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    Rolleston, New Zealand
  1. Please start freeing up some of the character names from toons that have not been played in a number of months. I was forced to transfer from the APAC servers and was unable to get most of my character names. Some are obviously active and this I can live with but some are obviously just parked on level 1 or 3 toons. My major gripe as a paying subscriber is why I should be disadvantaged by not being able to get some of my favorite character names which I have had since launch day in favor of a player who is not playing or paying for the game. Come on BW/EA if a player hasn't played or logged in for 6 months or made any attempt to level a character, please free the name up for those of us who want it. After all if someone hasn't played or paid for the last 6 months I feel that they have pretty much lost the right to complain about it. In the guild window you can see the last time a character was logged in. Surely it couldn't be hard to run a report on the system and see the status of all the servers toon's and allow us, especially your paying customers, to petition for the release of a name from the inactive accounts or unused toon's for us to use.
  2. Biochem Crafted Purples. Currently these are only usable if you have the appropriate level of Biochem skill effectively making them usable for your character alone and not really worthwhile for trading. Are there any plans to allow the purple level crafted Biochem items to be used across all your legacy characters to make it a more useful skill to have?
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