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  1. you have 10 sec's to use it, the cd between procs is 6 sec's.
  2. calculated pursuit, sniper volley is not far behind. also snipe is one of our worst abilities from and energy/damage standpoint, it gets 6 percent damage increase and 4 percent more crit chance and its still weaker/uses more energy, many times both, than ambush, EP, SoS, FT, and TD. the thing is it's the main gateway move to FT, and combined with laze, snap shot, and reactive shot means you want to use it, just never more than you have to.
  3. you're a sniper? if so there is only 1 sniper rifle so you have to pick that, unless you want a normal rifle that will have inferior damage. hopefully it doesnt look like the centurion one, which is fugly; for you swg'ers out there it's like a jinkins lite.
  4. like most people say it depends on what you're doing/fighting, but lets say I was fighting something with high health that I could pound on uninterupted like some elite or boss creature. laze target > enter cover > shatter shot > snipe(snap shot) > followthrough > explosive probe > ambush(reactive shot) > followthrough > SoS > rapid fire > SoS > SoS > filler(untill below 30%) >takedown > filler(untill TD is ready again) > repeat last 2 filler for me is usually exit and re-enter cover for another snap shot > followthrough combo (as well as ballistic dampers refresh) and then go from there depending on what is on cd. I put explosive probe in there becuase after followthrough (1.5 gcd) and the reactive 1.5 sec ambush, thats still 3 secs before you can use followthrough again. and since it has to be used within 4 secs of snipe/ambush, with no move between them it's 3 secs you sit there doing nothing other then spam followthrough untill it fires. it may not be the most effecient move but it's elemental dmg means it's all but guarenteed to hit for 1.6k minimum, and with snipers nest, energy tanks, and how synergistic mm rotations become as in my rotation, energy management almost becomes a non issue.
  5. so the crystal alloy or whatever, thats not from diplomacy? thats really annoying. ive been sinking money into it since I hit 400 and got the schems, but now I have to wait for the rest of my guild to hit 50, ugh.
  6. All I can say is once I got vector, I never looked back at kaliyo. His damage and abilities are much better, and compared to kaliyo terrible tank-ness, he can take a respectable amount of damage for a dps. There is honestly no situation I need kaliyo for that vector cant do better. With kaliyo she would be at least half dead after every fight so she needed to be healed, it's better to turn her guard stance off so EVERY enemy doesnt focus her (vector does this better though because her damage is still crap). with vector we burn through trash mobs (read: non elites) and thus we surprisingly take less combined damage because they all die so quick. this also means less down time, I only had to use my ooc heal every 3 or 4th fight depending how how annoying the enemies were. He is still my prefered companion for killing elites as well. once you get doc lokin I tend to prefer him for normal questing for the moment. fights go noticeably slower than with vector, but he heals like a boss and we are usually both at near full health by the end of every skirmish. what this means is no downtime between skirmishes, which is amazing. I didnt have to use my ooc heal for nearly the entire taris bonus line, it was so much smoother if not a bit slower. just make sure to keep all the aggro off him and dont use the rakghoul form as neato as it is. I would reccomend going back to vector for elites though, as d-lok cant out heal their damage good enough and you usually wont kill them fast enough by yourself. so my advice is try giving one of the other companions a try, they are all pretty much better than kaliyo, although if you havent been using them they might be undergeared, (lokin especially right after you get him).
  7. indeed, the difference was tangible right away. if I may ask you fent, I need 2 points for t6. pillbox sniper or the rest of marksmanship at the bottom? for along time ive been meaning to go pillbox cause the entrench cd sounds good for pvp, but the more I level the more my snipe and takedown (and a lesser extent my other abilites) seem to miss. would the measly 2 percent be worth it?
  8. So it's there, you just back for it a few planets later? Interesting, but at least I didnt miss it. Thanks for the answers.
  9. I did the balmorra one, didnt get one on shaddaa, but then got one on tat. did I miss it? I'm an empire player and I did everything on the planet -heroic missions. It seems like they put them in places that are impossible to miss but I never found it anywhere. help appreciated.
  10. well a lot of times there is a balnced option and I take that but if it's one or the other I take cunning.
  11. alright, I was thinking that might be it, it's just I felt by now I would have had higher access but I guess not. back to farming dip mission with the hopes of getting my first alien blood sample
  12. I'm a lvl 23 sniper with 60 diplomacy stuck in the first tier. Sure there isnt something i'm missing?
  13. my diplomacy is around 60 as well, and I have gotten a grand total of 0 alien blood samples. something cant be right here. also if I may ask, do we not get higher tier dip missions untill a later level or am I missing something cause I feel like I should at least be able to select t2 by now.
  14. got my email 12-13-11. part of me was hoping I wouldnt get in this early because I have finals this week lol. guess my grades are going to suffer, I blame you bioware.
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