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Everything posted by Evasmi

  1. I think an example of this is during chapter 9 with Koth EDIT: I don't remember if this is true or not so I could be wrong here.
  2. In my story I think it would be funny if Lana decides to introduce the JK to their son, and learns that Lord Scourge is looking after him even after he said to Scourge "Stay away from my kids!" at the end of chapter 3
  3. This reminds me of a fan-fic idea I've had with Lana Beniko and my JK and SW. Basically in the two seprate stories each character sleeps with Lana on Rishi leaving her pregnant. As a result the tension between Lana and the JK/SW is palpable during Ziost as Lana is not sure if she should tell JK/SW about the child they have. This is where the two stories split. After Ziost Lana admits to the SW that she is pregnant. The two decide to get married but have the whole "Vitiate is still out there" thing hanging over them. The SW then leaves Lana behind to answer Darth Marr and KotFE happens. During thee water searching scene Lana is able to tell the SW about their son whose name I haven't felt like coming up with... For the JK since Lana has no interaction with him after Ziost, the whole "Hey we had a baby!" conversation happens in the swamp gathering water. Although it does add tension during the escape, especially the elevator scene as it is clearly bothering Lana.
  4. Hmmm... I seem to recall getting Kallig's maks on my post-4.0 inquisitor...
  5. My Knight was able to remark on the fate of his companions with the Ithorian Jedi who you talk to during the Alderaan star fortress mission. I can't remember what the line was exactly but it was along the line of "What happened to Kira? I can't sense her." This makes me think that the old companions may be in some kind of trouble while fighting the Eternal Empire. They might even be held captive by Arcaan.
  6. It really depends on how many members of the order subscribe to the "He/she is a Sith pureblood. They can't possibly follow the light" school of thought. I recommend playing the Jedi Knight for the following reason:
  7. I didn't really have too much of a problem with the Nadia romance but I always chose the option to have her take it slow after her father is killed as opposed to jumping right into bed. She is definitely immature but I don't find it all that creepy when I take that route.
  8. Based upon the idea that Kaliyo has supposedly gone rogue and is just blowing stuff up for fun I want the option for my agent to just put a blaster bolt between her eyes as soon as he sees her. He never liked her to begin with.
  9. Heard a rumor that may affect my re-rolled toons: Am currently re-rolling a JK and a JC who will stay loyal to their respective romances.
  10. I chuckle a bit when my BT1 JC kisses Lana in SoR and he suddenly becomes a little bit taller.
  11. Are you clicking on the ship's holoterminal or the mission terminal? It should have a quest icon above it.
  12. I chuckled a bit when confronted by the two Knights of Zakuul when being rescued and pointing out the flaw of their logic in saying "You killed our immortal emperor!".
  13. Hmmm, my SW romanced Vette but cheated with Lana. He got a letter from Vette but nothing from Lana. I suppose the latter could be made up for by the fact that she got him out of popsicle mode though.
  14. In other MMOs I play my headcannon is that the other classes that I make as alts make up the party for my main. Of course this doesn't really apply well to SWTOR as each class has its own story with only a few references for overlap. Although in the expansions the stories all converge so this is still possible for me. The legacy system lets me make my characters related i.e. my trooper, consular, and knight are all brothers and the smuggler is a cousin. I haven't really felt the need to apply this to my Imperial characters though.
  15. Maybe my knight will just let Lana and Kira fight over him...
  16. Only one of my characters I can say for sure is going to dump their original LI and that is my male LS Inquisitor. Never really liked Ashara and mostly romanced her as a good LS option. Not sure if my headcannon will simply retcon their romance or say that my SI didn't like her wanting to get the Jedi Council's permission to marry. I'm really conflicted about my Knight though. I liked Kira but I also liked the appeal of a possible romance with a LS character and Lana Beniko. Of course that might be a moot point considering that the last time my knight saw Lana he did something she didn't like... Haven't completed SoR with any of the other characters though. My male smuggler married Risha but just flirts with everything that has compatible anatomy. He may ultimately just end up staying with Risha though as he didn't like the idea of losing her.
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