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Everything posted by DarthMetalJoey

  1. look at the most recent trailer for the season finale of rebels look at the columns behind ezra.. if you look real close you can see the symbol of the star forge on them im really hoping the holocron they find belongs to revan
  2. i feel your pain i have a destroyer armor set box that i havent used yet cause im unsure which of my 4 sith i want to give it to so dumb that it cant be unlocked in collections those mods are worthless anyway bioware should remove the mods and make those sets unlockable :]
  3. i liked the newer voice for revan ''ghost revan'' really want more of that :'[ the old voice belongs to another complete B/A-Mofo kyle katarn
  4. i really want revan to return he is my favorite and idc nothing will ever change that cant wait for his black series 6inch figure thats coming out !!! maybe ghost revan will enter our mind and he will be the angel on our shoulder while vitiate/valkorion is the devil? lmfao idk but i always wanted ghost revan around as our characters mentor turning us against vitiate regardless of alignment or faction never wanted to fight him or hk47 :[ but whats done is done BRING BACK GHOST REVAN! he could be all yo bro go do this quest and i'll be all alrigth bro brb! or go recruit some remnant revanite forces for the alliance oh speaking of that REMNANT REVANITE ARMOR IN ALLIANCE CRATES PLEASE!!!! beurheurheur ily swtor <3 :]
  5. Hi! since there is no more dailies on makeb or ilum ( the old dailies got turned into one time quests) could you guys maybe take makeb and ilum off the daily transport terminal and add rishi and ziost? or just add those two anyway? Bye!
  6. i hit play and then it closed it self... tried again and avast stopped it saying i had to add an exclusion i did that tried again and now im in game but it loaded a bit slow
  7. tried logging in at 2pm est now 6:20 est and able to login! yayyayayayayayayayayayayayay
  8. i would love remnant revanite gear hope they do it!!!! also oriconian/dreadforged would be sick!! rakata too!!! on cm they put rakata marauder version http://swtorhumanrelations.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/marauder-columi-gear.png and assassin version https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y12rRZkUY8Q/maxresdefault.jpg if they did remnant rakata they could do the jugg and sorc version instead http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/06/rakata-war-leader/rakatawarleaderempirefrontcloseup.jpg http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/39/765/si_forcemystic.jpg i like the jugg and sorc helms way more <3333
  9. Revan has only ''died'' once...... the past ones were metaphorical not literal
  10. i love my non force users they are fun to play but this story FOR ME just does not work as a non force user i just spacebar through it on them lol
  11. If scourge comes back and we get the option to kill him the dialogue should be. FOR THE EXILE!!!!! YOU B ASTARD!!!
  12. I would LOVE if kotor 1 got a current gen remake that would be amazing! ive been a sub to this game since launch i love it to death and still having loads of fun but they screwed revan and the exile and etc beyond that i really no complaints with the story kotor 3 i do NOT want... unless it has revan and the exile in it as the heroes or villains deplaying on your playthroughs of the first two games ... otherwise no thanks just like that legacy of kain game that was going to come out that had nothing to do with kain or raziel... yeah no.. thank god that got cut xD
  13. yeah here it is http://imgur.com/fOwys9K also there is a mobile game which is considered canon and its called starwars galaxy of heroes hk47 is in it making him canon!!! http://imgur.com/cVqSZx8 the fan choice poll where revan won over movie and rebels characters so we got a revan figure being made this is what it will look like http://www.outerplaces.com/images/user_upload/revan%20hasbro.JPG i hope it does mean this stuff is getting made into canon.... if in the new starwars trilogy if they end up on rakata prime all it would take is a statue of revan in the background xD
  14. since hes not canon and all that it would be cool if you guys could put that sith stalker armor in game or something that looks really close to it!!! heck almost all the outfits from force unleashed would be cool :] beuheruehuher <3
  15. not the first set i hate it so much cause of the shoulderpads revan reborn but without the battle scars on it would be so cool and better for watching cutscenes IMO we have Revans armor Revan reborn if they did release it without it being all battle scarred and no red light in visor they could call it darth revans armor we got a bunch of reskins already so why not!! i was just thinking that the model for the reborn set was probably not torn up before they went in and started adding all that detail to it hopefully they release it sometime.. i give you much credits bioware!! lol
  16. hi i was just curious if maybe one day you would consider making the revan reborn set again but not all torn up? maybe put it straight on the market? the same way there is a clean and a torn up version of the triumvirate armor? that would be really awesome imo! oh and no red light in the visor!! <3
  17. /signed also good idea :] and also add rakata, oriconian and revanite sets
  18. hopefully they fix him by giving him the same abilities hk-55 has for tanking
  19. i have him currently at influence 21 and he cant hold aggro on a single elite guy my pierce 11 influence and as a tank he holds all the aggro!! please fix hk-55 tanked better ;o
  20. I am also hoping revan shows up later during kotfe story he said there was much to be done.... so yeah ghost revan was what i wanted from the start ...never to fight revan revan shouda died in novel then come to our characters in swtor no matter alignment or faction and try to turn us against the emperor hopefully ghost revan will appear and tell us to go find and recruit remnants of the revanite army that can help us with the alliance thing..
  21. good call ^^ add that too please bioware :]
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