayer" part of MMORPG means.


    Somebody who is mashing 1 and watching Family Guy shouldn't be held up to the same standard of somebody focusing entirely on the game in the hopes of progressing with their buddies. That is common sense, and if you disagree, then you're just dumb.

  2. The answer is because BW couldnt come up with anything original. It's the "holy trinity" just like every other MMO of the past 15yrs.


    Considering newer and shinnier items will be available from new raids when this happens making the current raid only items obsolete, I dont really care either way. As I stated before i'd rather the items be part of loot in a solo version of the raid we could run with 3- 5 companions, at least then I would have felt like I worked for it to some degree. I wont be buying any of the items as I doubt i'll be playing.


    How in the hell do you expect companions to survive raid encounters?

  3. Activated accounts, I think you mean to say.


    I don't personally count free-monthers as active subscribers, even if EA/BW does (and disclosed such in the same sentence they said 1.7M).


    Anyway, just wait for the next conference call, when they don't even mention subscription numbers at all, or the following one, where they avoid mentioning the game at all.


    Talk about rose-colored glasses.


    Possibly. Here's the press release.


    Just six weeks after launching one of the most anticipated videogames of all time, BioWare™, a Label of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), is continuing to set new standards in online games with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Already the fastest growing subscription MMO ever, Star Wars: The Old Republic has sold over 2 million copies, with a thriving base of over 1.7 million active subscribers, as gamers around the world have immersed themselves in the story-driven, online Star Wars universe from BioWare and LucasArts. Helping drive The Old Republic’s early success has been the quality and reliability of the game’s service, with servers being available for more than 99.5% of the time outside of scheduled maintenance. BioWare has also delivered on the promise of continually adding new content by releasing Rise of the Rakghouls, which added new, higher level group content, less than 30 days after launch. The next game update, featuring even more content, new game systems and additional guild features, is scheduled to be released in Spring 2012.



  4. that would explain why writers and programmers have been quitting their jobs at bioware over the last month.







    to be honest i'd probably leave as well.


    I'd just like to point out that the last reason that Drew would leave BioWare is because of criticism.


    Mostly because the man is well-loved. Rarely have I ever seen somebody saying that he sucks, or even hinting at it.


    And by rarely, I mean never.

  5. Please take a look at current sales. It is going to be tough to maintain what you are quoting.


    I'm talking about active subscriptions, not sales. Active subscriptions come from games that have already been sold.


    That being said, it's obviously rational for any person to think that sales figures in the millions, or even in the hundreds of thousands, should be maintained over the course of months, for this type of game.



  6. Flame it all you want make up reason for this and that.. the simple fact is the game is dying a slow death.. if I am wrong then come Dec 31, 2012 I will come back and admit it but mark my words this game is dead by the end of the year and is free to play.


    1.6-1.7 MILLION people disagree with you. It's hard to see that because there are so many damn servers and because of the fact that the forums are always a haven for negativity. Those who are enjoying the game are in the game, enjoying the game. Not whining on the forums.


    That being said, this game will never be F2P. Mark my words. Did you ever see SWG go F2P?


    There's this little company called LucasArts and their decisions hold a great deal of weight.

  7. but that doesn't mean he is good or worth listening to


    Because clearly you can make that deduction without watching the video. By the way, 33,000 subscribers and 5 million video views seem to contradict your opinion.


    And the fact that you would justify this game's PvP over WoW's PvP is a complete and utter joke. That alone makes me know that you're a bad player.


    Considering your fanboy comment, the only videos from Sacredheals that I have seen are the ones about qutting TOR and the one that I just linked you; his most recent video.


    Hate to break it to you, but arena ratings exist for a reason. Highly rated players fight highly rated players for a reason. Highly rated players couldn't become highly rated players without winning matches. Matches are won for a reason. Matches with mirror comps are won for a reason.


    Highly rated players are all obviously bad and only achieve their rating by comp alone. Keyboard turners everywhere, right? Just look at Reckful.


    I can think of a few unsavory terms to refer to you as myself, but I'm not putting myself in the position of receiving an infraction on my account.


    Have fun being bad.

  8. Finding the op combo for the season in wow arena = good?


    If you cannot see that he is a competent player from that video alone, then that sort of blindness is part of the collective that led to the term "biodrone" being coined.


    I wonder how many singular digit seconds any comp that you could put together would last against any comp that he runs with.

  9. Nice start until you got to the point of defending sage/sorcerer by saying 'people effing suck'. 'People suck' is not a reason why your class is balanced lol.


    Then you said 'not to sound egotistical' ROFL. We all know that when someone prefaces something with 'not to sound egotistical' the next think they spew will most certainly be egotistical. Anyhow, I think you probably know a lot about the class and can probably talk about it's weaknesses but your delivery was an absolute FAIL. Try it again without the people suck and don't know how to play and I am great routine and I might make it through the first few minutes.


    That's not me in the video. Any player who is a "counter class" to the Sage/Sorcerer that can't beat the Sage/Sorcerer in a fair situation is bad. That's not opinion. THAT IS FACT.

  10. I think it's does not necessarily to indicate seconds (s) on the text timer.

    This is unnecessary information... Only seconds run fast - it's a well-known fact. :)












    You can specify the minutes (m), but seconds?..


    for example












    Took a bit... but somebody, somehow, managed to complain about these completely beneficial changes. They defied all odds and a deck stacked against them to moan about something so non-existent and trivial that couldn't possibly affect them in any substantial way, at all.


    Anything to keep the pot of negativity boiling around here.


    Thanks for the laugh! Kudos.

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