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Posts posted by jontyld


    I don't like the sith inquisitor (jedi whatever) and I have no interest at all in playing one BUT a couple of their abilities are cool. Why the **** should I be forced to play a class I have no interest in just to get abilities to use with classes I am interested in??

    Also I'd love to play Twi'lek but that means being forced to play SI or rep side without my guild and friends just to be able to unlock Twi'lek as a race for a class I do want to play


    Did you really just ask why you should have to play a class to receive the reward for having played that class?

  2. I have received great help from GMs when I've experienced real problems. Bugs that arent listed on the list of common bugs you're supposed to check before calling a GM, and reporting players I've got responses in a few hours.


    Sure for common problems, like when the game at a bunch of crafting mats I wanted replaced, I got put into the back of the line and it took forever.

  3. Seems a little early for free access weekends and what not. Good marketing? Maybe. Again, seems awfully soon since the game was recently launched.


    I wouldn't call it too soon. theres no cost aside from the advertising, and the best way to get buzz is to actually put the game in someone's hands. I'll agree that its pretty uncommon to see an MMO thats doing well do this kinda thing, but other products do this all the time.

  4. Ok, just wanted to make sure I understood this perfectly now, and I didn't want to essentially re-post the same thread.


    I just read the guild summit blog, and as I understand it, unlocking a race that you get to 50 isn't limited to the first race -each race that you get to 50 will unlock it for all classes.


    Am I understanding that correctly?


    Sorry, I'm not usually slow on the uptake, but I just want to make sure I have every point of this clear before I go rushing a Chiss to 50 when I don't need to.


    its each race. Everytime you get a race to 50 that you had not got to 50 before, you will flag your account as having done so. if you;ve flagged a race by leveling to 50 (or paying the cost which i remember as being 1.5 mil, or 4-5 days of level 50 dailys), you can roll any class using that race, or if human you will receive a pressence bonus, or if cyborg you will have increased options.


    The whole system is much more simple than people are making it. but there isnt a single source detailing them all yet.

  5. The only way this becomes an actual problem, is if encounters are designed with players having 8 augments on their gear. if the next ops is tuned around people having columi/rakata gear, and you have someone with that gear stripped and placed into oranges with augment slots, its no biggie. it may even let someone still using crafted gear with augments and tionese bridge the gap a bit. What would not be cool is if you needed full rakata and 8 augments in order to beat enrage timers. Anything else though is just stat padding
  6. Where I live apartment complexes will put big signs out on the road advertising a free months rent with any referral.


    Giving away a free month of rent is a bit more appealing once you've just locked in a contract worth 12x as much.


    I don't feel sending an email to 3 people is worth anything. Maybe if all 3 people went ahead and signed up for a few months, it'd be worth a 1 month kickback or more commonly now, an in game item.

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