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Posts posted by hages

  1. Bioware listened to the users instead of having a coherent vision of what they wanted to do with the old republic, that is why swtor is such a mess.

    this game is not a failure. The game is not perfect but to call it a failure is just crap :p

    I know way worse games and the better ones are much harder to find. At the end it is just youre and mine personal taste.

  2. I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.

    I disagree.

    It is my fp to and those fps are goodplaces to get the maths what you need.if i am in another fp where none of my maths drop i do not complain if people are harvesting them.

    It is not my place to say others that they can not do that.

    So i will not listen when they forbid me that same right.

  3. One thing I've been saying since beta: Individual gear drops. DDO does it. The upcoming Marvel Heroes does it. Don't know the need for the "Need/Gree/Pass" format anymore.

    If people just use commen scence it is not needed. but this is not so commen these days it seems.

  4. No. And that rarely if ever happens.


    I tell the player its not big deal and I can help them out with some tips if they want.


    But then again I'm not the kind of player that takes the game too seriously.


    This is what i do to. And i agree with it. but when youy tell a player 10 times. pls do not aoe when we have cced things and he says 'ok' and then does it for the 11 time. well then my patience is growing thin...

  5. The generation I'm from is not the instant gratification, and "I want it so you can't have it" generation. I'm from the respect goes both ways generation.


    This has nothing to do with i want it so you can not have it.

    If YOU are a trooper and i am a gunslinger. you do not need cunning gear.

    If you do not understand this..well then i have nothing more to say.

  6. Why are you labeling being "serious" as a bad thing?


    What if football players didn't take things seriously? Did it ever occur to you that being serious in certain hobbies might actually be fun for some people? Oh wow, who would of thought. :rolleyes:


    Don't enforce bad ideas on good people.

    I agree with this.

    It is not that everything has to be perfect. especialy in a pug.

    However it would be nice if other people at least do an effort to try to play decent. If not they are just wasting everyones gaming time to!

  7. That would be a first. I've never been kicked from a group, even when I vote no on a vote to kick.


    But, I'm not surprised that some people would be unable to handle running with someone they can't bully.


    This has nothing to do with bullying. I am not even close to a bully.

    If you respect other you would not need on theire gear. It is plain simple.

    If you do not respect that, then you do not belong in an Mmo.

  8. I can interrupt? Why should I interrupt when I can just as well continue killing my opponent, let the rest of the group deal with the others.

    As for running through reticles etc, that is why we bring a healer in the first place. You heal and we'll do damage. And as a tank, why on earth should I pull aggro to myself, the healer is not healing me so why should I pull that spawns off his back.




    this made me lol :p

    but serious now. I have no problem with people making errors. It

    happends and you can learn frome them. But if you do that same error over and over again and make 16 man wipe all the time. well then we have a problem.

    And people who are saying a dps should just dps and nothing else. well you will never get an ops invite from me :p

  9. ...I have only one request: give it a new soundtrack.


    I don't know about you guys, but I'm up to my ears with that generic, military-themed music which plays ad nauseam, ad infinitum, in almost every single one of the other Flashpoints.


    Also, please think about retroactively adding new scores to the existing ones. Music goes a long, long way toward infusing a gameplay experience with a unique character.

    Or u can just mute the sound and play some mp3 :-)

  10. Really? You guarantee a vote to kick will pass? I guarantee I will NEVER vote to kick someone who rolls need on any piece of gear that they helped to produce, so I would not be too sure of every vote to kick you initiate passing.

    Well they you will be the first who will be kicked in my group with that additude.

  11. I always roll need on BoE gear. If everyone rolls need on BoE, then nothing will ever get ninja'd. This philosophy dates back to vanilla wow, and is the only way to prevent real ninja looting aside from master looting which in a pug is just another way to ninja. People who roll need on BoP gear they don't actually need are just dbags.

    I disagree.

    Rolling need on BoE gear (If youre toon do not needs is) is still wrong in my eyes.

    Theire is notting ninja about masterlooter unless the ninja is the ops leader..well then you are screwed :-P

  12. No, it isn't. Because you are forming an OP group to beat the world boss. Don't try to wriggle yourself out of this argument by re-defining words and terms as you like them to be !


    Whar are you saying?

    He had right 100% with what he said

    Need is for youre char and youre spec

    Greed is for offspec,compagnions,alts, ...

    droid parts of crafting mats that drop are a different thing. but if everyone rolls greed on them,then theire is no problem to.

    Now at the other hand if someone asked the group if he can have that part for his alt/offspec,... and i do not need it. he can have it fron me with plesure.

    But ninjaing is for me a kick afther 1 warning.

