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Posts posted by sheisty

  1. it will never retain 1.7 million subs ever the game simply is not that good its a single player RPG with MMO features.


    Of course not, and no game has done so other than the perfect storm of WoW, which would take another miracle to accomplish.


    In the end this will be just another mmo that the mmo junkies will rotate through like they do now.


    Still it will be one of the popular ones.

  2. Did I broke your heart my friend ? :(


    If I opened your eyes on the matter, I am so sorry.


    Please do as usual and forget what I wrote, obviously the game is a major success and will be Goty anytime soon ;)


    Nahh, The game is a success and will continue to be so, even if they lose 1/2 their subs. It really does not matter in the grand scheme. Because people which like the game will continue to like it and play it. there is tons of games out there that have 1/10 of the numbers of swtor and they still are alive and well with people playing them because they like them. People like you really do nothing to sway the crowds.


    You are not opening anyone's eyes, we are not stupid people. Your kind of posts are sad and pathetic, pissing in everyone's cheerios because it makes you feel good inside is a true measure of a messed up individual.

  3. And that's what the Greek Government did at that time, when they were helped by Goldman Sachs: Manipulating numbers, like all good financial "pro" do.


    Why they don't want to know this fact is because it would allow for some people with more than half a brain to link the dots and yell "Eureka!"


    That is to say: the game ain't fun outside of levelling purpose (well, outside of main class stories anyway it's the same old go kill X rats / fetch me X mushrooms in the deathvalley forest mindless boring quests, but hey, THEY HAVE VOICEOVERS ! )


    OP, good post, it's exactly the same with Blizz' "subscriptions" (not subscribers hey) annoucements.


    Every good man in marketing knows how to not say the truth but announces something else that make your product more interesting ;)


    I'm eager to see the next official reporting from EA/BW in june IIRC it will be. Hehe :D


    Numbers will speak for themselfes, and no fanboy cry will be enough to hide the facts.


    And then what? Will you still be here to tell us I told you so. The game failed, you are all losers and I am a winner? Will your ego become inflated enough to finally leave?

  4. I dont want 100% balanced in a mmo. this is the draw for me in mmo PvP is that it is not balanced. I like to min max my gear, my build, work hard to get gear and perfect my rotation and reflexes and what skills to use when so I can crush my opponents.


    If you want balanced, go play BF3 or GW1 where all gear is the same and everyone is the same power so that PvP becomes boring whoever gets the jump on someone PvP.

  5. An ugly woman, will allways be ugly.


    Stop giving this guys cash lol


    Give it to some poor orphan kids or something. Something else... up to you.


    Funny, I checked your post history and see 3 pages of negative posts. Does someone pay you for this crap? If not, its actually pathetic.

  6. fixed not nerfed, the only thing that may need addressing is wether the drop in dps has an impact on the suggested level of gear for pve progression.


    Definitely fixed. It was the only stat which did not have a diminishing returns curve.


    And seeing everyone jump on the surge train only reinforces how broken it was. If everyone is just stacking surge across all classes, there is definitely something wrong here. And its not like you did not know deep inside that it was going to see a nerf. If something is too good to be true, it usually is.

  7. Well for me its the storylines that make the world come alive and make it seem like you are part of the overall story of the Republic(ans) vs Imperials. In past games I didnt give a crap about story or cared to read 1000 pages of quest text. this game hands you a story at every step. This alone makes this game more alive feeling than any other mmo so far. And its not like im some big lore or story junkie, because im not. But they way its presented in this game is top notch. even the flashpoints are well done in this respect. You no longer just go to cave xxx and beat up trash packs followed by boss xxx and have no clue why you are there. This game flavors everything with a story and everything therefore has a meaning.


    As to the static world, its no more static than any other mmo ive played. I dont understand what you mean by this or what you expect.

  8. Plus with WoW not releasing anymore content until the expansion pack, which will probably be towards the end of the year. And D3 being slated to release Q2 (summer) and GW2 summer as well I think you are only going to see more people try this game for something new, since its the only mmorpg which is AAA and pretty good word of mouth so far.


    Bioware need to capitalize on this time and do the right thing to attract more people if they want to grow. 1.2 needs to at least add LFD and cross server PvP and some combat log, IMO the biggest 3 issues that SWTOR has right now.

  9. New sales are needed to offset churn. If new sales do not more than cover churn, subs fall.


    Haven't heard of any limited issues. I haven't seen anyone saying they have to get on a waiting list to buy the game. Shelves are fully stocked here in the US.


    well, its not just box sales anymore, they sell a crapload of digital downloads. they sayid that 40% of the 2 million sales was digital, which is not recorded by vgcharts or whatever. Which is BTW not a good source for game sales.


    I know that me and my friends which play games only deal in digital sales. I mean, why go to the store when you can buy instantly on the net and download?

  10. Are you still having fun?

    For now, yes


    Have you seen a population drop in your server?


    about the same


    How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


    Its nice but not as polished, too much copying of old mmo. Noting really new at endgame


    What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


    Fix PvP warzone exploits, fix dailies not counting...


    I would like to see a fleshed out space game added that is not on rails, maybe an EvE lite space game


  11. Right now there is 2 high priority bugs/exploits in PvP that are not being addressed. One is the daily bug, where sometimes you get credit and other times you dont.


    And more importantly is the warzone exploit of allowing more players than intended into the warzone. It seems like everyone is doing this now and is a huge exploit. Basically makes lopsided victories for the ones which abuse the bug.


    Is bioware going to do anything about this? Im sure they are, but how bout an official answer?


    Also are the people which are taking advantage of this exploit be dealt with in some way? Im sure some suspensions and or bans while you guys fix this issue would go a long way to preventing others from doing this.




  12. I find this funny as well. "Hey guys come to this thread and well answer your questions!"


    5 days and 2000 questions later, "You guys are lucky! Were going to answer TEN of your questions! But they will be all chosen by us so well never answer any of the crucial ones."

  13. I think parallels is alot of your problem as well. I run TOR thru a bootcamped Win 7. It's really easy to set up, had win 7 up and running in 45 mins.


    My system is a bit higher end i think, but i am running TOR at max settings including shadows an average of about 50 fps. (40 fps in the slower areas, 60 in the faster)



    3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5

    4GB (two 2GB) memory

    1TB hard drive1

    AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB


    Im just curious, but how much did this cost you? Because I have the same setup in windows that I built myself about a year ago, only I OC the i5 to 4.2ghz and only have a 5850ATI and this PC cost me $750 (without monitor of course)

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