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Posts posted by Lazirus-

    Pretty soon it will be 500 k then what will you say omg this game is on life support lol.


    That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


    Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


    Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)

  1. Honestly, if you believe there are 1.3 million active playing subscribers, you're deluded.


    I think in time the game will eventually level off around the 300-500k subscription mark and remain P2P. The Star Wars IP is its saving grace, had it been a generic sci-fi MMO then I don't think it would fare as well.


    It's not a matter of believing, the numbers are right there.


    Clearly the majority are going to pay for something that they're not going to play.

  2. and ofc it's nearly 6 months




    Show me a game with such a high number of subsciptions almost 5 months after launch and I'll show you a game that hasn't failed.


    Outside of (perhaps) WoW, every game on that chart shows positive gains because, imagine this, they had a low amount of subscriptions to begin with. Not hard to see such high percentile gains when the base number is incredibly low.


    People who say that this game is dying or will eventually go F2P (ignoring the fact that LucasArts won't allow that) need to realize that STAR WARS DOESN'T DIE.

  3. After playing this game for 1 week I predicted a huge loss of subs and a deserted game within 3 months, I was laughed at on the forums, I guess I had the last laugh.


    Considering that 1.3 million =/= deserted, no, you didn't.

  4. Nah thanks.. When your country makes a game then they can set the downtime, but for now I like my downtime being in your prime time. Nice try though. Go stare in awe at the Coriolis effect, assuming you're an Aussie.


    Good to see that you're contributing to our healthy and thriving community.


    What a load of unnecessary hostility towards fellow fans of your game...


    Grow up, kid.

  5. trans·fer   [v. trans-fur, trans-fer; n., adj. trans-fer] Show IPA verb, trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring, noun, adjective

    verb (used with object)


    to convey or remove from one place, person, etc., to another: He transferred the package from one hand to the other.




    merge   [murj] Show IPA verb, merged, merg·ing.

    verb (used with object)


    to cause to combine or coalesce; unite.


    to combine, blend, or unite gradually so as to blur the individuality or individual identity of: They voted to merge the two branch offices into a single unit.

  6. It's the little things that add up to a big ball of suck. Today, it's missing matrix cubes. Last week, it was broken cover mechanics.


    Any one of the issues, taken by themselves, is not game breaking or threatening. It's when you add them all together that it begins to detract from the game.


    Releasing patches to fix minor bugs while introducing a whole new set of minor bugs is counter productive, and gives players the (correct) sense that this dev team are a bunch of clowns.


    It has nothing to do with the dev team being a bunch of clowns.


    These bugs are going to be a reality until we're able to copy our characters for testing.


    That is simply fact.

  7. Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


    Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.


    Considering that we've seen what happened with SWG in the sense that LucasArts pretty much won't allow a F2P model, I'd say that you're correct in saying that it isn't hard to predict the future of SW:TOR.

  8. ILL BE damned if I give any more hard earned money to you people. IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM WILL I SUPPORT THIS LACKLUSTER MMO ANY LONGER.


    Jinx and Bio are unashamedly trying to milk more money out of the unwashed masses. And the sad part?


    Many of them will pay.



    Im done with giving them money...................................








    I did some very thorough research and made a list of the people who care.


    Here they are:

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