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Everything posted by ObiWanJabroni

  1. Feel free to add: Eripio-Powertech-Advanced Prototype Spec Don't mind switching specs based on need, as long as you don't mind the fact I haven't tried the other two.
  2. All due respect, if you find it fun you have the option not to pay for the perk. I've done it 10 times now, enough is enough.
  3. I actually meant legacy wide, even mentioned the character perks page. Not sure why I said account wide. ...Probably because I have so many characters on this one server playing on another isnt an option.
  4. Just like it states...I'd like datacrons to be shared account wide with character perks, being able to be bought with in game money and/or cartel coins.
  5. I want a planking emote. Make it happen BW.
  6. Please tell me there is video somewhere of Ravinder Tebowing. Must. See.
  7. in honor of the elder scrolls online going to beta soon: "...I took a blaster bolt to the knee"- jedi questgiver in the new player area on Tythlon
  8. Well, you can add my new one to the list. Eripio-PT-Advanced Prototype Not fully min maxed yet but I will be in a few days. Then I'll start grinding out my pyro set.
  9. Shout out to Unconquered... Because the Alderaan warzone I landed in with you guys last night made the other 10 PUGS worth it. And a shout out to Kyarra especially, for keeping me alive at mid through a 6-man gang rape. -Eripio
  10. Anyone noticing anything strange with the talent Charged Gauntlets? Its either Proccing late or on the wrong abilities. Last night I popped a Flame Burst and it procced... either that or it procced on the Rocket Punch I used right before the FB, but showed up late on my bar. I also noticed Retractable Blade seems to get me CG on a much more frequent basis than RP.
  11. If they do, I'm starting a power rangers guild. Its the only color missing.
  12. I saw him, and his guild name wasn't bad either. "Imping Ain't Easy" Solid 9/10 I'd say.
  13. Not that I expect my trooper will ever be invited to a ranked match, but I noticed there wasn't a single Commando on the list, and thats just wrong. Pubs- Voltare-Gunnery Commando Knorwig- Seer Sage (the gears a little so-so on this one) Magudir- Combat Sentinel (never really on this guy) Imps- Danté- Concealment Op
  14. Most pve'ers queue up to get the comms for the relics, they could care less about winning. I guess nobody told them you could get them faster if you..i dunno...make an effort to not get beaten like a bangladeshi sweatshop worker?
  15. That picture looks and awful lot like the exotech trooper gear, it thats what you are looking for. When I log in tonight I'll get the name and post it. Got it from a story mode karragas.
  16. One change in addition to the others I've seen mentioned is I'd like to be able to drop mortar volley around myself. As far as I know, every other aoe can be dropped anywhere...I just don't see the point as to why mortar volley has a minimum distance requirement. Its not much, but it would give the other classes something to think about. Can anyone think of another aoe damage ability (aside from the merc mirror) that can't be dropped right on top of your character? I'm generally talking about aoe with the green targeting you place on the ground yourself, not the kind that damages 2 or more people around the player you have targeted.
  17. You are all getting riled up for no reason. Past practice dictates cartel coins or not, there will be nothing to spend them on. The only joy I get from having my flare gun is when I use it....every so often a new guy will ask how I got it. Then I get to send him on a "A Better Bard" type of quest. I'll get my moneys worth, EA be damned. And if you don't know what the better bard is, do a search. One of the most epic videogame trolls of all time.
  18. I don't understand the logic used to determine the destination servers. Fatman and JC were allready active servers, I simply don't see the value of adding more people to them when you could stabilize a few other servers instead, bringing them up to the levels of those two. I'm on Sith Wyrm myself, and frankly I feel a little slighted. Its a good server with good people, probably average in size...but active. We would have benefitted tremendously from transfers as a destination server. Especially on the Republic side. The same goes for alot of other servers out there in the exact same situation as us. Now I'm not one to come onto public forums and complain, and judging by the activity in our server group, the rest of my server isn't as well. So a little blame rests on our shoulders too. I like this game. I like it enough that even though my whole guild went to play The Secret World, I stayed here by myself. The truth is though, I'm starting to get a little aggravated. (Reposted here after my thread got 'organized'.)
  19. What does a few huge servers accomplish for anyone not on those servers? Especially those of us that are apparently too big to be one deemed fit for transfers or too small to be a destination?
  20. Yes but what about all the left over "not so super" servers?
  21. I don't understand the logic used to determine the destination servers. Fatman and JC were allready active servers, I simply don't see the value of adding more people to them when you could stabilize a few other servers instead, bringing them up to the levels of those two. I'm on Sith Wyrm myself, and frankly I feel a little slighted. Its a good server with good people, probably average in size...but active. We would have benefitted tremendously from transfers as a destination server. Especially on the Republic side. The same goes for alot of other servers out there in the exact same situation as us. Now I'm not one to come onto public forums and complain, and judging by the activity in our server group, the rest of my server isn't as well. So a little blame rests on our shoulders too. I like this game. I like it enough that even though my whole guild went to play The Secret World, I stayed here by myself. The truth is though, I'm starting to get a little aggravated.
  22. Csilla, Alpheridies, Mirial, Ryloth, Iridonia, Rattatak, etc. And racial class quests to go along with them. Mandalore, Dagobah, Dantooine, and Kashyyyk would be swell too.
  23. This is what I refer to as the "PIAC tactic." Princess In Another Castle. Its a dirty trick devs have been playing on people for years.
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