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Everything posted by CalvinDu

  1. Well I'm sorry if I came off the wrong foot with this thread and subsequent posts, honestly. I'm gonna go back and play the game now and enjoy it for what it is. Agreed
  2. You completely forgot why I even mentioned the graphics in the first place. I said it was one example of several fronts that I was disappointed. Fanboys need to chill out honestly.
  3. Should I write "In my opinion" on everything I post? It should be a given since we're discussing this on the internet that EVERYTHING is my opinion, especially when I create my own topic. How reduntant would it be if we all wrote "In my opinion" at the start of EVERYTHING I say? Please, again, stop derailing my topic.
  4. I absolutely agree. I think a lot of people here have the misconception that criticising a certain aspect of the game means I am not okay with the final product.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=175553&highlight=textures Are you new to this forum? Despite joining in 2009?
  6. They lowered the graphics quality just prior to release the visual quality was higher in beta.. ... I really don't get some of you sometimes.
  7. The game where it was confirmed that the quality of the graphics aren't the same as advertised, by the devs themselves?
  8. Do you even know what the topic of this thread is about? Comparing the release of the 2nd Star War trilogy to this game, what was wrong with the 'The Phantom Menace' to many of it's critics? Tell me. Because all I can think of.. people were expecting more. Stop trying to derail my topic please and thank you.
  9. Then we are obviously not playing the same game.
  10. When I say that, it's more of an idea for me to push into the reader's head. It's the concept of every discussion when discussing the prequel movies.. you were expecting more. The fact that I'm comparing the release of the 'The Phantom Menace' to this game, what was wrong with that statement?
  11. I do agree, it's okay for me for what it is. Just no where near what I expected.. Case in point.. like when The Phantom Menace came out.(A kid's movie;))
  12. This will be my quickest reply ever, there are many things but I think the easiest for you to find out for yourself right now since you're already on this site.. Check the gameplay trailers/gameplay pictures. Do they have the same texture/graphical shadow quality of the game we currently have? No. Just one example.
  13. This game.. did not deliver in several fronts, as advertised. How can you deny that? I did do quite a lot of research, I must have missed something? It's like saying I did not do enough research.. coming into the prequel movies.
  14. Yet, people have posted their opinion that they disagree with me. This game lived up to their own hype. I respected that. I also respect(Hmm, probably not in my head but..) the people who found the Phantom Menace to be good too. You can post that you disagree with me and state your opinion why, the whole point of this thread was to see if other people agreed with me, or if they don't. It's not hard to understand.
  15. It's not a bash of the game. I enjoy the game for the most part. My topic is about my hype and to see if anyone else shares the same feeling. Can we not have a discussion about this?
  16. Just goes to show.. there are hours worth of negativity to talk about in just 1 of the prequel movies.
  17. A long time ago.. There was a time when the Star Wars trademark/logo meant quality. Then came a long Jar Jar Binks + Starwars related EA games.
  18. I don't even want to describe to you what is wrong with the prequels, so I'll let this man do it: http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/
  19. First of all, I never said it was a total and utter failure. Everyone has their views on the release of The Phantom Menace. Second, there are just so many things I'd do differently with this game, I don't even want to name it all. And I'd hate for this thread to get locked because it turns into a suggestion thread. Can we all sit in awe and discuss how we the hype of the prequels and the eventual release, can be related to this game's release? I mean come on, admit it. You were expecting more.
  20. The release of The Phantom Menace. The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this. Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected. The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more. Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not? Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.
  21. I never even noticed that it's the same voice actor who does Snake's voice.. This game just went up in awesomeness in my book
  22. Bump.. and serious question. Should I watch the 2008 Clone Wars film before watching the TV series? Just finished watching episode 1 Season 1, was okay. But I started episode 2.. a few seconds in and I'm starting to think I may want some backdrop that the film might provide. Opinions?
  23. I'm level 32 and I've noticed Kira is has better stats than me too, lol I'd be interested to know why
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