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Everything posted by DeathDealKill

  1. I like what BW is doing! Will this and other great features make it into the game at some point?? Sure but not on your watch. They are getting the classless and nerd rage kids to leave the game! Great move BW.. I'll keep my subscription going now!!
  2. Would you rather them release it in it's garbage state? OR would you rather them make sure it's as epic as it should be? It will be in the game and they just want to make sure it's done right. I and others have no problem with that. Edit for.. CAn I have your stuff?????
  3. I am sorry for your troubles but that is part of the MMO world. No one likes it and others may think well someone has done it to me so I'm going to do it to them.. Which is the wrong attitude to take. Just wait for the respawn =/
  4. The restriction of having color crystals was put in like 2 weeks before the end of beta. I was pissed about it! I am one that welcomes the change back to it's original form. gg bioware!
  5. Seems it's the younger crowd that is leaving this game as they speed level and then say the game is boring. To me that's a good thing. One less crying on these forums about how OP a class is or how broke something is when it's not. Think I've found the M.M.O. I've been longing for. Whats your thoughts?
  6. Lay off the cat. Go find something else to talk about. How about talking to yourself?
  7. He would gank everyone and then Tea Bag us all.. screaming "THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE"
  8. I was walking next to a sith jug and BAM!! I took an arrow to the knee!
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