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Posts posted by icanhasraegtiem

  1. Do not tell me you expect all new MMORPGs to have all the content & features of an MMO that's been out 7 years with 3 expansions and undergone tons of pollish.



    There are several common features that are in many MMOs right at launch that are not in this game and were done with 1/10th the budget.

  2. link please?


    Dallas Erickson:

    We have an endgame planet that is very much something you go to after you've completed your class quest. We wanted to make sure we're supporting both the endgame players who are very much into Operations, Flashpoints, and PvP, but also those people who like to play in a more solo way. So there is content on that planet that is specifically for the people who like to play solo. You can play it as a group, but you can have something that is fun to do as a solo player.

    Ilum is the the name of the planet

    Hope this helps.


  3. I'm rather mystified at what the OP expected.

    TOR follows a typical MMO formula. Quest...dungeon....raid (sub PvP in there if that's your thing).


    You rushed to 50 and now you're bored because no one else is 50. Sorry?

    What notable games have extensive end game solo content?


    This game touted solo end game content. OP stated there really isn't any. Whether he ding 50 last week or next month that fact won't change.

  4. Good thing there's a different story for each class. What do you think you should be doing when you rush to level 50 and there's no one to play with?


    10% new content, 90% repetitive side quests. Almost all the quests are open circle with glowie in the middle or hallway with glowie at the end. SIGN ME UP TO DO THAT AGAIN!

  5. Most of the features your saying wow has over this werent even around when wow first launched. Period. this game needs some time to get lfg tools, addons, more battlegrounds (which wow didnt even have at first).


    This is 2011 and the game had at least 5x the budget. It's a bit embarrassing that it lacks common features of much smaller budget games. The "WoW didn't have it" is a terrible defense to anything because the market and expectations were much different.

  6. It reminds me of Southpark with Cartman in his basement leveling up and screeming, "Mom more hot-pockets" or "Mom, bathroom!"


    You say you don't care and then dump a bunch of hate on them. So it will be cool once you're 50 but everyone there ahead of you must be a mouth-breathing neckbeard? K.

  7. I like when people get mad that people they don't know are 50. So what is the exact date where it's officially "OK" to be 50 and not labeled negatively? Let me guess, around the time you do?
  8. Questing 1-50 gives you all the credits you need (over 1.5M) to buy literally everything you need. Level 3 speeder, all crew skills to 400, all inventory slots, etc.


    There is very little value to level a skill before level cap (besides slicing, everyone should take slicing while leveling, it is indeed broken). Slicing is nice but it's not even necessary if you don't want to bother with it. If you are broke, quest more (or pvp or space mission more) and crew skill less until later.

  9. Bioware is not going to fix it, they made this mess themselves.

    Server is full so instead of locking it during launch they let people go in.

    People use macro's again they are not fixing that either.


    Thanks Bioware.


    The hell do you know about what they're working on? In the real world you can't just clap your hands and everything magically gets fixed.

  10. What a mature and well thought out contribution. You truly are a connoisseur in the arts of providing arguments as to why the original poster's issues are completely unreasonable.


    He made no suggestions. He whipped up some fake numbers and stamped his little feet like a toddler. Only thoughtful posts deserve thoughtful responses.

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