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Everything posted by Ken-Shi

  1. Woah, it's going to be a little creepy seeing a bunch of players on the fleet running around with big cheesy grins on their face...
  2. I think the original poster's sentiment was disappointment that the new gear doesn't look new, which it doesn't. It's just a re-colored version of previous armor. People don't get excited about armor because it has slightly increased stats, but because it's a new cosmetic piece to show around. This is not a new cosmetic piece, it's merely a cheap repackaging of gear that already exists in game. Personally, I'm all about cosmetics and I think it's a shame that instead of implementing a dye system, Bioware is trying to pass off alternatively colored pieces of armor as new additions to the game. It's just a cheap, cheap system and I think Bioware, as a high profile class A game developer, can and should do better than this. This is a great game and there are so many things right with it. Unfortunately, there are so many things wrong with it as well.
  3. Personally I've always thought that SWTOR, the old Tales of the Jedi comics and everything that takes place before the movies was far more interesting than both the movies and all of the expanded universe content that surrounds them. The universe the creators of the KOTOR series have created far surpasses anything Lucas ever dreamed up. Way to go guys!!
  4. Historically speaking I've always been bored with Jedi cosmetics
  5. There's a handful of Orange (cosmetic) armor that I like for the various Jedi classes. On the flip side, the empire is full of awesome outfits. Can we have some fashion balance please Bioware? The majority of jedi outfits are lame as hell. Enough with the ridiculous armor por favor.
  6. So.... this post was phrased as a question in the general discussion forum and Bioware decides to move it to the suggestion/trash can forum? Nice going Bioware. Way to make us players feel as though our voices are being heard and giving other players a chance to voice their opinions on this subject.
  7. So.... this post was phrased as a question in the general discussion forum and Bioware decides to move it to the suggestion/trash can forum? Nice going Bioware. Way to make us players feel as though our voices are being heard and giving other players a chance to voice their opinions on this subject.
  8. Spend the money, Bioware and fix this! This issue for me is probably the biggest gripe I have with the game. This and the lack of a hood-down option. It makes the game worlds static and no one wants to keep playing in a persistent STATIC world.
  9. It wasn't laziness. I read an article a while back on it. Basically they wanted to make the worlds better looking by putting in a painted horizon backdrop. To implement day/night cycles on top of this would require something like 100 slightly different backdrops for every different light phase of the day/night cycle, which Bioware deemed too expensive. So a decision was made to preserve the aesthetic integrity of the in-game worlds by choosing the horizon backdrop over day/night cycles.
  10. If they implemented day/night cycles they would have to replace the backdrop paintings they use as a horizon of sorts for their various worlds, which would be somewhat expensive. Basically they would have to re-do the backdrop for every shift of the day/night cycle, or just get rid of the backdrop all together. I for one though am completely in favor of day/night cycles. It was one of those "***" moments when I realized the worlds were completely static. While SWTOR has many good qualities that have kept me hooked for the most part these past few months, implementing day/night cycles would go a long, long way towards increase my overall satisfaction with the game. I say spend the money and make this happen
  11. To all the trolls that reply to this thread with comments like, "... because they're suggestions, duh": The suggestion forum is pretty much a trash can. Anyone can see this. Please don't reiterate the obvious. Perhaps my title was a little off-putting or misleading, but anyone who actually read the little piece I wrote will realize "Why do they move all game suggestions to the suggestion forum?" was a rhetorical question and doesn't require a response like some of the ones posted above.
  12. Exactly! I post a suggestion in the general discussion forum because I want the devs AND the players to read it. Please don't move my posts Bioware.
  13. Yes, yes, I know. Suggestions in the suggestion forums. The problem with this is that other players hardly ever browse the suggestion forum, so... In Bioware's eyes, when a person has an issue with something and proposes a change or fix, it's just that one person that has an issue. The rest of us don't really have a chance to throw our support behind it. Let's be pragmatic about this, the fact is the suggestion forum is really just a trash can. Bioware: What's that? You have an issue with the game and would like to file a complaint? Great! Write it down on this piece of paper and then put it in that trash can over there. I'll give it a read when I have more time, okay? Me: ....... seriously?
  14. Seriously. Most people browse the general discussion forums. If you move a suggestion from general discussion, to the suggestion forums then that dramatically decreases the number of comments other players will leave on the proposed suggestion, thus losing virtual votes of a sort on the topic. Bioware browses the suggestion forums and sees that only a handful of people bothered throwing their support or lack there of towards the topic and then write it off, thinking to themselves, "no one cares about this issue, so we're not going to do anything about it." Please stop rearranging our posts Bioware. If I post a suggestion in the general discussion forums, it's for a reason. BTW, when a ton of people (Knight players) keep asking Bioware when a hood-down option will be implemented, it would be nice to have a dev, other than just some forum moderator, pop on here and tell us if and when that option will be put in-game. I suppose this is just a rant, but it's been months and I've kept my subscription up the entire time hoping some of the changes myself and others are waiting for would take effect. I don't even know IF a hoods down option is coming. I haven't seen one actual article on it. I've heard other players say, "yes, it's coming... eventually", but that's it. Nothing from the horses mouth. Now I'm a dedicated Bioware and Star Wars fan, but this is really starting to frustrate me. It's not so much the lack of desired changes, but the lack of communication. It makes me feel as though no one on Bioware's end is listening to us and that our opinions simply aren't taken into consideration. Communicate with us, Bioware. I know the company is having some inner office issues right now, but paying more attention to what EA wants, rather than your player bass is a big mistake. We, the paying subscribers, should be the loudest voice in the room. Stop telling us what we want and simply listen to us and give us some feedback. Thank you... Sorry for yelling On a side note, I think this game is fantastic for the most part and wanted to say thanks for making such an awesome game. Now, please make it more awesome. That is all
  15. Does anyone know when (or even if) this option will be implemented? I haven't heard anything official about it from bioware yet or other players for that matter. Thanks
  16. Black armored jedi robes. I want something that will make me look like a bad#*# armored dark jedi, ready to #*#& ## up
  17. hehe well unfortunately I've never reach max level, and to think I've been playing since release as well I think the highest level I got to before deleting was 39. I'm currently at 42 btw on something like my 6th iteration.
  18. I think if they charged enough for the service, no one would do it willy nilly. Like say somewhere around $20 a pop.
  19. Just wondering if they will allow you to change your advance class for a certain amount of cartel coins in the future. I can see this being a huge money maker for them. Personally I would love to be able to do this seeing as how I've gone back and forth between guardian and sentinel about 5 times now, deleting the character each time so I could reuse the name, while also losing all progress made with that character. What do you guys think? Yay or Nay?
  20. Also, this lightsaber isn't curved exactly, but it is one of the more rare and elegant variations in the game http://www.torhead.com/item/fMENIDb/blade-adepts-lightsaber#screenshots. This also drops from Kilran in the same flashpoint.
  21. My bad, actually the other curved hilt lightsaber is in the game, http://www.torhead.com/item/glNeffQ/qel-droma-ancestral-blade. It's a drop in Eternity Vault apparently. Also, here is a pic of the other saber, which is only slightly curved http://www.torhead.com/item/eds5tyX/thelanthras-wrath#screenshots;view:12734
  22. http://www.torhead.com/item/eDbns1p/war-anarchs-lightsaber This is the saber you want. Drops from Grand Moff Kilran in the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint. They're other versions of this saber you can get later on in the game at higher levels, but they are lightside restricted. There is another curved saber hilt in the game, http://www.torhead.com/item/eedP1Vc/lord-kalligs-scorching-lightsaber#screenshots;view:7226 but as far as I know this is only available to players on the empire side.
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