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Everything posted by BlueArab

  1. That video was a show of skill of the creator's editing skills. As to the game itself, it showed the lack of any kind of decent Role Playing or Machinima implementation. The gameplay itself was so limited in that video; I have seen more ability in Halo Machinima.
  2. I didn't take the chance to read through the thread, I will go through it at some point. My biggest issue with SWTOR is that, in my opinion, it didn't raise the gaming bar in any way. The majority of elements in the game are MMO commonplace, or WoW commonplace. And wherever it did try something new, it hasn't really had any groundbreaking development. For a game that cost so much to create, and was in works for so many years, I felt like there should have been something more. What that something more is, I don' know, but there is something missing from the game.
  3. That was the best part. I encountered another line this morning, around twenty in the queue - as an aside, don't they realise the orbs have a ten minute timer? - picked out the weakest target, a 15k sorc, and went to town. The whole line went up. It's always fun teasing the line with an AoE as well. You watch them scramble like ants.
  4. See, I'm not one to sit there and gank someone over and over, not my style - I hate it being done to me. But if my group is grabbing orbs, and another group is there, a fight is on. Same way, when we deposit the orbs, if there is a line, a fight is on. I'm not queuing for anything - if my team dies, hey we die. It happens. But targeting the weakest in the line, and watching them all blow up is one of the most satisfying feelings I've felt in this game.
  5. So again, I go back to what I said earlier, if a quest does not specifically say kill x amount of players, then it can't be considered PvP? According to everything you said, you have to be told to kill, and be rewarded, for it to be considered PvP. See, from my perspective, World PvP isn't this way. I like the idea that there is more to the 'world' than just kill these many guys. It's nice to have something like defend/capture a node, collect/deposit energy and other goals like this. It will, inevitably lead to some fighting, or so many would believe. See, from what you said earlier, you can go on at a quiet time and just complete the quests unopposed and call it PvE. Could I then go into a warzone, hide in the corner, and consider it a PvE situation as well? I think you might be to quick to label something, rather than just let it play out. In the same way though, I am calling it World PvP, but it really is just freedom. I complained about people not fighting, but that's just my perspective, they have the freedom to do what they want, the same way I do.
  6. Is there any way we can get a list of all the things you can do that will earn you reputation at the Gree event? I know there are the daily missions you get at the base, but there seems to be people who can get 2-3k on each toon, whereas I'm around 1.5k for completing those quests. I'd like to know what I'm missing. I haven't done the WB yet, but I don't think that would account for the 1-2k difference, would it?
  7. I think you are confusing PvP and what I should have been more specific about, World PvP. The fact that there wasn't anyone there, doesn't automatically make it PvE. It's just that there wasn't anyone there.
  8. What makes them PvE objectives? Is it because it doesn't specifically say that you have to kill other players to complete the mission? I think they were just trying to be creative, rather than the old-fashioned and out-dated, kill this many bad dudes missions. They said, capture the energy and channel it at the main node. This is a FFA area, so clearly when completing the objective, and there is an opposition in the way, you would think that the natural instinct would be to fight. After all, you are a heavily armed soldier, you aren't in the Peace Corps. Why anyone would stand there and wait, knowing full well that it only takes one person to ruin it for everyone. That shows weakness to me. The best defense is a good offense. I'd be in there guns blazing, trying to pit other teams against each other, finding that quick spot to get someone in group to channel the node. My group have done that two days in a row now, takes us around twenty minutes to finish that quest, it is the most fun I've had in PvP on that game. We die a fair few times as well, but hey, who cares? That's all part of the game.
  9. See, this happened to me many times. Didn't stop me from repeating it though. See that's the thing about games, you can die as many times as you like, and keep coming back. I'd rather die playing some PvP, then standing in line. But that's fine, stay close to the herd, don't stray.
  10. See, this is where I'm torn. People will say stop forcing players to play your way. But honestly, some people want such a peaceful game. Even more so, you are on a server designed to encourage this style of play. On an RP server, yeah, I am ruining your immersion. But on a PvP server, Hell, I'm looking for a fight. I see working together, as getting your group of four, and achieving the missions.
  11. Ah, fair enough. I watched the video, looked like an awesome event.
  12. So unless it says kill x amount of players, it is not a PvP goal?
  13. Do you still do the events? I didn't know about them back then, would be fun to get along to. Edit: Oh and it doesn't upset me. I was just trying to be a little dramatic to get a bigger response.
  14. I did get into it, it only takes second to press the screen capture. I posted here, because I was curious to see what other players thought of it. It looks pretty split to me. I said those other two didn't belong, because they offered absolutely zero to the thread, other than 'delete it', basically. If that is so, there are a ton of threads that should never have existed. Yet a ton of people reply to those same threads. It just discussion/debate, nothing to get upset about.
  15. I always thought of them as a way to escape the reality of the real world. A fantasy. If my boss gives ten of us some work to do. I don't wait at his door, and murder the other nine as they go to hand it in.
  16. It's not that I'm upset about not playing 'my way', it is designated a PvP zone. So that is what I would like to see. Part of the blame lies with BW for not giving us specific PvP objectives, like kill x amount of players. But then again, like an earlier post said, is capturing a node in a PvP zone not enough of a PvP objective? I guess some just need to be hit over the head with it.
  17. You are reading a little deeply there, don't you think? You don't need to be mentally ill to play the way I do. See you are not playing as the game was intended. The same way a raid can find an exploit on a boss, this is just another way of exploiting the game to complete objectives. For me, it's fun to kill other players. Call me crazy. And no, I don't have all day either, usually around three hours a day, if I play, and I still got those quests done. They really don't take that long.
  18. I think it is FFA because the instances can only handle around 60-70 players, from what I've been seeing. It would be pretty hard to have even half those players in the same area at any given time for some solid PvP. I like this way, you have your team of four, and pick and choose your battles, you have to play smart. Again, I would have liked some PvP quests, but I will still OPvP, regardless.
  19. I don't mind mixing in the PvE objectives, but would have additionally like to see some bonus quest, like kill 15 opposing players. Grants you a small reward. That would have been fine by me.
  20. I think that poster was being sarcastic. But what you are saying is right.
  21. So then don't participate in the event. You won't be missing out on any gear upgrades, only cosmetics. If I want Dread Guard gear, I have to do PvE. If I want Cartel gear, I have to buy coins. If I want Gree gear, I have to PvP in this event.
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