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Posts posted by icanhasraegtiem

  1. Because of what it reflects about the game, and how long it'll last.


    It may not be entirely determinative, but as an incidicator, if you don't understand how it doesn't bode well, then you might want to accept that people are concerned rather than dismiss them.


    It's happened in literally *every* MMO ever produced so it's not a relevant indicator of anything. MMOs aren't about leveling anyway. It's a time slice of time on a very long timeling, mostly spent at level cap.

  2. All games runs fine on gtx 580, so why you people mention this all time? It's important to game should play smoothly on low ends to receive more paying customers but now optimalization still sucks. Hope BW will fix it.


    It doesn't run fine. The framerate is fine but everything else is ridiculously poor. I shouldn't have to risk my house catching on fire to play a game that looks 4 years old, lol. I'm just illustrating that even on good systems this game runs very oddly.

  3. Taris ran like total garbage for me. Switching subzones, hitting map or updating objectives would cause 1-3 second freezes. Not a new problem from what I remember.


    (running nvidia)

  4. Well i played beta on a different account than this dec 2011 made one, i pre ordered and entered my code around 2weeks ago...might not seem long but that 60quid ive wasted for what? where is my access is all i want to know...the main site says 15th and people have been recieving access BEFORE that date...so ***?


    Which part of "up to 5 days" is confusing you the most?

  5. Hmm. Well I kind of feel sorry for you then. Having experienced all of the content already and just flying by it to get it done hardly sounds like any kind of fun at all.


    Sorry, most of the side quests aren't that interesting, especially after playing them multiple times. You'll see once you get working on a few alts. :p

  6. That's funny. Don't understand why people want to power level. Relax, calm down and actually enjoy the game. I know its a strange concept.

    The logical mistake you are making is that these people aren't having fun or enjoying the game because it's not what's fun to you.

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