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Everything posted by hages

  1. Well then you should not be in a guild. just play it solo then. in my eyes a guild is much more then the gm and the officers.everyone has to put in theire piece. The first thing people ask.does the guild has a guildbank, how many taps, can i take thing. but never about giving something back. (that is why we now have a much stricter recuting )
  2. why are u complaining? i had also rep short the first time the event came.it will return. Stop making a drama of it.
  3. I agree with you. But it has no point. some people just do not understand it or just like to troll. I gave up trying to give them reasons. like a person said. youre childish. yes i am when i loose gear that others do not need.
  4. Get over youreself. I prefere a delay then bugs.
  5. I was not bad nor was i good... but i tell u now i live 4 sec longer if i get jumped by a sentinel
  6. why is it then that i now rarely get destroyed? nothing changed just the difference between gear. i use my pve spec and have 69/72 pve gear.
  7. Srry but this i do not believe. maybe u had a better chanse in 63 gear but as i went in theire in bh /rakata gear i was gettiing destroyed. The expertice did all the rest. even if you where skilled it would not madder.
  8. ohh nice the grammar police has arrived :-D lucky i have an excuus for not being english speaking.
  9. It has nothing to do about childish. You play as a team you get rewards as a team. By not grouping you are not playing a Mmo. then u should play a rpg or some singleplayer game. I know fps are not that hard or time consuming. But still no one is happy when players take things what they can not use them self. Why can you not understand this?
  10. This is true. They released it to soon. because of the pressure. Did any of u remember the panic and hate it caused on the forum when they said to delay it. Well they should have done it even a half year extra. But that dmg is done. I hope that the players from the beginning have found theire way back. This game still has a great futur. It will just be how EA will take things from here.
  11. Well perhaps i went wrong in my maths then.but yes you are right they made some mistakes and they sufferd from them. But tbh we have no idea how much paying people we have. yes we have 500k subs but how many f2p players? And before someone says hey, they are f2p. they spend alot of real money to. Alot of peole who i know spend alot more in the cartel shop then i pay for my sub every month :-) edit: i am a founder..i played from beta wekends on. but i took a 2 month breack to be fair!
  12. Well i agree with youre claim that pve gear should not be better then pvp gear in wz. but what is the point in have two types of gear then?
  13. This commend has nothing to do with it. I could not care less if i lose it fairly (to a player from my same class). But not to layers who things everything belongs to him. (aka ninja) You are missing the point of this threat completly.
  14. I do not care even if they had sold 10 mil. They never had more then 2 mil subs and if you do math 2 mil-2mil = 0 and not 500. I never said they did not lose alot of subs. because they di. but those numbers where just wrong. And they are recovering from it.
  15. I agree to this. the game is recovering because of the changed they made. And they do make changes that alot of people wanted. They thing is that not everyone expect the same.
  16. They never lost 2 mil subs... sorry i stoped reading afther that!
  17. Well join a guild and team up to do ranked wz. Simple as that. And pvp gear should not be usefull in pve. It is pvp gear. I still have nightmares about players who where doing hm fps in recute gear!
  18. I hope they never will allow it. You made youre choise at lvl 10. That is how it will be.
  19. Not case closed. for Me is this game is not a failure because i still enjoy it. and the fleet are full and my guild is growing every week At that other hand what you think is youre oppinion.
  20. Youre wrong about this. I need this lvl69 gear to gear up for tfb and sv hm. so youre point is not vallid. But no madder what you think or say. We will always disagree.So this discution is pointless.
  21. If i do a 55hm and i do not have that lvl 69 piece of gear. just by all means i NEED it! That is why i roll need. I do not roll need on something that is useless for me
  22. Srry but that is silly. i need it but you want to sell it and roll greed and then you can still win it. No offence but that is just...
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