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Posts posted by jontyld

  1. The game is story focused, if I'm supposed to break into some base and kill a jedi master, I'd like to do that, not run past a pile of corpses and wait my turn on the spawn. I feel the game reached a happy medium in terms of open world stuff for generic quests, and instanced areas for the specific stuff.
  2. If you want to make the most out of the legacy system, Play one guy to 50, max out your legacy level, level alts with the perks.


    If you want to make the most out of the game, enjoy playing it. so maybe you missed out on something potential, if its really that important you can reroll. I'm about to hit my 3rd 50, and I did so after realizing that I could screw around on my first 50 waiting for legacy to come out, or go back to having fun playing the game.


    As far as some of the stuff that he hinted at, who knows. nobody outside of bioware until they announce the thing. Items don't have to mean gear, they could end up being bind on legacy reusable mounts, spaceship parts, consumables.

  3. Yeah, jedi aren't supposed to get attached, so it seems reasonable that you'd get dark side points for straying from the path.. Even so, its not like you're going to end up with sith corruption or anything, its a few points you can make back up in Eseless later. And thats only if you care about LS5, which really isnt needed for anything anymore
  4. I'm trying to look at it realistically. I figure it'll be a bunch of passive bonuses , some new races were mentioned, things like that. so I'm not going to ask for cutscenes where all my characters stand around or whatever. What I do want, (and don't think is asking for too much) is shared/BOA commendations. I think being able to pool all my previous hoth commendations and buy a gun barrel upgrade early is a non-game breaking perk to leveling alts.
  5. Wow, I seriously can't even keep up with this thread :eek:


    I will say this, though...nothing we say/do here is going to change the way people play in the game now. The only way things will change is if BW makes a change with the system. Until then, we're all going to be frustrated and angry with each other and the community is never going to get any friendlier.


    We need BW to realize there is an issue and it's causing a lot of grief in the game when two people have opposite opinions over how the system should be used.


    I don't want this at all. The loot system as it is now is the easiest and most effecient way to distribute loot among group members. The entire issue is how loot should be distributed, with one side prioritizing their played character, and others who place equal emphasis on looks/mods/companion gear. And thankfully outside of this thread, its actually a very small issue. in fact in 2 characters to 50 and one more on the way I've never seen it come up.

  6. I don't assume anything, it does work that way. Your group kills a boss, one or more items drop. You ALL have the same options. You all have the same chances to hit need/greed/pass. Beyond that it's choice, opinion, morals, whatever you wish. But that IS the system in place. And I still need to put this into notepad so I can paste it at will. I do not roll need on everything. I haven't even rolled need once in any group i've been in in this game. I look at the other contenders to see if they benefit more. And i've also stated this before, that view of mine doesn't prevent me from accepting the system for what it is.


    I would argue that before the boss is killed everyone has the same entitlement. But when the boss dies and does an internal roll to see what loot drops, thats when in my opinion one should at least defer to the member(s) of the group whose primary stat and armor type align with that piece of gear.


    People can do whatever they want, be that need on any item they feel they have the right to, or kick someone out of the group who needed on whatever they felt they had the right to. I would suggest that everyone try and group with people who agree on that kinda thing, and I feel the everyone has 1/4 claim to all loot people are in the minority and should probably go ahead and make their intentions clear at the start.

  7. Do I need to give a statistics class here? Fine.


    Sample selection is one of the most critical tasks in the proper application of statistical modeling. It must be properly random and free of bias, or any attempt to extrapolate the state of the group at large will be invalid.


    There are a great many things which can corrupt a sample: self-selection (i.e. asking for volunteers) is a prime one. Sample restriction (i.e. selecting your sample from a smaller sample, rather than the whole group) is another. Pretty much at the top of the list is laying out a honeypot to draw people in, followed right behind an environment with coercive intimidation.


    Guess what? Your thread count has all of them. You're looking at a sample drawn from an already tiny subsample (the forum), which used an emotional honeypot to draw people in (thread title) where people were bombarded with intimidation and coercion for disagreeing with your side (blacklist threats, give me your server/character name, insults and name-calling) and then counted only people who chose to respond.


    In short, you'd get laughed out of the first week of an undergrad stats class with something like that. I'm sure it makes you feel better to spend all that time counting people who agree with you and think it means something (that's called confirmation bias) but in the grand view of analyzing the broader community, it's not just meaningless, it's outright lies and propaganda.


    and all of this is meaningless. He attempted to analyze data from an existing source, he did not attempt to take a random sample for the purposes of an experiment. All that can and should be taken from that data is that out of people who felt the need to express an opinion on this topic on this forum, X were on one side, and Y were on the other.

  8. Can someone explain what 'need' does over 'greed'? I clicked on greed yesterday (as did my grpmate) when grouped with someone in an instance and the system duelly rolled on each item (I didn't win a single roll lol, but whatever).


    But if I clicked on 'need' would I have automatically got the item? What if we both did? Then the system makes a roll for each of us and whoever gets the highest roll wins? (Much like greed I thought).


    Just trying to get my head around this very touchy subject!


    If 1 or more people pick need they roll, winner gets the item. If nobody picks need, everyone who picks greed rolls and winner gets the item.

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