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Posts posted by hages

  1. So most of my guild is leaving to play this new MMO called Marvel Heroes. Has anyone checked it out? Is it worth following them? I've heard its like Diablo but in an MMO world.. sounds odd? I dunno, I'm having fun in Swtor but the times I'm having fun its usually with the guildies that are leaving.


    I f you want that question answerd go tho theire forum.

  2. Last double XP weekeds I turned 36 at the very start of Alderaan. Questing there, I got some level 28-29 gear. Though quests were still easy because of overlevel.

    This is issue number 1. Easiness of story content.

    Now, when I want to do flashpoints at 36, level 29 green gear sucks. To compete in pug FPs you need to spend a lot of money to get good gear from GTN or have decent crafter alts.

    This is issue number 2. Outdated gear.


    And yes, I enjoy questing. But making this process useless in terms of gear and challenge really frustrates me.

    "Advices" not to play on weekends don't help.

    well i really do not see any problems really.

    If you are outleveling planets you can just do your story quest and move on to the next planet.

    Their you get gear upgrades to.

    And about gear. you can use youre planetairy coms to buy gear or mods according to youre lvl and then do a a couple of fps of youre lvl.

    Problems solved no?

  3. As you'll know, many people are transferring from APAC to US (or other) servers currently. A lot of us had ideal names on our home servers and have become quite attached to them. Unfortunately, we don't get to keep our names on our destination servers no matter whether our characters predate those who share our names and no matter whether those other characters have been active and no matter the account status of any account involved.


    This sucks big-time.


    Obviously Bioware's intention is to make all of us change our names even though all the sensible options have been taken. This is not satisfactory.


    Please, Bioware, reconsider.

    I feel for you. i really do. It happend to me to when they merged the servers. but their is nothing you can do.

    it sucks i know :-(

  4. Yeah right it is not like 2.4M ppl have bought Swtor and still had to pay subscription and weee... we also have a cash shop.

    Wonder how GW2 is doing so well without subscription and a shameless cash grab like the cash shop in this game.

    So it is comparable not in the sence of is the f2p model fair but in a sence of why can GW2 do so well without all this obviouse tryes to suck money out of customers pockets.

    Is that what they do right now with f2p restrictions and the massive push of the cash shop really necessary?

    I think it is not.

    That is my point.

    swtor have two different models. subs and f2P players. while Gw2 has only one kind of model.

    That is why i said that you can not compare them.

    It is has no point in gw2 to make restrictions bc..well theire is no sub base anyway.

    The point from this game f2p is to make people taste the game,get them hungry so that they will order the whole menu soon :-)

  5. Transfer, but being a person who has actually paid for the rename service should have priority over any other player that never did due to the high cost in Cartel Coins.


    So you are stating that a person who is on a server for a year should have his name changed bc of someone coming new to his server who payed for it?

    What arrogant crap is this.

    If you move to a new server and your name is taken..sorry it is your own choice to move and you are entitled to nothing of a priority.

    When you are being forced...well that is a different story ofc.

  6. To be fair. I had to move to another server because of server merges.They should at least allow one free char move for all the players that they forced to move before.

    But if not i will have to pay with cc to bring all my chars togetter.

    Either way i am glad that server transfers are coming soon.

  7. Realy? Better whipe >2 times in a row on each boss in hm without any info. Who cares.

    This is the reason add-ons and mind dumbing. You do not learn the fp mechanic. You just follow what that add -on says.

    If you know the boss fights then you should not wipe twice on a boss.

    Unless youre under geared,but then you should not be in that fp anyway.

  8. You're missing the point. It's not about what TOR offers with their F2P model... it's what they don't offer. In nearly every other F2P MMO, you get the ENTIRE game for free. All that you get by subscribing and buying things in the cash shop is bonuses. When I play GW2, I can play the ENTIRE game, without ANY limitations, all free.

    Euu GW2 is already free..you just pay for the game box.

    You can not compare it to swtor.

  9. youre a idiot,he is a sub. YOU CANT POST IF YOU ARENT A SUB


    go make a f2p account right now and try to post moron

    You are the idiot.i was not talking about the OP

    I was talking about F2P players. learn to read before you call me names.

  10. He is paying. F2P can't post. You argue that F2P gets enough, yet you don't know this basic difference? lol


    And the OP is right...the restrictions Bioware has are simply penalties to the F2P player, they do nothing to incentivize subscriptions. Players who aren't already paying, have no incentive to pay more as they can only go so far in the game and don't even get a taste of the bigger stuff.


    My suggestions:

    - remove the WZ limits for F2P above level 30 (or increase limit to 5 per day)

    - Increase WZ coms/credits for subs by 25%, decrease F2P coms/credits/valor by 50%

    - remove weekly Ops limit for Subs (or allow 2 at the very least)

    - allow F2P any (Story mode) Classic Ops once per week (as subs are currently limited)

    - sell a credit unlock/increase


    I doubt how much of a F2P community there really is in this game though.


    He is wrong and you are wrong...

    the player plays for free. He has no right to complain.If he wants the whole thing. sub.

  11. because the swtor free2play model has a bad reputation!


    -only1 crew skill

    -credit cap

    -no operations

    -only 5 wz

    -only 3 space missions

    -2 quickbars!!!

    -cannot equip purple items

    - cannot equip event items




    If you want all this and more PAY

    like the rest of us here...

  12. yeah, I'm pretty sure he/she's being sarcastic.

    But that's OK, because he/she has already told us he/she's unsubscribed so he/she won't have to put up with the lack of originality much longer :)


    I see...

    I love player who unsub bc of gear.

    I wish bioware would invent something so that you could rip out mods and put them if gear that you like :-P

    serious. it is just a sub tier now .No one is expecting new gear models.

  13. we don't have one. MOX is a monument to bioware developers lazynes.

    okay what kind of dps mter would u like to have one.

    the top 5 of youre uber dps...

    Not showing that u stood in red circles 10 times....

    That you keep on nuking elites mobs wen the normal mobs are killing the healer.

    Those situations will be commen if they will allow this...

    I been theire on wow. never again!

  14. re: debuffs, I mean the ones that are actually mine on the boss. As a Leth sniper, if there's another Leth sniper in the group, it can become confusing as to who's DoTs are who's, unless I were to stare at the debuffs and closely watch which ones were mine (which isn't terribly fun).

    well i agree that can be confusing and it would be nice if they did domething about that in the game.But what I do is follow my rotation then normaly i know when mine run out.But i agree with you about this one


    In terms of boss-warnings, if you don't like them, you don't have to download them. I never did in WoW and was always able to avoid avoidable mechanics based on audio/visual queues already in the game. The only thing DBM did, so far as I'm aware, was make things more obvious/give more of a heads-up.


    The thing is that once it is out their. guild,raids will say that you will need it to be able to raid.

    You can say no that will not happen.But i tell you it will.

    why? alot of people want a fast smooth raid without wipes. All add ones will be require then.


    Nox sounds like more effort than I'm willing to put in. I'd really just like an in-game, easy to read dps meter that updates on the fly.



    I am srry but a dps meter is a dps meter.You want one. You have one already...

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