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Everything posted by Smailien

  1. As long as I don't see a store icon popping up all over my UI I think I'll be okay with this. Just don't "LOTRO" it up, because LOTRO was incredible until F2P came out, they changed their development directions and that is what made the game suffer. Just keep making the game like you have been please
  2. The price on so many things is WAY too high, and I think Character Perks need to be available to all characters once you buy it. By making it unique to each character, you sort of completely took the "Legacy" out of it didn't you? Nothing should be 1m credits, seriously, that's insane.
  3. I am a Smuggler, just finished Coruscant and I also did not get the Sullustan entry. So not sure what's happening there. I'm still tweaked about the Spaceport not showing up on my map...
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