  13. The irony is that it is the PVE crowd, not the PVP crowd, that wants to be the "special snowflake". God forbid someone else can complete the hardest raid in the game and have the same gear, oh lordy lordy. On top of that, PVE is also where most of class balancing comes into play. You never see PVP players whining about a .00071% dps differential on a spreadsheet. If you don't like PVP, fine, but don't contribute to a PVP thread if you don't.

    This is the most stupid thing i ever heard.

    So far almost all the class changes are because of pvp. All the nerves are bc of pvp.

    So far as i can tell nobody cares if one class does more dps in pve.We want to kill those bosses. So every + dps is good.

    And get youre facts right by looking in the pvp thread....more wining then something else about classes, wz....

    So do not give me that bull...about pvers whining...

    Ohh noes that obe is overpowerd. that class sucks. Play as a team and pick the right skills and you will see that this game is not so bad balanced afther all.

  14. Lol it can barely handle 8v8 combat. It took a year of tweaking to get 16 player WZ to run DECENT.


    All you do is whine whine and whine...

    The game is more then pvp. If you so obsesed by pvp then this game is not for you. Theire are plenty of other games out theire.

    As for the cost of the game. It is worth it. the pvpe contend is not bad at all.

    I am having fun (from beta) and enjoying it. with our witout open world pvp.

  15. Come on, it's just the one time per character. How much of an effort is that, really?


    Remember you're coming at this from the perspective of someone who already ran them the traditional way multiple times. You know their story inside and out.


    The same joy you took from doing it the traditional way before the advent of group finder should not be curtailed for new players.


    If people want that they can just go and play those scenes and take those quest. Why would u forced that to other people who done it 3 times and do not care anymore. A bad idea!

  16. all of you who work at bioware and are currently "improving" SWTOR's experience by giving us new cartel items THAT WE HAVE TO PAY FOR are terrible, most likely this thread wont be read by any dev but seriously bioware you cannot balance anything, each time you make 1 class OP as hell, first it was known as focus/rage/smash spec that was SERIOUSLY OP, then 2.0 came and then began the Grav round/Tracer missle spam fest, "oh i know guys lets make GR and TM hit for 6-10k and spammable then lets give them the ability to be immune to interrupts" ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME BIOWARE you didnt think of the consequences at all. same happened to Focus/Rage/ Smash spec, lets buff the AOE spec so it can hit 6-9k (pre 2.0) and that can be done to 5 people. yep bioware thats a good idea, a team wont ever think to take 4 of them. then you gave the most OP ranged class - Sniper/gunslingers the ability to not die, firstly they have their original stuns, now they have a roll and each they go into cover they get an immunity, so they still hit the highest and now other classes cant hit them, yep thats smart. and now AOE specs are the way to go with a sent or mara, single target cant hit high enough, so every Warzone is full of Derp smash and grav/tracer spam.


    Im only posting this in hope you guys actually realize your just killing your own game, APAC is now dead with no news of server transfers, you balanced and continue to balance your classes terribly. i suggest you actually listen to your community rather than your stupid game designers from now on, they play the game not you guys if you guys want a Story fulled fun time go play something else, and let us TOR fans love star wars not hate it because of you

    Stop qq and take it like a man...

    Always the same with pvpers qq about classes.... bh is fine as it is.

  17. list why this game is better yet struggling to survive and a 10 year old game still has better overall numbers.



    this game is not strugeling at all. I honestly do not understand why people are thinking this???

    The fleets are full. theire people everywhere. and if u do not believe me check this.


    the subs are over 2 mil again... I do not care even if wow have 20mil. the game is in my opinion far better then wow. and if u do not find that. why are u even here posting? shoo and go and play pandamania!

  18. SWTOR had stable PvP.


    For the past 2 weeks PvP has been broken. (The implementation of bolster is broken, not the concept.)


    Many of us are disappointed that this HUGE part of the game is not working correctly.


    Is it so shocking to say, "Hey, maybe this would be a good time to hand out some CC for continuing to sub while a core game feature is borked?"

    the pvp was not stable...Now they are balacing it. Good geared players could faceroll bad geared players. If u where in recute gear u where dead in 3 sec

    Now it is more about skill. even doh the better geared players are still in advanage. But that is theire right they have earend theire gear. The difference was to big before. so they did FIX it in my opinion.

  19. They're not free, we are paying for them. They're part of the subscription deal. And considering that one (like myself - I used to change my character's hair every few days in WoW) might be a customization sucker those coins won't last long if prices are similar to other stuff on the cartel market.


    They are not part of the sub deal. when i subed there was no cartel market. They are given as a gesture. Do not forget that. Now i am not saying that i like that we have to spend cartel coins for those things. but as it is we can do it for free.

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